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Donghyuck. Fullsun. Donghyuck. Fullsun.

These two has always stick together, brightening lives for the last 20 years but something about the Omega sitting under the moonlight that could make Mark's heart loses it. The white light tickles the younger face, kissing down his golden skin and bounces off when it hits Donghyuck's silver bracelet.

"I was pissed when I woke up that morning and saw that you outed me for the school to see and for the first time, I understand how it feels like to be exiled because of something you cannot control. I didn't want any of that, I wasn't ready for the world to be on my ass like that", Mark started off, looking down his shoes, kicking the pebbles plastered all over the playground. "Hyuck, there are nights that I couldn't sleep, I was haunted by the thought that either my parents might suffocate me for being gay or those fake friends at school can push me to that limit t-"

"Mark, stop it!", Donghyuck cuts his words short, his hands come flying to cover his ears.

"I do not want to hear it..."

"Don't want to know how I hurt you", the younger said, his voice is shaky with fear and guilt that have built for 7 years. "Please, I beg"

The other looks at him and Donghyuck gulped, Mark is looking at him with no emotion.

"No Hyuck", the man calmly said, tangling his hands with Donghyuck and pull them away with a force, "You have to listen, this will be the only punishment that you have to go through for all my pain so that, I can have my own revenge, and you can move on as I move on"


Mark knows Donghyuck will comply.

"But where were you during that time? You sneaky bastard, I didn't even know how you managed to switch school and leave me no trace behind to run after you like that. You ruined me, yet, you don't leave me an option to come back and lie under your foot. You left me helpless, Hyuck", Mark uttered out, his eyes burning. "Left me unwanted"

Donghyuck's gaze is fixated on him as a single tear trails down the Alpha's face. "I'm sorry for being selfish Mark, I let anger took over me and before I realized the mess I've created, I abandoned you and...", he swallows, "...and that's why I can't accept myself to fall back into your arms, you deserve much more than me, Mark"

"You can keep punishing me, you can walk away from me the way I did and let me suffer the bond loss Mark. I will put the blame on myself"

Mark sighed at Donghyuck's words though, he raised his hands and cup Donghyuck's face in his. "But that will destroy me, Donghyuck"

"Wh-"; "You cannot understand the power you have on me, omega. I know I'm supposed to despise you after all the things you have done to me but I don't. For some fucked up reasons, ever since you left me in hell, not for a day that I can bring myself to wrath you."

"I just...hit the realization about how you must have felt when you were with me. Openly gay, emerging yourself into an environment that's full of toxicity and hatred just 'because I was purposely being a shitty friend to you. I took advantage of you and you let not only me but everyone else in my life to stomp on you for us and you did all   for me, with a smile on your face"

"Are you crazy Mark, how can you undergo all that and spin it off to a positive thing", Donghyuck breaths out.

"Maybe I am, when it comes to you", Mark chuckle bitterly, "You're always my exception Hyuck. You can tear me apart and I will still think that's God rewarding me"

"So please, for the time remaining, let me be your Alpha. If you want to make it up for me, be with me until our bond is not a bond anymore"

He wants to be the moon, to be able to be all over the boy in front of him just like that, so freely, so fearless.

Wants to be the moon, so he could embrace the sun.

"Can you, Donghyuck?"

Donghyuck has to steady his breathing. A weight has been lifted from his chest, knowing that what has been trapping him inside has been released. Mark has long forgiven him and right now, asking him to let go of the past for the better future.

The lounging sadness, the prolonged anger, the suppressed guilt...he can move on now and the older will gladly take his hand as he do so.

It's time to write a new chapter for Mark and Donghyuck.

The corner of Donghyuck's mouth rises up to a pretty, tight lipped smile and Mark feels like air has been knocked out of him.

"I'd love to...", the younger wrapped his hands around the Canadian's shoulders, pulling him so close that not even an ant can squeeze itself between them, "Alpha"

"My Omega", Mark dreamily murmured carefully lifts Donghyuck's chin up and connect their lips.

Their lips move against one another so delicately, so soft, as if they worry that the usual roughness can ruin the sweetness that's tingling on each other's lips.

Mark has never kissed Donghyuck like this before but to be honest, he won't mind kissing the younger like this a million more time.
"You have to be kidding me", Renjun huffs, "I walked away for 30 minutes and come back to these bitches all mushy. This was supposed to be a bad bitches only event. Your cousin sucks Je"

  The mentioned guy snickers, "And yet, you still call me over"

"Yeah, to pick stinky Mark up"

"But it seems like they have reconciled now", Jeno shot a quick gaze at the couple in the park. Then, turn to the Chinese omega, "I can text Mark to take care of themselves and we go on a midnight date. How's that sound?"

"Hmmm.... maybe I do like that better"

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