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go stream mew suppasit's "season of you" periodt

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There's just something about Indian restaurants...they make you feel like home: Dim lights, friendly people and amazing scents. Whenever Donghyuck is troubled, he comes here as a sort of comfort since you know...a bowl of delicious chicken saag can solve all your problems.

After getting their food, Donghyuck and Renjun can finally happily settled down to their seats with their beverages.

"I loveeee this place, thank god you took me here", the Chinese boy muses, sipping on his tea, " And also the fact that we can finally have some quality time for each other"

"Please, if it weren't for Jeno latching on you, we would have the ability to go out sooner", Donghyuck rolled his eyes playfully and take a bite of his curry, humming in satisfaction, "Gosh, it's so delicious!"

"Oh come on, don't tell me that you didn't pull the card and hid from us for weeks. I was missing your stupid ass but all you did was hanging up on me. You know me, I'm not a snoopy bitch, just tell me you don't want me to ask about Mark then I'll stop", the other complained, obviously unhappy that his friend was giving a cold shoulder, "I care about you, you're not only my roommate, we're friends too"

Donghyuck awkwardly nudge his friend, giving him a toothy smile as an apology and they laughed it off, being with Renjun always help him to de-stress.

Their talk went on smoothly, mostly catching on all the things they have missed on one another in the last weeks: Jeno secretly raising a kitten in his dorm room, Renjun's family in China is moving to another house, Jungwoo threatening to suffocate Lucas because the guy doesn't want to pay up for their BBQ dinner etc, these news give him a good laugh and all of his worries go away.

Of course, things can only get better when...

"Wow, is it raining outside, it's been weeks since it last rained", Renjun arched an eyebrow and said in awe and the other shrugged, "Great, the city's dust can be washed away then!"

He knows it's not "I'm not like other boys" things but rain really calm him down. It kinda nurtures him in a way and give him time to just...get into his head space and organizes his thoughts and it goes the same for Renjun. The two omegas continued to have small talks here and there and just admire the nice weather (in their opinions) going cats and dogs outside.

However, everything is abruptly cut short when the restaurant's door is hurriedly open and a wet boy came rushing in.

"H...hello, can I stay here for a few minutes, it's pouring rain outside and there's no 7-11s around", the guy beg and the hostess invites him in, giving him a spare towel to dry him off, thanks god for family restaurants.

Donghyuck's eyes immediately caught on and almost memerized by the guy.

"Hyuck, or you even listening to me?", Renjun snapped his fingers to gain back his attention, "Who are you looking at?"

The omega gulped, eyes still glued on the man from afar and mumbles, "Injun, look behind your back, 2 o'clock but don't make any...."

"Oh my god, isn't that Mark Lee?", Renjun gasped and Donghyuck bangs his head on the table, the other also he was speaking too loudly and flustered and of course, Mark, who was called, turned around and recognized them.

"Donghyuck? Renjun?", he said, just as surprised. What are the odds anyways? But before he could say anything else, the hostess tapped his back and say,

"I'm sorry to inform you but there's no table left for at least thirty more minutes so I don't know if you're comfortable or not, I'll bring you a chair or something to sit. I once again, apologize for this inconvenience"

The Canadian sighed but obglied anyway, "Sure, no big deal, I can just-"

"Hey Mark", a voice comes out from behind him and the Alpha turned around, and unbelievably enough, Donghyuck is there. "I just evedropped you guys and umm... our table have a spare seat, I gladly invite you to sit with us if you want to"

"Wait, really?", the older said, heart in his throat.

"Of course, unless you're not comfortable"

Donghyuck is being this friendly to him, he has no choice but to not resist this amazing offer. Mark smiled at him and answer "Sure, I'd love to" and the hostess told him that she will bring the menu to him later then.


Donghyuck could see Renjun's eyeing him from his phone across the table but he kindly ignored it

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Donghyuck could see Renjun's eyeing him from his phone across the table but he kindly ignored it. Come on, he and Mark might be awkward with each other but they have already acknowledged each other's existences when he came in, if he let Mark sits there alone like an idiot, it will dig a deeper grave for their relationship.

"Hey, thank you two for letting me sit here, I'm really not up to sitting by their doorstep and look like an idiot", the older said, a small smile on his face and Donghyuck smiled back at him.

"Nah, I only help you because I'll be experiencing secondhand embarrassment ass well since I know you and I have to witness that", the younger cracked a joke which make all of them let out a small giggle, putting a nice atmostphere on them three.

"Wow, not me, I'm up for witnessing that a hundred percent", Renjun cracked a joke which make all of them let out a small giggle, putting a nice atmostphere on them three and the omega secretly put a thumb up for his friend, assuring that he'll has his back anyhow.

Honestly, Donghyuck feels nice that after a long while, they could finally spend time together without going through shyness and anxiety. And maybe, just maybe, he will have the courage to talk it out with Mark soon.

The Alpha seemed to feel the younger's eyes on him and turned around, Donghyuck swears to God that Mark knows how he feel because the man gently rub his back, and mouthing.

"Feels good to finally sit down with you after a while"

Alright, maybe being overly nice and confident for once won't hurt.

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