twenty [end]

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 Jaemin eyes Mark as he slammed the door of their dorm room open, throwing his backpack on the ground and slumping down his bed

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Jaemin eyes Mark as he slammed the door of their dorm room open, throwing his backpack on the ground and slumping down his bed.

"What is up your ass?", the guy asks but then stops himself, "Nah, nevermind, I'm guessing it's Donghyuck, ain't it"

"Tomorrow is the day he gets surgery to remove my mark and he has been running away from me the whole week"

"You don't have to be there, you know. Injun said Donghyuck's heat is coming soon so it's better for you to not trigger his sense, it'll be harder for him to heal later", the guy said, nonchalantly but then stops in his track and eyed his roommate. "Hold on why do you care anyway?"

"Why do I ca-", Mark stops himself, "Are you interrogating me?", he snaps, looking at his roommate, "He is my temporary mate, everything he has going on, has to go through me"

"Does it though hyung?", Jaemin questions, "The last time I checked, you said you're only doing it because it's your alpha responsibility"

"He didn't want your mating bite to begin with", Jaemin said, opening his laptop, "Point blank, Mark. No matter how attentive and caring you are, it doesn't change the fact that you guys' bond only exists because of a one night stand. It's wearing Donghyuck off"

"You don't know that. There are many things in our relationship that you guys have no knowledge of. Mark furrowed his eyebrows, "We have our ups and downs but we have got over all of it and make out the other side..."

"I've always valued his feelings and opinions, why can't he do the same? I'm still very much his mate"

"While he isn't yours, hyung", the other said, "There isn't a bite mark on your body. You're not as much of his mate as he is to you"

His Alpha feels physically unwell when he hears that. What does Jaemin know anyway? He is Donghyuck's alpha. He takes care of his heat, he fetches the younger everyday and in return, the omega would... Donghyuck, as his omega, he would... Mark tries to think after they mended their past, they did get better at being a cooperative couple. Didn't they? Is it just him who tried immensely?

Mark swallows as if air has been knocked out of him.

Haechan never actively fill his duals as an omega because he doesn't consider him Mark's and that possibility scares him.

"Let it go, hyung. He isn't your business anymore:

"He still is. Fuck you!", Mark freaks out, his inner peace is starting to crack , "He is! The moment he finished that stupid surgery, he may not but right now, he is still my goddamn omega. I don't care whatever bullshit you pull on me"

"Hyung....", Jaemin is so taken back.

"I gotta go", Mark grabs his jacket, "I'm going there"

"I don't think it's a good id-"

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