15 • too young?

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It was around eight on a Friday night, just after the dominoes had arrived, rain pouring heavily. We were both in our pyjamas too, him in a pair of forgiving grey sweatpants and a black top, and me in leggings and one of Tom's hoodies that was obviously way too big for me.


"Yeah?" He called back from the kitchen.

"Do you ever think about the future?"

He came through the door in the living room, a box of pizza in hand, and sat down next to me. "Of course yeah. I think about us too settling down together, I'll probably end up quitting teaching to do acting full time, and maybe, hopefully, you will join me into the film business too," he smiled, "and I'm not sure, maybe marriage and kids I guess— wait why? I'm confused, is this a test?"

"What?" I laughed. "No, no it's not a test I promise, and even if it was, you definitely passed with flying colours."

"Oh," He chuckled, opening the pizza box and taking a slice, "what's with the sudden interest?"

"I dunno I just was thinking about it today after that incident."

"Oh okay... and do you feel the same?"

"Yeah, yeah of course, I just wanted to know what you thought." I hesitated for a second.

"What's wrong?" He asked, putting the pizza down.

I breathed out, "Do you not ever think I'm too young for you?"


"Like not young specially, just — I don't know — immature or like inexperienced?"

"No, no, of course not," he reassured. "Where's this coming from?"

"I don't know, I guess from today at school, I reacted wrongly, and also, I know we've had sex a few times now, I just — I just always feel so inexperienced and lost."

"Y/n, it's okay," he eases. He caress my jaw with his fingers, allowing his thumb to drag across his bottom lip. I can barely meet his eyes. "Y/n."

"Fuck, i'm sorry," I say, looking up again. His eyes glow with sadness. "It's just— aghh, I bet you think I'm like a fucking child—"

"Y/n, seriously!" he interrupted, "don't worry about it."

I frowned. "Look, maybe I should go," I suggested.

"Y/n, come on."

"No it's fine, I'll see you on Monday," I said quickly getting my shoes on, heading to the front door and eventually leaving.

The day had been lightly showering, but in the last few hours the rain grew heavier and heavier. The trees offered no shelter to me, droplets the size of almonds smashed their way through the foliage above. My footwear was quickly overwhelmed too, water seeping in through the stitching.

The street bared nothing but rain, I felt lonely and somehow lost in place so familiar, a trip I'd made from mine to his or his to mine hundreds of times.

I felt so weak, everything hurt.

Suddenly a warm touch of a hand appeared on my shoulder, making my whole body shiver. I turned to see Tom, hair wet and his poorly chosen black over-coat soaked through.

"What are you doing here?" I shouted over the loud downpour.

"I couldn't let you leave like that. You mean the fucking world to me and I don't think I'd be able to cope without you. I don't care about all that shit you said."

"But you'll get bored of me," I argued.

"I can teach you things you've never done. I can take you places you've never been, show you things you've never seen before." He paused for a second. "We can do it together, all of it. Trust me, I'll never get bored of you."

I stood there for a second, taking it all in, my eyes never leaving his. "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too," he replied.

Another pause. "I love you."

"I love you too."

He came closer and kissed the droplets from my lips. Our lips were locked together and the world itself ceased to exist, blurred and indistinct as a wet painting left out in the torrent that fell from the dark cloud above. When we pulled back his eyes were like every fantasy I'd ever had of him, every moment I had wished could exist between the two of us. The kiss, the look, a stolen moment that could have just washed away but instead was set, colour-fast, indelible.

The rain runs down our faces to where our lips meet, each of us tasting the cold drops. Instead of detracting from the intensity of the moment it brings us to new heights. Tom pushes his lips in more passionately and the wave that runs through me is intoxicating, one hand on my hip, the other by my jaw.

When we arrive back at his house, he closes the door behind him and looks me up and down at my sodden clothes. I take off the hoodie that Tom had given me and dropped it to the tiled floor, making a slight slapping sound.

"I can see your bra," he observed, giving a chuckle.

"Fuck off," I laughed as I started taking the rest off. "We didn't really think this through, you only have one shower," I remembered, my eyes still focused of myself.

When I'd finished stripping off to my underwear, I looked up to see Tom leaning against the wall wearing nothing but black Calvin Kleins, engrossed in my every move.

I cough slightly, seeing the very present tent in his underwear. "I can see your boner," I said, copying his tone from earlier.

However, instead of saying 'fuck off', he came towards me, making my smile grow, realising what all this meant. He had put his arms around my waist but just before he got it low enough, I left the room, heading upstairs to the shower, leaving him confused.

It wasn't long before I heard Tom's voice again, calling my name in a tone of annoyance and need. By the time I'd turned the shower on, I felt his warm hands from behind, followed by a light slap on my ass, making me turn my head and smile at him.

I face away from him, taking off my bra and underwear, stepping into the large shower. I turned my head once more, but before I could even invite him in, his black underwear were already dropped to the floor.

"Sorry, you're so hot," I heard him chuckle slightly against my ear as his palms coasted over the span of my stomach, paying special attention my hip bones, the pads of his thumbs caressing them slowly until I turned to face him with my back to the water. "Fuck, Y/n, I love you so much."

He never failed to take my breath away. The man I'd come to know over the past eight months had sent my world spinning off its axis, and the best part about it, he was all mine, naked, sharing a shower, smiling at me as if I was the most gorgeous creature on earth - and in his estimation, I was.

"It's okay," I replied with a small laugh just as he leaned down to press his mouth to mine in a soft, chaste kiss. "And I love you too by the way."

"You do?" He joked, his fingertips all but chasing water droplets down my spine until they coasted over the curve of my ass, to pull me flush against him.

"You can't tell?" I teased with a small smirk of my own that matched his most excellently, his lips making it a bit hard to say anything more as he came at mine in a lazily but all too sensual kiss, both us smiling throughout.

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