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 Donghyuck clings to him quietly as Mark rinses his body, washing off the shampoo. It's hard to breath knowing that the Omega was sent into a panic attack because of him. Mating is serious, it's real and almost no way of turning back. This is a sign of love and bond of eternity and considering their rocky history, it's a perfect recipe of misery. Sure, they can have a procedure to cut Donghyuck's bond cord but it would lose his chance of having children becomes a Beta and to an Omega, it's horror comes to life. Probably, there are other options but to the appalled two, this is the only thing presents and it's too scary.

 After getting out of the party house and get into Mark's car, the Alpha decided to break the silence, "S...Should I drive you back to your dorm?"

 Donghyuck seemed to be out of this world and can't listen to what he said, hands curled nervously on his lap as a chain of, "I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead,..." roll of his tongue.

  The Alpha taps his shoulder and the younger jolted back, whimpered, "Don't.... don't touch me"

 Letting out a sigh, the older leans over and places his hand on Donghyuck's nape, rubbing on it dedicatedly. He knows that he should not manipulate the boy's feelings but when freshly mated Omega is frustrated, this is a way to calm them down immediately and he thinks that in this tricky situation, he needs to keep Donghyuck's composed as well to prevent unfortunate harms that may occurred . The Omega shuddered and is visually less stiffed, tears still filled his doe eyes, "Mark...I'm scared"

 The older runs fingers through Donghyuck's soft locks and say, 

 "I understand, I don't know what to do right now but we both need to put aside our hatred and figure out how to sort all of this. This is mainly my fault, I shouldn't have mated you even if you asked because you were drunk. Now that we, we need to support one another and go through this together in the most mature way as possible"

 He is trying so hard to deliver his mind, and try to keep himself sane because Mark knows if he lost his senses, Donghyuck will break down also.

 The younger nods, sniffling as he uses his sleeve shirt to wipe away his tears, " brother will both of us...alive"

 Mark puffed out a breathy laugh of stress, "Not if my parents kill me first. You know them"

 Donghyuck cracks a small smile, "Yeah, I do", he then continued, "Let's g...go back"

 Mark blinks and lets out a small "Alright". Hands on the wheel, their car leaves the driveway.


 Johnny is worried. The head dorm called him last night, reporting that his brother isn't back and he is not in class that he is teaching today. The moment the bell rings, meaning at the morning lessons are finished, he quickly gave a quick call to the principle and told him his situation, taking the afternoon off.

 This is weird since even though he knows his brother has been mischevious, he would never shut off every contact like this. Worst things come in mind and the Alpha can't help but let out a distressed groan.

 His mate bit his lips and go sit next tom him, "I believe Donghyuck, he is smart enough to keep himself out of trouble", the Beta said, "He probably overslept somewhere, he will contact you as soon as he is sober"

 "Illie, you're too calm. Hyuckie is an Omega, who the hell knows what could happen?", Johnny said, rubbing his face in his palms but before they could continue their conversations, soft knocks from the door make both of them snapped.

 "Let me go get it"

 The front door swung open and Johnny relieves when he sees his baby brother standing in front of him, looking as tired as ever. "H...hiong"

 The Alpha pulled him in a tight hug, his voice waves, "Oh thank god". His brother is all he has, especially after their parents passed away in a car accident. The thought of the Omega might be harmed is hell on earth to him. However, a distinct phermephones make his eyebrows knitted and pull away. 

 "What is that?", he asked, "Your scent is..."

 As the sentence leaves his mouth, he realized that there is an unfamiliar guy who is standing behind Donghyuc. One second later, he is taken back. The way their scent....

 "You two are...mated?"

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