10 • shut up and kiss me

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I waited outside Maths class just like usual, waiting for my day to light up.

Tom stood at the door welcoming people and getting good afternoon back every so often. But when I approached him I kept my head down. Even when he said "Good afternoon Y/n," I kept my gaze to the floor and carried on walking.

I sat down getting a solemn look from Noah and confused gazes from the rest of my friends around me, I could even see Tom looking over, checking every minute or so. He knew he couldn't take me out the class or even ask what was wrong in front of everyone.

I did stare back, but my face showed little to no emotion, all that was seen was my furrowed eyebrows and red tinted eyes.

When end of class came around, Tom signalled me to stay seated, so I told Noah to meet me at the lunch hall.

He nodded and left.

"What happened?" He asked softly, coming over to my table and sitting in Noah's seat in front of me.

I rose my head from the table and breathed, trying to keep my tears in. "Things aren't very good after what happened last night."

He put his hand in mine, uncrossing my arms on the table, relaxing and comforting me. His touch was so warm and I was honestly desperate for any sort of human contact. "Would you like to stay over tonight? We can watch a movie or go for a walk or just sleep, I don't care."

I gave him a weak smile and nodded.

"Come on, let's get you up, you should go eat lunch," He exclaimed, giving my hand a squeeze then gently pulling my up to my feet. When I'd finished packing my bag he spoke up, "I'll be home late tonight, about four, but you can have my keys and let your self in," He said, pulling his keys out his pocket and giving me his extra door key. "I'll see you tonight then," He smiled.

I didn't say anything, I just reached around him and gave him a hug. He was slightly taken back by my sudden affection on school grounds, but soon enough wrapped his warm arms around my cold body. I hadn't realised the height difference, me being 5"5 and him being definitely over six foot, but he leaned down slightly so he could hold me better, making me feel safe.


I unlocked the door and went inside, closing it behind me, then walked into the living room, dropping my bag to the floor.

I flopped onto the couch and got out my phone, calling my dad for the third time that I wasn't coming home, which funnily enough, he got quite annoyed at, unlike last time he said I hadn't called at all.

I just put on friends and chilled out, waiting for Tom to get home.

"Y/n?" A familiar voice called after around thirty minutes.

"I'm in the living room."

I came to the door towards him and wrapped my arms around his warm body.

"What would you like to do?" He asked when he'd finished

"Watch a movie?" I suggested.

He nodded and smiled, sitting next to me and turning on Netflix.

We ended up watching fight club, a favourite of ours. About half way through I noticed Tom looking at me. 


"Nothing," he smiled, still staring.

"What?" I questioned.

"I love you," he admired.

The corners of my mouth twitched, trying to fight my smile, but I quickly gave in and let my bliss show.

The next thing I knew, I leaned into his lips and felt the world fall away. His hand reaches for mine and they interlock as we kiss tentatively and tenderly.His lips press against mine with passion, love, and affection as his warm hands roam all over my clothed body.

"You're so beautiful," He whispers so I feel his warm breath in my ear.

I wrinkle my nose in protest. "Shut up and kiss me," I whisper back.

My lips gently brush his again but he lets out an airy laugh, making me release and start to chuckle too.

As our laughter calmed down I spoke; "I love you too by the way," I whisper as our eyes make contact. He grins and reaches his arm around me, pulling me into his chest then kiss my forehead lovingly.

After a few moments of comfortable silence I felt a question pop up. "Can I ask you something?"


"Is acting as good as you imagined?"

"Oh, even better. Are you interested? I can hook you up," he joked.

I sniggered. "Yeah of course, It's been my dream since I was like ten, that and English, but obviously isn't never gonna happen," I shrugged.

"Never gonna happen my arse, what's stopping you?" He asked with a warm smile on his face.

"Well, I'm obviously still in school and stuff so it probably wouldn't work out," I mumbled.

"But it didn't stop me. I've been teaching and acting."

I stayed silent.

"Seriously, what is it?"

"It's... it's um... My father. I've mentioned it once or twice but he said i'd never make it and even if I did, I'd be damaging the family name." When I looked back up towards him, his smile had dropped.

He reached his hand to my thigh and moved his thumb, showing his sympathy. It seemed as though he didn't exactly know how to respond, although his tranquil vibe and empathy comforted me.

I breathed out a chuckle at his kindness and sent a smile his way.

Professor Hiddleston the Actor Where stories live. Discover now