12 • date to the beach

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I woke up to the smell of pancakes and Nutella, and the warm glow of the afternoon sun coming through the curtains. I groaned as I felt the empty bed beside me, Tom must've been downstairs.

I got out of bed slowly realising I was naked still from last night, my birthday surprise. I went over to Tom's closet and grabbed one of his t-shirts and threw it on before I could get cold. Putting it over my head I could smell Tom's cologne.

I walked downstairs slowly, putting one foot in front of the other. I'd had quite a lot to drink yesterday, trying to get through the night, gladly I hadn't gotten a massive hangover, just a headache.

"Tommy?" I called quietly.

"Yeah baby?" He said back.

I entered the kitchen seeing him making pancakes with Nutella and golden syrup. He has a coffee waiting for me too. "Oh my god, you're a life saver," I said, going to the coffee and taking a long sip.

It was only when I'd sat down on the kitchen table when I noted his half naked body, he had pyjama bottoms on showing off his abs.

My eyes widened.

"Take a picture it'll last longer."

"Sorry," I said my cheeks going red.

"Oh my god, I'm joking," he chuckled, coming behind me, giving me a squeeze and kissing my head.

"God you're like photoshopped."

He just laughed.

"Are you doing anything today?" I asked.

"Oh yeah I thought we could go out on a little road trip, be able to go on a date without being seen by anyone we know," he smiled.

"Oh don't you want to show me off?" I joked.

He gave a laugh.

"Where are we supposed to go though? Surely that's not a good idea, going out in public and all."

"I thought maybe if we went out of California, maybe to Oregon?" He suggested.

"Yeah, sure if you think it's okay."

It took us a couple of hours to drive to the other side of California, but it was all worth it. All this just to be able to go to a fucking bar and talk to each other like a normal couple. On the car ride over we talked and talked about our difference in childhood him growing up in the early nineties and me in the late two- thousands.

"Can I get some fries please?" Tom said to the guy behind the bar.

"Sure," the barman had replied with.

"What do you want to drink?"

"I don't have an ID."

"It's fine, you look over 21."

"Okay, then a beer or whatever you're getting."

"Yeah, okay."

He left the booth and went over to the bar, "can I have two Coronas?"

I saw Tom turn around and look to me, giving me a smile. I genuinely couldn't believe I was with this godlike European man, his jaw line was chiseled like rock, his eyes reflected the seas, his body was something that people could worship. I had no idea why I was worthy for him.

"Here you go baby," Tom said, handing me the beer.

"So what's happening on prom night?" I asked.

"I could meet you before or after or during?" He suggested, trailing off.

"How about we just see nearer the time?"

"Good idea," he laughed.

After finishing our plate of fries, we went down to the beach. We sat on the peer and dangled our feet into the ocean.

The wind blew in perfect synchronisation to Tom's breathing, his chest expanding and deflation in a steady, calm, almost hypnotic rhythm.

The strands of his hair catching the wind, almost seeming to live a life of their own. It was beautiful, picturesque. I decided as he snapped a photo of the back of Tom's head and quickly putting it into my eyes only folder on Snapchat, as usual.

I let my head fall down to Tom's shoulder, my left hand coming up to play with the fingers of his right one.

I bent down to nuzzle his head into Tom's chest for a brief moment. I felt a rush of dopamine.

His touch is calming, a practiced routine, deep rooted into his very being at this point. A necessity, but not in an urgent form. My head against his chest a welcomed weight.

My hand went to his inner thigh.

"Do you want me to get a boner?"

"That was my plan."

"I fucking hate you."

"Come on old man, I know you love me."

The groan escaping Tom's lips was of utterly pure disapproval. He reluctantly moved my hand away, laughing. "I still fucking hate you."

As I looked at Tom, his blue eyes twinkled with a golden hue in the sunlight. I grabbed his hand and interlocked it with mine.

"Can I just say this is really nice, being able to hold your hand without anyone saying it's wrong."

"Yeah, this is perfect," he agreed. "You look so beautiful," he added after a moment.

"So do you."

He gave an airy laugh.

My head went to his shoulder, resting it as he put his arm around me and pulled me closer.

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