3: Next Steps

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Alexander is currently seated next to his brother in the shuttle as the silence is rather uneasy which Alexander knows that Miranda isn't one for small talk but is gonna try it anyway.

Alexander: "so this boss of yours... Anything I should know?" He asks cautiously as Miranda looks over and figures it wouldn't hurt to tell.

Miranda: "he goes by the Illusive Man. If you're looking for a biography then you won't find that with me, I barely know him on a personal level." She says as Alexander doesn't like how vague that is when Miranda decides to ask him questions. "But what about you? What made you join the alliance?" She asks having a good idea as she read his dossier but is looking for confirmation.

Alexander: "uh..." He says uncertain while closing his eyes and thinks of his parents with his coddling a younger Oscar. "it's personal... Very personal." He says as Oscar knows the reasons why as Miranda is unsatisfied with the answer but settles for now. "Since you're asking about my personal life, does that mean I get to ask about yours?" He asks whilst resting his cybernetic leg on his knee.

Miranda: "you can ask but don't be surprised if I spurn you." She rebuttals as Alexander shakes his head and thinks for a second and decides to start small.

Alexander: "your accent... Australian is it not? Born on Earth or somewhere else that just happens to have a lot of Australians?" He asks as Miranda is somewhat impressed with his assumption not that her accent is hard to figure out.

Miranda: "I was born on Earth, I understand you were as well?" She asks as Alexander nods but says he and Oscar were mostly raised on research stations on the edge of the terminus systems.

Alexander: "be real with me Ms Lawson, why does this Illusive Man have his eyes on me?" He asks as Miranda adjusts herself but remains seated in a formal manner.

Miranda: "he has his eyes on anyone who believes in doing the right thing. You may not like Cerberus for our reputation but you're willing to look at the bigger picture, it's almost admirable." She says with a cocky smirk as Alexander chuckles to himself.

Alexander: "almost? What are the cybernetics a turn off?" He asks a joking manner as Oscar finds it difficult to hold in a laugh while Miranda shakes her head at the immaturity.

Miranda: "I couldn't care less about your cybernetics." She says rather indifferently as she signals to them that they're here. "This is the Lazarus research station, you two will be posted here for the time being." She says as their shuttle lands and they exit. "Oscar you're familiar with security mechs yes?"

Oscar: "I've dabbled." He says as Miranda nods finding that to be suitable as she drops him off to be officially introduced to their engineering team when Alexander asks where they're going.

Miranda: "you're gonna meet the Illusive Man." She says as Alexander follows her through the halls as he feels an itch where his arm used to be causing him to sigh as Miranda looks back.

Alexander: "sorry... It's nothing." He says as they continue moving as he steps inside a circular link as it begins to connect him to the Illusive Man as Miranda stands next to him as Alexander sees the Illusive Man before. "So you're the Illusive Man?" He asks examining him who's busy smoking a cigarette. "I'm guessing there's a reason for us not meeting face to face?"

Illusive Man: "just a necessary precaution, surely you understand." As Alexander does to a limited degree. "Miranda will see that your cybernetics are improved, you made the right call Hellström." He says disconnecting the channel as Alexander is surprised by the abrupt ending but Miranda takes him to lab as the engineer begin getting to work on applying the new cybernetics.

Alexander: "so... What happens next?" He asks curiously as Miranda debates on weather or not to tell him.

Miranda: "we... Are gonna recover Shepard's body." She says as Alexander slowly looks up at her like she's crazy asking what the hell they're gonna do with it. "what do you think we intend to do?" She asks as Alexander thinks for a moment as his eyes widen.

Alexander: "you're saying you're gonna bring Shepard who's likely spaced back from the dead... How?" He asks not sure if he actually wants to know.

Miranda: "I could tell you but do you got all day?" As Alexander gives her a blank stare noting the situation he's in. "Hmph I guess you do but I got other matters to attend to." She says leaving the room as Alexander sighs with blatant annoyance.

Alexander: "she always like that?" He asks as the engineers nod in unison. "Terrific." He says to himself and closes his eyes. Oscar meanwhile is checking the security mechs with some guy named Wilson.

Wilson: "former alliance huh? They have mechs do the fighting for them?" As Oscar scoffs while shaking his head.

Oscar: "no cause we actually fight our battles, even the engineers." He says putting the final touches on the security mechs adjusting a countermeasure from his omni tool. "Security activate, code 45826." He says as the security mechs activates and admits command. "It'll work, If you're looking for canon fodder." He says deactivating the security mechs and notices Wilson staring at him. "What?" He asks annoyed.

Wilson: "why are you here? I get Alexander he's a skilled soldier who sees the true threat but you? You're just following your brother around forever in his shadow." He says as Oscar gets up from his seat taller than him by three inches.

Oscar: "I'm watching over my brother dickhead, I don't trust anyone in Cerberus... Especially you so watch what you say." He says bumping past him looking around for Alexander finding walking around with his new cybernetics. "So was Miranda bullshitting you or are those cybernetics what they're hyped to be?" He asks seeing Alexander move his cybernetic arm around.

Alexander: "I think so, little to no delay in the movement input." He says as the two walk together finding their assigned quarters. "You know you didn't have to come with right? I didn't ask you to." As Oscar seats himself in the chair with his fingers intertwined.

Oscar: "you didn't but somebody's gotta watch your ass in case Cerberus decides you're no longer needed... Remember the promise we made to mom and dad?" He asks as Alexander slowly nods.

Alexander: "we'd always look out for each other." He states whilst closing his eyes and turns to his brother. "But Oscar... If I'm walking into hell then I don't want you coming along." He says as Oscar badly takes this the wrong way.

Oscar: "oh so you wanna leave me?" He asks tapping his foot impatiently.

Alexander: "I never said that, I simply don't want your life to be in danger." As Oscar crosses his arms in clear irritation.

Oscar: "and I don't want your life to be in danger but look where we are. You look after me like I'm a kid but who the hell is supposed to look after you now hmm? Kruger and Alejandra aren't here." He says as Alexander slowly is getting annoyed by his brother's challenging attitude.

Alexander: "I know I lost three limbs but I can look after myself in the field Oscar... You're an engineer not s soldier." He says as Oscar closes his eyes shaking his head. "Oscar I didn't mean-" he says going to console him but Oscar denies his help.

Oscar: "just shut up... you're right I'm not a biotic enhanced soldier so I can never keep my eyes on you in that area but don't you dare... Try telling me that I shouldn't be at your side." He growls out standing before him as Alexander doesn't say anything as whatever he could say would only make it worse. "I'm headed to bed." He says getting in his bed as Alexander does the same.

Alexander: "Oscar... I do love you with all my heart... I'm just afraid of losing you." He says laying on his side as the brothers have their backs turned away from each other.

Oscar: "yeah... Same here, night Alex." He says as the head get to sleep as both hate the fact they argued.

Written by devoncruz19

Spell checked by Ronin 141

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