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[i'm changing the gif game so it's a bit different to the previous books, hope it's fine]
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[i'm changing the gif game so it's a bit different to the previous books, hope it's fine]╔══════ ≪ °❈° ≫ ══════╗

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It's almost the end of the day and Jeno prayed God that this could be the one day that he could go back to the dorm without having to deal with...

"Where are your fucking eyes?!", Donghyuck's scream echoed the hallway and the guy mentally facepalm himself. Here we go again...

His best friend's files of play scripts are scattered on the floor. And most importantly, he and the oh-so-familiar Alpha is going off to each other again, their daily routine (?).

"Put them in a damn bag if you don't want people to bump into your dingy dongle", Mark rolled his eyes, he leaned down to the younger's level with his arms crossed, his voice filled with annoyance. "Got it, brat?"

The Omega's hands are now on his hips and Jeno knows it's his sassy mode on the working, "Pardon, asshat. The least you could say is 'I'm sorry' if you bumped into me, your attitude is triggering me Mark"

The older chuckled dryly and moments later before Jeno could even step in, his best friend is slammed against the locker, successfully nade him jumped from his spot and almost bump into a senior as well.

  Mark's mouth is next to Donghyuck's ear, the Alpha blows air to his friend's sensitive ear as words rolled off his tongue.

"Ah yes brat, talking about attitude...I'm warning you, that attitude of yours might get you bent over the table and taught a lesson from no one else but me. How's that sound?"

It's natural. Alphas and Omegas are biologically attracted to each other, especially when they don't have a partner and Mark and Donghyuck are no exception. Jeno felt that there has been extra attraction lately coming from the two even though Donghyuck always complain how much he hates the Canadian.

"D..don't temp me, asshole", the young brunette said, hardly and try to turn away since he knows Mark is teasing him by releasing his scent. The scent of the inside of a cigarette.

[i know a lot of you guys hate cigarette but the scent of its inside is truly unique. i'm not changing this scent even if you guys disagree]

Not breaking eye contact, the Alpha release even more scent as he tightens his grip on Donghyuck's arms. "Oh yeah, what are you going to do with me then?"

Before the Omega could utter out an answer, he was luckily pulled away by someone.
"Alright troublemakers, y'all scents are all over the space, the student council don't want to deal with the chaos caused by hormonal college students", the soft voice warned them. Kim Jungwoo.

The guy booped Donghyuck's nose and tell him. "Don't get all worked up like this that easily Hyuck. Now can you go back to the dorm room and stop fighting with Mark?".

Donghyuck nodded shyly, "I will try, thank you Jungwoo hiong" before skipping his way to where Jeno, who has politely collected all his stuff on the ground and go back to his dorm room.

As soon as the sight of the younger is nowhere to be seen, the softie turned to Mark and the guy huffs. "Come on hyung, I was joking around", he then turned to Jaehyun, who has just popped out of nowhere and standing behind Jungwoo. "Bro, back me up"

The tall guy wrapped his arms around his Omega and asked, "What are we discussing about again, boo?"; "Jae, your bro is picking up Hyuckie again"

"Donghyuck? No one mess with that our baby, you can scold him then Snoopy"

"No Markie, you're only picking him as your victim. Yeah, Hyuckie is shouting back but don't you see that poor boy is scared?", Jungwoo flicked Mark's forehead, "You're really living to the title of mister Mischievous, don't you?"

"I was just having fun. Besides, Hyuck is a brat!", the Alpha exclaimed.

"Bro, releasing your scent to tease a not yet mated Omega is fucked up, I disapproved!"

Jungwoo hums, "That makes me wonder Markie, why are you only pulling tricks on him. Do you perhaps...", he giggles and lean in his mate's embrace, "...have feelings for him?"

The Canadian's mouth gaped open and it took him a couple of seconds before growling. "N..No I'm not! Who in the right mind would fall for D-Donghyuck?"

"I don't buy that"

"I don't care, whatever. I'm going back to my room, losers", Mark spatted and stomp away.
"I bet a BBQ dinner that they will be mates in four months", the tall Alpha nudge his mate, "Want to place a bet?"

Jungwoo arched an eyebrow, "Jae! You are really placing bets on your friends' future like that!?"

"Well...", Jaehyun swallowed thickly.

"If you do so, at least be more realistic, they're all over each other. It's a month"


Jaemin eyes Mark as he stormed in their dorm room and falls on his bed, throwing his backpack to the other side of the room.

"So...Donghyuck?"; "Duh, and you know what's worse, Jungwoo hyung and that idiot of a friend, Jaehyun hyung thought I have something for that brat!"

The bubblegum hair guy almost snorted, as if it's not obvious enough.
"Anyways, there is a party tonight, thrown by that ChengCheng guy. Alphas, Omegas, and Betas are all welcomed, you're coming?"

"Are you going Jaem?"; "Nah, Sungie my baby is not old enough to drink so we're binging The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air in his room tomorrow", Jaemin sighed dreamily, "Gosh, my mate is soooo cuddly"

[lmao, I destroyed all of y'all ships with my otp. cry]

Mark groaned in disgust, he always gets all the chills when his dorm mate rambles about his boyfriend.

"Babble all you want Mark but you will be just as whipped when you have a mate"

"That's will be in a far future, Jaem"
Or the complete opposite.

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