16 • sick

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As I entered the door into my third period math I stopped noticing Tom had been replaced with a quite beautiful woman with golden hair and a body that I wished I had.

It wasn't long before Noah behind me rammed into me from behind. "Noahhh," I groaned.

I sat down, confused. "Where's sir?" I asked Noah I front of me.

He just shook his head.

After about half an hour of Mathematics I was bored out of my mind, she'd giving us a simple sheet to study, calculus one of my favourite math subjects.

"Do you know when Mr. Hiddleston is going to be back?"

"I don't know, sorry hun," she said condescendingly.

The lesson had been completely different to Tom's teaching style, all participating, which is something I hated, even thinking about putting up my hand gave me chills. The only reason I would occasionally speak up was because of Tom's welcoming and accepting nature.

I excused myself from class and went to the toilet.

"Hello? Tom?"

"Yea?" I heard the familiar voice say with a more scratchy tone than normal.

"Tom? Are you okay? Did you just wake up?"


"It's two in the afternoon?" This was extremely irregular for Tom, he got up at six every school day and at eight on weekends.

"Aish lower your voice," Tom says as he starts coughing.



"Are you sick?"

Tom replied to me in his croaky voice stating how he had gotten a really bad cold and how I'm not to come over because he didn't want to get me sick.

Over the next half an hour of Mathematics I made a plan of going home making chicken soup and buying snacks for our night in. It was a Friday and I was willing to stay the whole weekend.

When I get to my house I run up stairs and decide on an outfit. I get some oversized jeans and a t shirt Tom had given me (well I'd stolen it). Before leaving my house, I fix my and grabbed some stuff to make soup and some cold medicine.

I finally got to Tom's house a couple of minutes down the road, and knocked on his door. After a few moments I heard some stumbling and then I saw Tom thought the window of the door.

Tom's appearance looked quite adorable, his hair was sticking in all directions, his nose was rosy and his eyes looked a little glassy.

Tom finally let me in after staring at me for a bit, which Tom, of course, blamed it on the cold.

After getting inside, I instantly got into action.

I put the chicken soup ingredients in the fridge until it was time to cook and then grabbed the medicine before grabbing the dazed Tom by the arm and dragged him to his room.

After I push Tom back into his bed to lay down, I took the medication to him and went to find a spoon in the kitchen for the tea.


"Hm? Yes?" I replied as I came back with a clean spoon.

"You can calm down," he chuckled "I'm not dying, it's just a cold."

"Yes it's just a cold but you obviously can't take care of yourself," I reply while pouring the tea.

"Excuse me?"

I just giggle as I carefully try to give Tom the medication.

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