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sorry for the long wait, i will try to finish this book soon
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sorry for the long wait, i will try to finish this book soon╔══════ ≪ °❈° ≫ ══════╗

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Donghyuck was wakened up by the sound of someone shaking him lightly, it doesn't even take him more than a minute to realize who it is by the familiar, comforting scent entering his nostril.

"Markkkk, you can't just bust in my room without asking me first", he mumbles, eyes still close as he pulls his blanket over his head.

"Well Renjun lets me in", the older said, "He basically has the same authority as you. Anyways, you have classes in the morning, get out of bed bub"

Donghyuck hums but still remained in the same position. "It's Johnny hyung's class, I'm sure he can cut me some slack"

"Yeah but he won't cut me some for letting you sleep in though", Mark laughs, peeling the blanket away, "I got us breakfast, come on"

"I'm very cold right now alpha, you need a better deal than that"

"Well I also have some very comfy clothes of mine that I scented last night..."; "Deal accepted!"

The younger immediately opens his eyes and Mark gives him his clothes, eyes softening as the boy lifts them up to his face and sniffed in the tobacco mix.

"Imma wash up a bit and then this is mine"

"Sure Hyuckie, it's yours until you need me to scent them again"


"Thank God, you're not late", Mark sighed and places Donghyuck's bag with his laptop in his hand, "I'm definitely late to mine though"

"Oh come on, I'll be quicker next time", the younger said, "At least my brother won't kill you"

"Haha, yes, I suppose", the older looks in the lecture room, "Anyways, gotta leave now. Imma fetch you later, alright?"

"Yeah, thank you~", Donghyuck nods as he gets in the room, not forgetting to turn around and blow a kiss with Mark, totally in sync, caught it graciously. And as he settles down in his seat, the boy sees his brother giving an unimpressed look.

Guess Johnny has to live with it, or at least be content with how healthy their co-existing relationship is. He and Mark have decided to make up with each other for the better, after all being apart really hurt their abo selves. Being close friends again really stroke him in a good way. He enjoys Mark being actively caring about him, the affection that both make them feel breezy.

It's a good life that he is living.


The vibration cuts his train of thoughts short though. Frowning, he opens his messaging app to see a text from his own professor.

"Stay back after class, we need to have a small talk"

"Hyung, Markie's gonna fetch me later"

"Tell him to back off, I'm the brother"

"You keep being mean to mark :< he has been very nice to me lately"

"Yah that's kinda the whole problem here pup"

Donghyuck groaned and shoots Mark a text, telling him not to pick him up. He isn't happy when he has to tell the older that there isn't something wrong, it's just that his brother wants to have small talk and that Mark was wonderful today. Making the Alpha doubts his abilities make his heart heavy.

The Omega watches as the stray of students leave his classroom and his brother calmly shuts down his equipment and pack his bag for the next class.

"C'mere pup, I know you're dreading this"

"Hell yeah I am", he scoots down and pulls a chair to sit across the teacher's table, "I know you're having an opinion or two about me and Mark being oh so healthy"

"That....", Johnny takes a sip of his coffee, "You're not wrong about, but what I wanted to remind you about is the fact that two weeks from now on, you need to start taking pills for bonding mark erasure"

Oh. Time does fly when you're living life to the fullest. Donghyuck hasn't thought about the ending yet, he has been loving the way he lives with Mark included so when reality hits, he feels like he has been struck by lightning. Suddenly, the uneasiness creeps up on him and Donghyuck can't process why he is feeling so down.

"Oh...", the younger gulped, palm getting sweaty, "You're telling me this because....?"

"I think you should time thinking about whether or not getting rid of the one-way bond is a great idea", his brother sighs, "I do not want you to regret twice, the clock has started ticking, you should start figuring out your feelings and discuss it with Mark"

"I- I don't know", the Omega runs fingers through his hair, "He said he is doing this because he cares about me, alongside the fact that he has fulfilled his role as an Alpha. That...that doesn't mean that there's romance. Hyung, I don't want to come clean and then fuck everything we fixed up if it's not mutual"

"Sorry pup but you can't hide it until you just.... Can't anymore. I can't make decisions for you when the answer has already settled in both of your hearts"

"I don't know, I don't know Alpha", Donghyuck dived his head down the paws of his sweater, sighing comfortably when Mark's scent fills his nostrils, calming his whole existence.


"You do, baby", Johnny strokes his hair, "You do"


Haechan does, and it's absolutely terrifying to realize his chance is slipping away like meat off the bone after being in the oven for so long.

He walks on eggshells. He has always been doing it when it comes to the older male. Not wanting to do anything overboard to ruin their relationship then, and their relationship now. But now is the time that has to take action. This is the only scenario that Mark's tied to him emotionally and mentally, he knows that when the bond fades, an opportunity like this will never come back.

Mark could leave him, and he couldn't do anything about it.

And he loathes it.

"Gosh I can sense your scent bub", Mark sighed, placing two trays of lunch in front of him, pressing an open-mouthed kiss on the Omega's temple "What's with the tension?"

"It's nothing"

"It's can't be nothing, you're worrying over it. I can taste it in my soul. Did something happen today, was it Johnny? You two talked earlier", Mark's eyebrows furrowed.

"First of all, 'taste it in your soul'? Ew", Donghyuck grimaces, "And second of all, hyung was fine, we had a small chat and that's all", Donghyuck pulls one of the trays near him and started to mix them all together, "He reminded me that uh... I can start taking pills for bond erasure soon because it's fading soon"

"Damn, the time has come already?", Mark hums, sitting down across him, "Hey, 6 months of suffering is coming to an end, aye? Excited?"

Donghyuck stops for a second before biting down his spoon, "Sure, I guess we are. I'm gonna save the whole thank you for taking care of me 'till the very last day"

"It better be a good speech then", Mark smiles, tight-lipped, "I did a damn good job"

"Critical, but sure Mark", Donghyuck looks down his plate.

See. He doesn't need to confront Mark about how their relationship should head, doesn't need to put himself in a vulnerable state. the Alpha has made it clear that he wanted out the moment he sees the end of the tunnel.

In the end, he is always unwanted.

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