13 • date to prom

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I walked the halls of my school, lockers slamming left and right and the word "prom" echoing in every conversation that she seemed to pass by. It was a constant reminder that prom would be just longing for Tom to dance with me all night.

"Hey, Y/n," Noah greeted, startling me.



"I need to get to my locker," I motioned at the end of the hallway.

Noah nodded his head with a smile, running his hand through his brown hair. "I'll get in line for lunch, just come up and cut when you get there."

"Alright, thanks."

With that I continued to walk to the far side of the hallway where my locker was, sitting next to Noah's locker, probably filled with unfinished homework.

"Hey Y/n!" a soft voice greeted me.

"Dove, hey."

"So, did you find a date yet?" She asked leaning on the opened door of my locker as she switched out her books for her afternoon classes.

I shook my head. "No..."

"Well there's always, Dylan."

I closed the door of my locker meeting Dove's eye. "He asked but I said no."

Dove's mouth hung open at that statement.

Dylan was the most popular guy in our high school. He was technically in our group but he regularly favoured the jocks to hang out at with. He had parties at least once a month, which is what made him so popular. Of course he had some flaws like not understanding feminism, and talking about the amount of girls he fucked over the summer.

"Why would you say no?"

I just shrugged, pulling my backpack on and walking with Dove towards the cafeteria. "I don't know, it just wouldn't have felt right."

"Why don't you ask Tyler? I don't think he has a date, yet."

"I—I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because it's Tyler, he's like a brother to me," I replied. "Have you got a date yet?

"I think I might go with Noah."

We both walked into the cafeteria and looked around for Tyler and the rest of the crew while I looked on the other side at the line for Noah. "I'll see you at the table?"

"Sure, save us a spot."


I walked to my left and approached Noah who was talking about something. Dylan noticed me coming first and waved at me, while his other hand nudged Noah who immediately stopped talking. It was pretty obvious that they were talking about me.

"Hey guys," I greeted them slipping in line with them, noticing how the line went around the corner. "What's up?"

"Nothing much," my brother replied shrugging. "How was your morning?"

I'd had creative writing and drama so it was pretty good, I hadn't had fifth period Math yet though, so my day was pretty boring.

"It was okay," I replied sighing. "You?"

"Yeah it was good," Noah replied softly with a smile, taking his tray and letting his friends follow his lead through the lunch line and to the tables where Tyler, Dove and the twins were sat, waiting for us.

"So, Y/n, did you decide yet?"

My eyes widened as I took a bite of my sandwich, I kicked Dove underneath the table.

"Figure what out?" Noah asked.

"I—Dove just... whatever I don't even care."

"Y/n doesn't have a date yet to prom," Dove said.

"Why do I need a date?" I questioned. I didn't exactly want a date to prom, being with Tom and all. I was happy to hang with my friends and meet up with him after.

"Have you even got a dress yet?" Dove asked.

"She hasn't, I even offered to go with her," Noah answered for me.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever fuck you guys," I said laughing, leaving the table and my lunch.

As I walked away I could hear they calls. "Fuck you too!" Noah's voice shouted across the cafeteria.

I let out a laugh.

It was instinct to go straight to Tom's room. Up one set of stairs, into the Math corridor and the second right I found myself in his room.

"Miss Y/l/n," I heard.

Tom was with another student, one of the girls at the back of the class of my Math. She was the girl that also had been having an on again off again relationship with Dylan O'Brien.

"Hi, sorry sir, I can come back later."

"No that's okay—"

"Thanks," the girl said butting into Tom.

Tom stood up and stood his ground, "she was just leaving, don't worry."

"Oh okay, bye Mr. Hiddleston," she waved, giving him a smile on her way out.

"Can you close the door on your way out?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes and closed the door.

Tom let out a laugh. "Are you seriously jealous?"

"Yeah sure," I lied.

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