18 • prom

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Inside, the school is decorated with tacky banners, streamers and balloons. It's obviously budget, but I was is too distracted to notice. All that mattered was getting inordinately pissed and eventually go home with Tom so we could make a night out of it.

When the five of us get to the gymnasium, the lights are still on but people are already mingling in small groups dressed in tuxes and dresses. The music playing 2000s songs I imagine, probably something by Kesha, Usher or Beyoncé, the theme of prom being 'nostalgia'.

Me and Noah spot the rest of our friends at the back, Cameron and Dylan, already going at their hit flask probably only half empty by now of peach schnapps or some other weak spirits.

My group drank alcohol quite a lot but no one drank it more than us Londoners, Noah, but mostly me. Already I'd had three shots and whiskey and was now drinking brandy with my punch.

"You guys look great," Cameron said as soon as he spotted us, he reached over and gave me and Dove a hug and giving a friendly handshake to the guys.

"Holy shit, I fucking love your suit." It was a suit from the 70s, a blue number with a matching ruffled shirt, he was even wearing a corsage and sunglasses even though we were indoors. Cameron was always one to dress up, he had quite the closet last time I went to his house, he was a great shopping partner too, we could go thrifting for hours and pick up beer shirts with weird phrases like 'a pint and two half's' or 'no, that's not a camel that's my wife' which I couldn't for the life of me understand what they meant.

"Now, lets have the best damn night of our lives!" I said and they all hooray.

As the minutes wear on the gymnasium fills up, the lights go down and the music swells. Everybody lets their inhibitions go as they dance and laugh.

Me, Dove and a couple of her other friends find time for a bathroom break and burst into the ladies restroom, sweaty and giggling.

"Best night ever!" Dove said.

While I sat on the toilet I couldn't help but space out, it hadn't exactly been the best night I hadn't seen Tom yet even though I'd texted him four times already, I was nervous to see him, he usually dressed smart but I couldn't imagine how handsome he would be tonight.

So far prom has been two hours of non-stop dancing and laughing until my sides hurt, all just distraction for myself. There's something about dancing and being lost in the music though, looking around to see the faces of the people you love that is a pure and genuine happiness incomparable to anything else. I just wish I could share those moments with Tom though, it was exhausting looking around every thirty seconds. 

When I finally finish and flush the toilet, I exit and go to the mirror, seeing my reflection.

"Holy shit, I look awful."

The fresh and beautiful faces of makeup they wore earlier this evening have practically sweated off and their hairstyles have fallen out or gone frizzy.

"I got you covered!" Bella one of Dove friends pulls her makeup bag out of her purse and starts to help me with my makeup.

"So..." Bella smiles bumping her fist to my shoulder. "You and Dylan...?"

I couldn't believe she was asking about me and Dylan, "What about me and Dylan?"

"Have you kissed him yet?"

"What? No of course not." I had thought about mentioning this to Tom but scene as I used to have a crush on Dylan I didn't think to bring it up, I didn't want to make him jealous.

"Okay, okay, chill. I was only asking."

"Sorry I just—"

"Right you're done!" She interrupted.

"Oh, thanks Bella."

The smell of sweat, cologne and floral perfume hangs in the air and momentarily chokes me. I looked in the mirror at my black dress. I didn't look totally horrible, but it was still vast improvement.

As I'm about to leave the bathroom with Dove, I get a message from Tom.

Tom: Sorry I didn't see your message, was just prepping with the other teachers x

I walked out the bathroom and instantly saw him across the floor at the punch table. He looked amazing, short hair, a tie and a blue suit. He was even wearing his signature smile as he spotted me.

He looks me up and down and his jaw drops. He tried his smile to hide his nervousness.

He points to the punch.

I nod and mouthed, "one second." I turn to Dove, "I'll meet up with you I just gotta talk to one of the teachers."

"Okay, meet up with you later?"

"Yeah sounds good," I said, leaning in to hug her.

"See you later, I'm gonna go find Noah."

I walked over to the punch table "I was beginning to think you ran out on me," I shout loud enough to be heard over the music.

Tom laughs. "I'd never do that to you."

As he passes me a red cup, his finger momentarily laces with mine. It makes me giggle slightly.

"Are you enjoying your night?" He asked.

"Are you?" I said.

He chuckled, "well these couple seconds have been the highlight of it if that tells you anything."

I smile warming at him, "me too."

"I can't wait to spend the night with you later."

"Me too," I repeated.

"What have you told your friends?"

"That my parents don't want me out too long."

"What about Noah?"

"He's gonna go home early with Dove."

"And your parents?"

"They're out."

"Sounds perfect. I'll see you later then."

The evening passes by as our group dance the night away. I was usually introverted by nature but get completely lost in the music and buzzing atmosphere.

The live band play a selection of music from Rhianna, NSYNC, Eminem to Bruno Mars, and despite there being a lack of actual good songs like September, which is more to my taste we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

I never thought I'd be sad to leave high school, I'd  only expected to be relieved but as I looked around at the red, glistening, laughing faces of her friends she feels a pang of sadness overcame me.

What if this is the last time they're all together like this? It never really crossed my mind before. After high school me and Tom had agreed to go for bigger acting roles, and I imagine that means leaving behind this life, although we haven't fully discussed it.

When the live bands have finished a disco takes over and as the night wears on people begin to scatter around on the tables, their feet sore from hours of endless dancing.

"Hello, class of 2009! Firstly, I want to congratulate you all on what has been an incredible year at Oak Mont High! You should all be proud of everything you have accomplished. I have no doubt that every single one of you will go on to have bright and happy futures."

I had to admit looking at my future was getting better and better each day I went with Tom, before I couldn't handle the idea of being trapped in my parents embrace, but now an actual future lay ahead of me.

"On a final note, I'd like to thank the amazing staffing team as well as you for making tonight possible and keeping our school great. Congratulations to all of you and here's to the class of 2009!"

The principal leaves the stage, the music resumes and everyone goes back to their conversations and dancing, happier and more energetic than before, their spirits having risen due to the principal's speech.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2021 ⏰

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