3 • The new neighbour

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After school...

We all went to Dylan's house after school, so me and Noah were a few hours late home, but my parents never minded, they're always working now anyways.

"I think I'm going to go for a walk to the forest down the street, I'll be back in a bit, I've got my phone so if you need anything text me." I said as me and Noah got out of my car. He nodded and smiled, going into the house.

When I finally got off our property, I thought about which way to go. I always go right for school so maybe I should adventure and go left instead. And that's exactly what I did.

I only passed a few houses when I saw bright lights making me look towards the street to see what it was. But that was the worst idea I could've done, as the thing just came straight for me. I couldn't move because the car was so close so I clenched my entire body and squeezed my eyes shut.

Thankfully I heard a loud screech and the engine stopping, followed by the car door opening very quickly. "I'm so so sorry my lights must have been way too bright, are you okay???" The man questioned.

I opened my eyes and to my surprise I saw what looked to be my maths teacher. "Mr. Hiddleston?" I said his name just to make sure.

"Y/n, are you okay?? Did I hit you??" He questioned, extremely worried.

"Don't worry your car didn't touch me." I chuckled.

"Jesus." He breathed out "I thought I'd killed you." He sat on his car bonnet and a hand on his face, resting his elbow on the other arm that was wrapped around his body.

"I'm okay Mr. Hiddleston." I gave a genuine smile, putting a hand on his arm to comfort him.

"Please, our of work call me Tom." He chuckled, taking his hand away from his face.

"Okay... Tom" I felt awkward thinking about it, but as soon as it came out it sounded natural. "Ohh the wood. You moved near the wood." I realised, remembering when he was cut off with the bell.

"Yeah, wow I cant believe you remember that." He chuckled. "I've been around for a couple of weeks, how come I haven't seen you yet?"

"Oh well I don't really go on walks that much."

"No kidding." He joked, referring to me nearly getting hit.

"Wow thanks." I said sarcastically and we laughed together.

"I usually just go over to my friends and do stuff, but I probably need a good walk or two. Anyway welcome to the neighbourhood and  it was good to see you Tom." I smiled.

"Do you want any company?" He asked.

I literally wanted to say yes so fucking much it pained me to stop my self, I just needed sometime alone, but hopefully he'll accompany me next time.

"Another day, but maybe next time don't run me over." I joked, making his smile grow, but I wasn't sure if it was I said maybe or the joke.

"Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow." He said.

"Oh yeah, okay...." My face dropped slightly, thinking about this whole situation, I looked at my feet in awkwardness. "Bye then." I looked back up to his face with a smile on it. Did he realise my mood change? I can't hide anything can I?? Ugh. Wait... can he tell that I'm flirting... I could feel my cheeks getting hotter and redder.

"Have a good day. And try not to get run over again." He chuckled, making me laugh.

"Bye Tom." I waved and he smiled as I walked away, relieved that my last Bye wasn't awkward, but also questioning life one again for embarrassing my self as always.

[sorry this chapters short I juts needed this to happened and I'm not completely sure what could happen next so while I decide I may as well just post this]

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