5: Favors

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Alexander finds himself running to Miranda's location trying to get there as fast as he can.

Alexander: "Miranda what the hell is going on over there!?" He asks in his comm but gets nothing. "Damn it." He thinks to himself as he sees Miranda and the others about to be executed by the blue suns. "Hey! Assholes!" He says using biotic charge to rocket towards and sends the mercenary flying headfirst into a vehicle.

Blue suns: "what the hell!?" He asks trying to shoot Alexander but his rifle is knocked out of his hands as he's then thrown into some of his friends via Alexander using his biotics. Alexander fires his M5 Phalanx in quick succession getting three headshots. He then puts up a biotic barrier to protect from rocket as the fireball engulfs the area around him and the others.

Alexander pulls out his blade and uses biotic charge in tandem to easily cleave the blue sun who shot the rocket in two. Alexander looks around seeing that it's clear and heads on back.

Alexander: "you guys okay?" He asks offering his hand to Miranda who accepts his help.

Miranda: "we're fine, you sure have convenient timing." She says panting slightly as Alexander chuckles softly.

Alexander: "what can I say? I'm a master of conveniences... Wait that doesn't really work now with... This." He says doing a motion with his cybernetic limb while Miranda shakes her head.

Miranda: "come on, we have a job to do." She says taking point as Alexander and the others follow.

Alexander: "I know this isn't exactly valuable but on my way to the clinic I ran into some blue suns but a salarian doctor going by Mordin Solus made short work of them." As Miranda glances over recognizing the name.

Miranda: "we've had Dr Solus as a person of interest for awhile, good job finding him." She compliments as they arrive at what looks like a resting area when they see an asari and Drell run in looking like they're running for their lives as Alexander looks over their shoulders seeing two blue suns giving chase.

Alexander: "get down." He says aiming his M5 Phalanx as the two duck with Alexander shooting both mercenaries dead. "That Liara T'Soni?" He directs to Miranda.

Miranda: "indeed it is... I believe we can help each other Dr T'Soni." She says as Liara looks untrusting as Alexander thinks this won't end well.

Author's note: just a quick clarification, yes me and Dev are aware of the Mass effect redemption comic to some extent but neither of us have actually read it, we've only heard bits and pieces.

*Fifteen minutes later.*

Alexander is leaning against a wall outside the safehouse keeping an eye out as Miranda is busy taking with Liara about finding Shepard's body which is still on Omega but is for some reason being sold by the Shadow Broker.

Alexander (mind): "not even the political bullshit on the citadel is this complicated... Actually it's more of the same." He thinks to himself as Miranda approaches him. "so what's the deal? Blue gonna help?"

Miranda: "she's agreed to do it for Shepard and not for us which is fine by me, we'll let her rest and drop her and Feron off in a few hours, how you holding up?"

Alexander: "I'm alright." He asks as Miranda stares clearly not believing him. "Look I'm just trying to keep myself busy, if I linger too long then I begin thinking about what happened." He says referring to being betrayed and mutilated by the Krogan.

Miranda: "I understand, take some time to cool off alright?" She advises as Alexander nods and notices that she still has some blood on her cheek as Alexander cleans it. "Oh... Thank you."

Alexander: "don't mention it." He says as Miranda leaves him be as he takes just how shitty Omega is with the violence and poverty but his thought process is interrupted by his Omni tool. "who is this?"

Yunai: "that Drell you saved earlier, meet me at the clinic we need to talk." As Alexander tries talking but the call ends.

Alexander: "well fuck me sideways." He curses to himself and heads back to the clinic and leans a doorway seeing Mordin scanning Yunai who's been treated and very irritated.

Mordin: "you seem physically able to move around, just don't swim or climb great altitudes for 6 to 8 weeks." He says as Yunai is slowly losing her patience and sees Alexander and asks Mordin if that's him. "Yes, brought you in when you were delirious, I'll leave you two alone." He says leaving like a bat out of hell as Alexander approaches with his arms crossed.

Alexander: "how you holding up?" He asks as Yunai slowly breathes feeling sassy.

Yunai: "I'm currently recovering from a punctured lung, what do you think?" She asks as Alexander shakes his head with amusement. "Why did you help me? I'm just a stranger and your friend made a good point, I could be a criminal who's getting what they deserve."

Alexander: "well are you?" He asks as Yunai retorts asking if he considers mercenary work criminal like. "That depends, do you kill innocents?" He asks as Yunai hmms as it's rare for someone to challenge her.

Yunai: "no not once, I only kill those who deserve what's coming to them and I make sure to know before hand." She says still sitting on the table as Alexander seems satisfied with the answer.

Alexander: "why am I here Yunai? Surely it can't be just to thank me." As Yunai touches her side as it's aching.

Yunai: "I... Don't like being in debt to someone so I'll return the favor." She says as Alexander asks what the favor will entail. "Whatever you want. I'll kill, look for someone or even have sex with you if you're feeling that lonely and desperate." She says rather bluntly as Alexander is flustered by that last part.

Alexander: "I'm not either of those things." He says as Yunai slowly smirks seeing his goofy looking expression.

Yunai: "so what do you want? Everyone's always got something they want."

Alexander: "there is something you can do, I want you to try finding this Krogan and human named Yuri Ivanov, you don't need a reason why right?" He asks while showing pictures of the two.

Yunai: "no I honestly couldn't care less, once I'm fully recovered I'll start looking, but curious... I'm guessing these two had something to do with that?" She asks referring to the cybernetic limbs.

Alexander: "to a degree, I just want you to find them and send their location to me... Not kill them." As Yunai leans forward as her face is right next to his.

Yunai: "I heard you the first time human." She says as Alexander is silent from how close she is. "As much as I enjoy your presence, you're needed elsewhere... I'm certain we'll meet again." She says hopping off the table and walks past him.

Alexander (mind): "hmph, she's a strange yet alluring." He thinks to himself heading on back to the safehouse and rests on a couch. *Next day.* Alexander and Miranda are headed back to lazarus station having dropped off Liara and Feron as the shuttle docks as they exit.

Miranda: "well you performed better than expected." She compliments as they walk together.

Alexander: "I was a Spectre candidate, you doubted my abilities?" He asks curiously not offended.

Miranda: "not your technical abilities, just your ability to adjust to the cybernetics... It seemed as though you didn't lose a step." She says as Alexander can understand that to an extent as they go their separate ways. Alexander finds Oscar fixing one of the LOKI mechs.

Alexander: "hey grease monkey." He says as Oscar looks over relived to see him okay.

Oscar: "so... Anything interesting?" He asks as Alexander goes on about how Omega is a piss hole and now has a favor with a female Drell. "Oh... Sounds like quite the adventure." He says as Alexander finds that to be humorous.

First half written by Ronin 141

Second half/Alexander and Yunai conversation written by devoncruz19

So I owe an explanation for the nearly two months of nothing for this story, Dev was going through some personal stuff and working on his fantasy story a lot more while I was finishing up Dying Flame but we will be more consistent in the future or at least try to.

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