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(obsession is internationally confirmed to be soty by billboard, haters stay pressed)



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 Newly mated couples (finished or not) are very needy. Their marks (or in their case, Donghyuck's) are still settling in and their hormones are acting up as if they are horny teenagers and even though Mark wasn't marked, he is still affected by the younger. To make matters worse, they went for a private check-up the other day to know because of their marking session, the Omega's heat got mixed up and might come sooner than the planned cycle. 

 The Alpha tried his best to fill Donghyuck's void of the lack of intimacy by coming to see him before they leave for lectures, between lunch breaks, and before bedtime but whether they like it or not, they're going to have sex or else the small boy will lose his mind. It does spark up some small speculations from students who see they interact more often than usual, he and Donghyuck have not been acting harshly towards one another either but that is the last thing in the checklist that the Canadian needs to be worried about. 

 Donghyuck is his Omega, he is Mark's top priority.


 Just as said, Donghyuck has turned way more clingy since Mark has been tagging along with Jeno to see his "soon-to-be-boyfriend" Renjun in the morning. Just like right now, they're all tangled up on the Omega's bed and the brunette's face is tucked in his neck, whining softly as he inhales the addicting scent of the tobacco blend. Running his hand up and down of Donghyuck's back, he drops butterfly kisses on the boy's ear.

 Donghyuck's rich scent of sandalwood linger the room and Renjun can't help but teases them, "Easy there Duckie, I know your lovely Alpha is here but don't get him all worked up".

 Donghyuck turned to the Chinese and pokes his tongue out, "Bet! You wish Je could get all worked up for you".

 Mark snorted when the younger scrambled back into his embrace. He and Donghyuck aren't the best duo to start with but he is content that they could get along now, to rely on each other.

 "Anyways", Jeno awkwardly cough, "Not implying anything but Taeyong hyung left town for the whole next month to go with his boyfriend for holidays"

 "Oh yeah", Mark nods and shook the cuddly boy in his arms, "Hey, do you want to stay out at my brother's out for the weekend and if necessary, next week, in case..."

 "I'm not leaving for my bed but if we go right now and I get to cuddle you there as well then okay"; "Great, I'll take that as a 'yes'"

 Mark carefully lays the beautiful Omega down and boop his nose, earning a huff, "I'm going back to my dorm and pack some clothes and necessities and will be back in like 15 minutes, and you do just that too, kay?"; "Kay", Donghyuck lazily hums.

 As soon as the Alpha closes the door behind his back, Renjun gives him a look that got the tanned-skin boy panicked, "It's my Omega self controlling"

 "I never asked boy, don't need to defend yourself", the Chinese giggles, " want to be Jeno's future brother-in-law"

 "The last thing I want is my best friend to become my cousin's Omega. That shit is freaky", the boy shivered by the thought. "However...."


"I feel like, Mark really cares about you man. He researched what food you might like and go by it for me to deliver it for you in the morning. He scents his hoddies for you to wear it at night and let you...boss him around. Mark was never the kind to do so, you two had a dirty past and my brother leaves it aside and treats you reallllll nice", he slumped down next to Renjun, "I'm not saying that there might be something but there might be something"

 "Je...", Donghyuck's mouth went gaped open for a couple of seconds before he shakes himself out of thoughts and continues to pick out his clothes in the closet,

 "We have a bond because Mark marked me. Yeah he said he would take responsibility since he feels guilty but if it wasn't for Johnny-hyung scared him shitless, I doubt that he will be even close to devoted", Donghyuck gulped. Somehow the thought got his heart dropped, "He...after these months, everything will fall in its place again"

 He laughs nervously, "Don't...don't worry Je, there is no way I'll be your brother-in-law. Haha"

 Their conversation was then cut by Mark's knocking on the door. Stuffing his remaining needed items in, the Omega rushed to the door.

 "Hey Duckie", Renjun called and Donghyuck turned around, "what's up?"

 "What if Mark is devoted because  he genuinely cares about you?" 

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