If I Were to Love You

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Kuroo knew. Despite them had never actually talked to one another, only exchanging simple greetings or nods every now and then, he knew that Kageyama liked him.

The way a faint blush shyly made its way to the boy's cheeks every time their eyes met, or how he caught Kageyama's gaze lingering at him for just a moment too long when the latter thought he wasn't looking, gave away all the hints he needed to ensure his assumption about the younger boy's feelings towards him.

Warm, tender, sincere eyes that reflected wistful longing. As if it was seeing something so precious to its owner and yet, the owner themselves knew it more than anyone else that they could not have it.

The kind of eyes that Kuroo himself knew very well, to the point that looking at it made him feel like he was staring into a reflection of his own.

Eyes that was long directed to his one and only childhood bestfriend, Kenma.

"Don't you ever want to confess?"

Kageyama didn't need to turn his head and look up to know who it was.

The voice that had been perfectly engraved in his head whether he liked it or not. The voice that had became the water in his air, for it both quenched and cleansed his soul everytime he heard it for the past five years. He memorized it too damn well.

Confess? If only he was not so nervous because Kuroo out of nowhere started a conversation with him after blatantly avoiding him all this time, Kageyama would have laughed at those words.

Though he might have to put extravagant efforts /just/ to score fifty points in academics, and regardless of how many things in life he still didn't know and understand about because he had been too preoccupied with volleyball since the moment he was born, Kageyama was anything but dumb.

He was not as dense and ignorant as people deemed him to be.

It might take years for him to be able to understand the foreign feelings he felt towards Kuroo. It took him months, struggles, and a lot of denials to finally came to terms with his feelings. Yet, it was unsurprisingly easy for him to know (even a four year old could tell) that the older boy had his eyes set on someone that was not him already.

Still, he stared. Hoping Kuroo would someday stare back, but what he always got in return until the moment they could no longer meet so often was the older boy's broad back, and a gentle smile that was never meant nor directed to him.

Not even for a moment did Kuroo ever spare a glance at him.

And now that they were in their twenties with Kageyama in his fourth semester of college and Kuroo who was fresh out of university, being reunited once again at Nekoma's school gym (following Bokuto's wish for the volleyball clubs to have a reunion match after a long time), neither his feelings nor Kuroo's feelings had changed since.

So, asking him if he ever had any thoughts of confessing, "Is there any point in doing that?" When the older male's act towards him had made it very clear that it's of no use?

The silence that followed after was all the answer Kageyama needed.

In that momentary stillness, the wind shifted, making a fine flag of his tousled hair. Time seemed to flow in slow motion, as the sun began to set in.

Kageyama stayed motionless, face aglow with beautiful color of fire hearths and tangerines of the sky that stretched far and wide before he noted movement out of the corner of his eye. Kuroo came to sit beside him on the stairs that led them inside the gym.

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