Q&A Part 1

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"Hello everyone!" Sitting at the center of a table was a rider. They wore armor that was a mix of 001 and Hell RIsing Hopper. On their waist was a forceriser with the Hell Rising Hopper Progrise key in it. "I'm Kamen_Rider_001! But please, call me 001. Here, we're here for the Q & A of the Cast of "Our Dreams And Futures"Symphogear x Zero-One!"

Suddenly, spotlights lit up the plethora of chairs at the table, the majority being filled. "Here, we have everyone who has shown up so far in the story. More chairs will be filled eventually so don't worry about the empty chairs. Now, we do have some questions for the characters, albeit not all. I do hope to get more questions. If you have any for the characters, feel free to leave them in the comments on any of the chapters. You can even ask me. But anyways, I'm getting off topic here. The first bunch of questions come from LightTempezuki." The rider took out a pile of postcards, straightening them up.

"First question is for Takiyama. If you had to choose a favorite progrise key to use, what would it be?"

Takiyama took a moment to think before responding with, "Rising Hopper. It's the key from Zero-One's base form and it's Zero-One's go to form. It's also my father's and my favorite."

"Aww, heartwarming," 001 said, putting the first card to the back. "Next up, we have one for Takuya. Do you really need to force the key open? You're literally channeling the Forceriser when you do it."

Takuya simply stared as some laughed, some even falling out of their chairs (Mainly Takiyama and Seth.) Takuya sighed. "It's a habit," he admitted, "I prefer to get things open myself when it's hard to open." "Hmmm, alright. Not toooo surprising," 001 said."

"Kanade, how would you feel if Hibiki sung a version of your song from when you were a symphogear?" 001 asked, reading the next card.

Kanade thought for a moment before smiling. "I'd feel happy and honored. Hibiki's a good successor for Gungnir and I don't think anyone could do what she can with it." Hearing all of this brought a light blush to Hibiki's cheeks in embarrassment. 001 couldn't help but smile, if they could smile. They then moved to the next card, looking towards Seth who had just gotten back into his chair after getting a bottle of water.

"How'd you come up with the name Slipstream?" 001 asked.

"Ah, well... It was kinda a group effort with me and Takiyama. But, see, a when someone's caught in a slipstream, there is less resistance holding them back. When he get going and i see the hope i've created for others, there's less to hold me back. That's my slipstream, and that's the slipstream for others to follow." Seth explained, a prominent smile on his face.

001 nods, liking the response. "Hibiki," they spoke, turning to the girl, "Who do you like more? Miku? Or Takiyama?" Everyone turned to Hibiki for the answer, the majority knew of the girl's crush on the male but everyone knew the deep friendship she had with Miku. Hibiki simply covered her face in embarrassment. "i-I can't answer!"

"That's fine," 001 said, reaching over to pat Hibiki on the head. "Next, Tsubasa. How do you actually do the shadow weave thing?" Tsubasa tilted her head slightly, saying, "Owaga taught me, ask him." "...alright, i guess." 001 sweatdropped.

"Now there's one question imma save for the end so lets move onto the questions given by user19091611. Takuya, if you had trouble opening your Progrise Key, would you try to force it open by yourself or would you ask for help. That's easy." "By himself," everyone said. "Miku, If you had two movie tickets who would you bring with you? Takiyama or Hibiki?" 001 asked.Miku simply smiled and answered, "I'd give them the tickets and let them enjoy it together." "Awww, sweet," 001 said. "Tsubasa, what would you consider to be the most difficult move you had to master?"

"Hmmm. All of them. It was difficult at first, especially as a symphogear."

"And lastly, the question from before, everything going smoothly on your end, S? Heh, well, I can't risk leaking her yet so I'll say. Everything is going better than expected. Now, that concludes all the questions. Please leave more for us to answer in the future. We'll see you all later. Ciao!"

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