14 • flirting in class

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I'd been so head deep in my extension work, I didn't even notice the very sly and suggestive comments about Tom, mumbled by a group of my classmates at the back of the room.

He had walked by, purposely knocking my arm, making me look up at the smirk on his face — this is when I heard the remarks.

I smiled back to him, but the group started to snigger, making me turn my head slightly, taking a peek at the haul of four girls on the back row.

Their goggly eyes were hard to miss, looking at Tom as he helped her through a question, just across the room from me.

I had to admit though, she definitely wasn't blind; I had told Tom just a few days ago how hot he looked in his navy pinstripe trousers and white shirt ensemble. However, that obviously didn't take away the fact she was very clearly staring and flirting with my (secret) boyfriend.

"So sir," they'd start each sentence with, continued by Tom kindly replying to their random questions about England, his name, his age, him basically being oblivious to everything.

Unbeknownst to Tom, I looked over often, confused at their very specifically themed questions, occasionally getting a soft laugh from him.

"So, Professor Hiddleston, are you single?" One of them asked asked.

"Yeah, sir, you got a lady?" Another added.

I heard a slight cough, followed by an awkward laugh. "Um—" it sounded like he was choking on air.

"Sir?" She edged.

"No, I'm single," he answered.

My eyebrows furrowed, thinking about why any normal person would answer that, is he that oblivious or is he doing it on purpose?

I hesitated for a few seconds, then put up my hand, making Tom's head prick up.

"Yes Y/n?" He smiled, getting up off the table he'd been sat, ready to come over.

"I'm going to the toilet," I replied blankly, standing up from my seat, receiving muddled facial expression from him.

"Wait um—"

I left the classroom quickly in efforts to get away from my jealously. I headed down to the nearest restroom and hurried into a cubicle, closing the lid of the toilet and sitting on top. I felt the muscles of my chin tremble like a small child, so I look toward the window to my right, as if the light could soothe me.

I heard the door open.

"Y/n?" It was that familiar voice, soft and comforting, laced with fear and guilt at the same time.

"What?" I sniffed.

"I'm so fucking sorry okay, I didn't realise until they asked that, I promise, please."

I didn't answer.

"I was just being an oblivious old fuck, come on Y/n please." I heard the other cubicle doors bang open, he must have been inspecting if we were alone, "you know I love you. I know I don't say it enough, I know..."

His voice sounded near, most likely from him leaning on he cubicle door. It sounded brittle, an agreeable trace of softness and huskiness.

I put my head against the door too, sighing heavily. "If anything, you say it too much," I whispered, giving a weak chuckle.

I clicked the door open to see his heartbroken face, eyes lightly fogged from tears. He reached around me and hugged me tightly, kissing my forehead and running a hand up and down my back for comfort.

"I think I just overreacted... I'm sorry."

"No, no," he pulled back slightly putting each hand either side of my face, "I should be apologising, I was being fucking stupid, you had a right to be pissed off with me."

I gave an airy laugh, making a light smile appear on Tom's face, "I love you too."

The smile on his face brightened and he kissed me once again on the forehead. "Come on, let's get you back to class."

Professor Hiddleston the Actor Where stories live. Discover now