Season 1 - Episode 4

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Season 1 - Episode 4: Shedding Tears and Emerald Feathers


-Five Years Earlier-

A young child stood at the side of a bed, looking at a woman who lay still in her bed, breathing peacefully. Beside him was a roughly 40-50-year-old woman seated in a wheelchair, her hands neatly folded over her lap, and a female Humagear stood behind the wheelchair, gripping the handles. "When's Nay-chan going to wake up?" The young child asked, looking away from the sleeping woman to look at the woman in the wheelchair, his aunt. "Seth..." His aunt sighed softly, resting one of her hands on his shoulder. Slowly, everything faded to the next scene.

-Two Years Earlier-

A young teen stood by the bed of the sleeping woman, this time by himself. He wore a blue-green shirt underneath a primarily black school uniform. "Hey, Mama... I hope you're doing well... I got some good news! I got to meet Tak-Kun again! He's president of Hiden now," the teenage Seth said, chuckling as he tried to distract his true feelings, "Um... I've been doing well with my school work, I even got a job... I start tomorrow, at a restaurant called the Flower... You'd always say my Teriyaki was 5 stars... You'd like it there..." However, despite his best attempts, his cheerful attitude soon ended as he looked at his mother solemnly. "I and Auntie miss you... We both wish you didn't fall into this coma... Not even the doctors have been able to find the cause of it yet." He looked down, trying not to cry. The camera moved past a clock as it faded to more recent.

-A Month Earlier-

A more present-day Seth sat in a chair by his mother's bed, holding something in his hands. "Hey, Mom...Tak gave me something today..." Seth said, speaking to his mother despite knowing he wouldn't get a response. "He says I can use it to protect people... I don't know if I can do it." He looked up from the item he was holding, a Forceriser, to look at his mother's face. He reached out and brushed strands of her hair out of her face, smiling softly. "I'm worried I might mess up," He then said, taking his hand back, "I wish you were here to give me your guidance." He gently grasped her hand and kissed the back of her hand, holding it up to his forward afterward. He stayed like that for a moment before looking at her face again. "I know mom, I know..." He said, acting as if she had spoken to him. "I'll do it... And I'll make sure this place is safe when you wake up." Seth got up and turned to the door. "Mom... Mahal kita," He said, staying for a moment to see if he would get a response. He soon left, however, a smile on his face.

-Present Day-

Code: Nehushtan

Back in Section Two, everyone was in shock when they found the waveform that had appeared in Tsubasa's and Hibiki's locations. "Get there now! Get that armor, no matter what!" Genjuurou shouted over comms. With Tsubasa and Hibiki, they were simply looking in shock at the new girl. "The armor of Nehushtan..." Tsubasa muttered. "So you know where this armor's from?" The girl asked, Showing her snarky attitude. "Because of my failure, it was stolen two years ago. I'll never forget," Tsubasa said, getting angry, "And I'll never forget the life that was nearly stolen because of me!" Both girls got ready to fight, Tsubasa holding up her sword as the girl brought out a cane of some kind. "The reason I almost lost Kanade... and the Gungnir Symphogear she left behind... Both have come back to me, at the same time, after two years..." Tsubasa said, the two sharing glaring at each other, "But this cruelty feels good to me!" However, before either side could attack, Hibiki quickly latched onto Tsubasa, crying out, "Don't, Tsubasa-San! That's a person! Another human!"

Both girls looked at Hibiki and said the same thing, "It's a battlefield! What's wrong with you!?" This caused Tsubasa to look at the Nehushtan girl with a grin. "I think you and I are going to get along," She said. "Then wanna have some fun?" The Nehushtan girl asked before sending her whip at them. Tsubasa pushed Hibiki away before jumping into the air, dodging the whip entirely. Electricity built up around Tsubasa's sword before she end the energy at the girl.

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