Mistaken Identity

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"It was Christmas season and after his twin had returned from the all-Japan youth training camp, Atsumu rambled to him about how they should go to this particular street in Tokyo that his blonde twin had once visited during his stay in the city.

Osamu had no interest then, saying that he will just cope at home or pump up himself for the upcoming Spring Interhigh. But it seemed that Atsumu just really knew how to pique his interest, because at the mentions of "many food", he agreed immediately without sparing any more thought.

But then, here Osamu was, getting ditched by his idiot twin brother in the middle of the said awfully packed, street foods-what the heck happened to Atsumu's "Let's explore the street together!" really—when a stranger out of nowhere tapped his shoulder.

He flinched at the touch and turned his head to the side abruptly to see a raven haired boy panting heavily with both of his hands on his knees.

"Sorry, I'm late, Miya-san." The ravenette inhaled a lungful of air. "I'm so bad at direction that it took me two hours to get here from the station when it was just around the corner. I tried to contact you, but I forgot to bring my phone." He then exhaled slowly, trying to calm down his breathing. "Luckily, I found you here.."

How does this dude know me?

Osamu was confused. The raven haired boy seemed to know who he was, but he didn't have the slightest clue about who the ravenette might be and he didn't make any effort to ask either. He just looked at the stranger with forehead bunched in a frown, quietly.

"Let's go then?" The ravenette asked. Osamu was startled when the boy suddenly stood up straight, reaching his eye level, so he nodded on reflex.


When he remained still, the boy peered at his face. And as Osamu stared into the stranger's dark ocean blue eyes, he felt like he was held captive, until a low humming voice from the other brought him back to his senses.

"So, you dyed your hair, Miya-san? Grey looks good on you too. It looks much better than the yellow one you had before actually."


The guy had surely mistaken Osamu for his idiotic twin then. By analyzing the situation, he could tell that the raven haired boy and Atsumu had promised to hang out together at the very same street foods they went to and on the exact same day.

Or it just could be that Atsumu had planned this all along. Dragging Osamu here on this specific day—willingly woke up at dawn so that they can take the first train from Hyogo to Tokyo—just for the blonde to fulfill his deal in bringing him here, while also got to meet this blue-eyed boy without telling him.

The problem was, how the heck could Atsumu forget that he was expecting a friend, but then just roamed around freely by himself. Plus ended up ditching Osamu in the unfamiliar street all alone in the process.

Osamu did wonder a little though, as to how did this raven haired boy can still mistook him for Atsumu.

While they both indeed look identical, they clearly have different hair colors. In the first place, the very purpose they decided to differentiate their hair color was so that people could tell them apart.

Because no matter how much he loved and proud of his twin, Osamu just hated it when people continously mistaken him for Atsumu and said that they both are the same. Sure, maybe the face, but their personality alone actually was enough to distinguish who is who as they both have opposing personalities with each other. He's a lot calmer in some circumstances and probably smarter than Atsumu.

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