5 • First kiss and first confession

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I sighed as we both stopped in front of Tom's house, but it was a good sigh. I'd told him about my family and I definitely felt relieved after talking about everything, letting all the shit just come out in the open. Tom was shocked at what I'd told him but it didn't seem to change his view on me, which I was thankful for.

"Thank you for telling me Y/n." He smiled. "It means a lot that I'm the first person you've confessed this to."

A smile grew on my face. "You're easy to talk to, so don't give me all the credit." I said making him chuckle.

We stood, facing each other, in non-awkward silence, only for a few seconds, but it felt nice just staring into each other's eyes. However, I felt someone getting closer: I wasn't sure if it was me, or him, or me and him.

But I wasn't backing away.

And neither was he.

My eyes looked down to his lips and that's all I needed to do. Our lips touch, and it is soft and gentle. We separated slowly.

"I'm sorry." I said barely audible.

His hand still at the small of my back, we stood very close for a few seconds until my eyes started to gravitate down to the floor, he's probably thinking that was a mistake.

But I soon felt a hand under my chin, gently guiding my gaze back up to him, allowing me to see his warm smile. My lips curled at the slight and I learned in intentionally this time.

I felt every movement his lips made in that very moment against mine. His warm, plush lips move against mine, and slowly go for more. He parts his lips, and we kiss again, but it's more passionate than the previous one.

Our moment is stopped by a dinging sound and I release from the kiss, realising it was my phone. "Sorry, it's Noah." I sighed.

"It's okay." He chuckled.

I clicked the answer button on my phone and put it to my ear. "Noah, I'm kinda busy right now..." I spoke, looking over to Tom and smiling a little.

Noah: "Oh I'm so sorry, you just said I could call you if I needed you."
Me: *laughing slightly* "I definitely said text, not call."
Noah: "I'm really sorry, but you need to come home, mum and dad are back and dads are wondering where you are."
Me: "Why what's happening? What's wrong?"
Noah: "Nothing is wrong, don't worry."
Me: *relieved* "Okay good. I'm near so I'll be home in a second."
Noah: "Okay, see you then, love you, bye."
Me: "Love you too, bye."

I hung up and put the phone back into my pocket "Sorry that was my brother."

"That's okay, don't worry." Tom smiled. He opened his mouth to say something but he didn't seem sure, so he closed it.

"What?" I asked.

"Would it bother you if I asked for your phone number?"


"Can I have your phone number?" He repeated, making us both start to laugh. we both got out our phones and swapped, each putting in our numbers. "Oh, your dad is calling." He said, making me look up at my phone screen in his hands. We swapped phones once again and answered the call.

I put the phone to my chest so my dad couldn't hear what I was saying. "I'm really sorry about this, I'll message you." I said before he smile and leaned in for a quick kiss.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He beamed. I nodded and grinned back as he turned and walking through his gate.

"Hey dad, what's up?"


After a talking to from my father about how I should have answered the phone quickly instead of saying goodbye to a boy, I went up stairs to Noah's room, so I could play on the PS4 with him.

But after only a game, my phone dinged. "Oof Mrs popular." Noah joked. I laughed at him and picked up my phone. It was a text.

Tom: Hey, I'm really sorry if you got the wrong impression from earlier.

My heart almost broke in half as read the text and I waited for the next text to pop up, watching those three dots.

Tom: I was just a bit shocked at the kiss, that's why I didn't react at first.

I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding, he was sorry about his reaction, not that he didn't want it. A smile appeared on my face while I typed my response, but he texted again.

Tom: Also I'm sorry if I just scared you with that first text, I've just realised how bad it sounds.
Me: Well when I saw your seconds message I realised what you were talking about. But it's okay, I get you now 😂
Tom: Good x
Me: I was thinking maybe we could go on another walk sometime, it was nice to chat with you x
Tom: Sure. I'm free after school Friday, is that okay? X

"What you smiling 'bout?" Noah asked.

"Nothing..." I tried. But Noah snatched my phone out of my hands and looked at the screen. A smile grew wide on his face and he looked up.

"Who's Tom?" He smirked.

"No one." I tried again.

"No one my arse, who's Tom? I'm your best friends and twin brother, so I have a right to know who you've kissed." He ordered, still with a hopeful smile on his face.

"Well, Tom is..." I started "Tom... um. He's... um." Noah raised his eyes. "Mr. Hiddleston." I mumbled, but he didn't hear.

"Huh?" He murmured.

"Mr-fucking-Hiddleston." I confessed, a lot louder this time.

Noah's eyebrows raised and he dropped his jaw, as well as my phone. "Are you serious?" He whisper shouted, his smile coming back slightly. I nodded. His brows raised again and he paused for a bit, leaning back on the couch we were both on. "This isn't what I meant when I said you need a boyfriend or girlfriend, but-"

"We just kissed, that doesn't mean it's confirmed!"

"You can't just kiss." He twisted.

"Come on Noaaahhhh." I groaned. "I told you, what do you want me to say?"

"As I was saying anyway, this isn't what I meant but, if you like him and he treats you right then that's okay." He added.

"As much as I wish it was like that, it's not that simple. Yeah I like him, but he's my teacher, he could go for jail for this."

"Just make sure no one finds out then." He said smiling, making me shut up and grin. I picked my phone up from the floor and finally messaged Tom back.

Me: Yeah that's fine x

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