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Peace. This kind of feeling has never hits Donghyuck that hard until Mark takes the sit next to him. It’s been so long since they have had time together that the younger was so relieved when he finally get to inhale for spring of Mark’s scent.

  Every string of his neurons, every breath he took, all Mark, all the Alpha. His mind finally seems like it was united and his heart was filled to the brim.

“It’s really good to see you too”, the younger said under his breath, eyes sparkling like stars on night sky.

Donghyuck realized that the effects have finally kicked in. Even though they weren’t thoroughly mated, the symptoms are there and one of them must be when omegas are away from their alphas for too long, plus, he did leave in the middle of his heat too so all of this are hitting him in like drugs right now.

Renjun noticed his little actions though and being as understanding as he could be, the Chinese nudged Mark sitting across.


“Stop putting out pheromones, will you? Can you see that Donghyuck is obviously affected by your smell?”

The older arched an eyebrow, “I’m not in heat Injun, this is just how I smell” then turned to Donghyuck. The Omega’s face is slightly flushed, his eyelashes flutter when their eyes meet and he could see the younger’s hands gripping onto his jogging jeans under the table.

Is Donghyuck that sensitive after he kicked him out of his apartment that night?

Truth to be told, he was still low-key pissed off when Donghyuck blew up on him for no reason while he was trying so hard to be a responsible Alpha but now that the younger is near him, all those things vanished and he is exactly where he needs to be.

To be at peace, to be with Donghyuck
“I’ll put that in mind to carry a neutralizer perfume when I’m with you”, the older tipped Donghyuck’s chin, “Sounds like a good idea?”

Donghyuck’s heart leaps in his stomach.

“Yeah, totally”

He’s totally got dumb when Mark is around now.

And Renjun? The man is beyond baffled by the scene unfolding in front of his sight.
Jeno was just chilling in his room when Renjun calls him frantic.

“Hey buttercup, what is u-“

“Go get your damn brother home, for fucks sake”, the Omega almost screams through the line, “You told me he is educated about Omega and stuff and now doing the stupidest shit ever”

“Huh?”, Jeno titled his head, confused by the information that he has been given. Earlier in the morning, Renjun told him that he was going to have a date day with Donghyuck after the guy came out of his heat and suddenly, his cousin is now with them and somehow got Renjun so offended that he wants him home?

“Why is Mark with you? Fuck that, why is he with you two, I thought Donghyuck doesn’t want him to be around?”, the blue haired guy sighed while picking up his coat and slips on his shoes.

Renjun impatiently answer, “The whole suffering-heat-without-your-mate thing really took a toll on Donghyuck. I don’t know, he was so determined about not wanting Mark until he figures out himself first and then he saw Mark when he was having lunch today and he is all mushy again, his brain is messing up”, he taps his feet, “Mark is unaware about that so your in love cousin is plastering himself all over my friend too. Go get him, I’m not close enough to him for me to comfortably talk it out, Donghyuck gonna get really upset when gets out of this haze and it will make everything worse”

“I get it now”, Jeno hums, “Send me you guys’ location, I’ll be there a right away, I’m already going down the stairs”

“It’s very nice of you Je”, the Alpha can hear Renjun’s voice through the call, “Prince Charming, come save me from third-wheeling please, I’m hiding in the bathroom so I don’t have to witness the cliché lovey doveys”

“Don’t worry buttercup, your savior is coming”

“Sappy”, “Gladly                         
Mark likes this dependent Donghyuck way better than the usually flippy flop with his feelings Donghyuck. The younger reacts with what he has way better, engage in an actual conversation with him rather than giving him a cold shoulder.

He is glad that the Omega has made up his mind about how they will treat one another in Alpha-Omega relationship. Sure, the younger might not have the same feelings with him but the last thing Mark would want is not taking full care of his mate.

And the first step is with reconnecting what they have lost years ago. So there they are, side by side in Renjun car parked in Target’s parking lot, with bottle of Soju in their hand, making small talk.

“I forgot how fun it was to have a conversation with you”, Mark takes a sip of the alcoholic drink, sheepish eyes.

“I literally just told you about Target mandela effects that was hot 7 years ago, I think you’re just easy to entertain”, Donghyuck mumbles, heads lolling to the side, “Lucky for you, I’m a great entertainer at heart”

“Uh huh, lucky me”, the Alpha muses, entranced with the tipsy Donghyuck depending his whole body on him.

The younger looks so pretty, Donghyuck has always been the most beautiful Omega in his eyes, that’s something consistent about his feisty boy.



Donghyuck is his.

Is he?
Waves of untold feelings hit Mark, electric shock almost. Fuck, that feels so good knowing that the boy is his Omega, even temporary.

Does he love Donghyuck?

He doesn’t know yet but it doesn’t matter.

He will figure it out in the time being.

But right now, “Hyuck, you know, I’m no longer angry”

“Mark, I don’t want to talk about it”, The younger turned away, his grip on the bottle tighten.

“You don’t need to talk about it”, The Alpha holds Donghyuck’s hand in his,

“Just…stay, please stay with me and listen to what I have to say”.

“I’m not mad at you, not anymore”



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