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(you all don't deserve rights since y'all let the beauty of taeil flops)

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 In just a blink of an eye, Mark lets out a miserable scream when realized he has just been tackled on the ground, rain of punches landed on him mercilessly. It's always a new experience every day, getting punched by your professor and knowing he is related to the person that you didn't intend to mate with.

 "Hi-hiong!", Donghyuck screeched, pulling on his brother, "Do not hurt him! Let Mark go!"

 The older Alpha turned to him, rage filled his brown orbs, "You vanished a whole day, came back with some random Alpha and his scents is settling on you", Johnny growled, "Tell me this fucker didn't force-mated you. He did, didn't he!?"

 "NO!", both of them yell but Donghyuck's bother is too angry to even care. Thankfully, there is always someone besides the young Omega that could bring him back to his senses.

 Taeil gasped, he came out running and force his Alpha off the poor boy, nagging the older, "You're a full-grown adult Johnny Seo, deal with problems like one"

 "Illie, why can't you get it? This kid-"; "No excuse Alpha, get in"

 Seeing how serious his mate it, Johny gulped and finally got off Mark, he didn't forget to send a dirty glare to the younger when he stomped off. "Lee Donghyuck, get in, I need to talk with both of you"

 As soon as the professor leaves, Taeil gently pushes the boy on the ground up. "I'm so sorry for my partner's behavior, he is short-tempered when it comes to Donghyuck"

 Mark blinked, "You don't think I force-mated him?"; "Well, no predator has the audacity to drive its victim to their home right, especially when you know Donghyuck's personality. Johnny is just worried about his brother"

 Donghyuck also kneeled down and wince at the blooming bruises, "Sorry. I'll bandage you up later Alpha" and Mark hums, stroking the younger's hair, "I get it, if I see my sister got mated overnight with someone I don't know, I'll act the same way"


 After explaining what really happened to the couple, Johnny lets out a frustrated sigh.

 "Why are you two idiots, gods sake...", he continued, "Hyuckie, I have been spoiling you, letting you off and turn a blind eye when you go to all those crazy parties. I don't care about my reputation at school but this is about your safety, your future", he says, "I only have you and Illie as my family, the last thing I want to happen is any of you get hurt. Do you understand that, baby?"

 The young Omega doesn't even dare to look up, ashamed since he lets his brother down even though he didn't mean to. "I'm so sorry..."

 "And you, Mark Lee", Johnny eyes him up and down, "I've heard from people at school that you and Donghyuck are not particularly close so when my brother put out that offer, you could have turned it down. Even if you're drunk, agreeing to mate someone who is not sober either is not acceptable. However, I see that you truly want to take care of the matter so I won't report the incident to the school's council. At the same time, I apologize for my actions earlier, it was inhumane of me"

 Mark stuttered, "T-thank you, professor, I will take good care of Donghyuck for the time being"

 Taeil nods of approval. "Let me just clear this out of the way. You two don't want to keep the bond, am I right?"

 And the way they reacted made the adults have to raise their eyebrows. Both rambling and overlapping each other before deciding on the most unsettling answer of, "Y..yeah, we think so"

 "Well, in that case, it's easy. Since the marking process was unfinished and you don't develop feelings on one another, there is a way for us to cut the bond. It takes a year for the mark to naturally disappear when there is no romance. However, in technical, Mark is still Donghyuck's Alpha so when heat comes will resort to his care to go through it because heat is totally different after mated"

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