Season 1 - Episode 13

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Season 1 - Episode 13: Meteoroids Falling, Burning, Disappearing, and Then...



Takiyama inserted his progrise key as the Symphogears took to the sky, donning new white armor with their appropriate colors, flying gracefully with newly apparent wings. The Zero-One bodysuit formed around Takiyama, missing any sort of armor. However, the grasshopper's eyes began to beep before it began to open up, revealing itself to be a set of armor. It lowered onto Zero-One, clasping into place before the legs closed up, forming into fins as it completed the transformation. A new Authorize buster even formed in his hand, his new armor reflecting the sunlight's rays. They were ready, revitalized, and rearmed.

Warning! Warning! This Is Not A Test! Hybridrise! Shining! Assault Hopper! No Chance At Surviving This Shot!

"They're so cool!" The little girl Hibiki and Takiyama had saved in the past cheered with the rest. "They really couldn't do it without us," Yumi said, happy this time instead of frightened, proud even. "We helped each other. Nice!" Shiori said. "With this, it's like we're fighting alongside them," Kuriyo said. Miku looked at the screen, smiling.

Episode 13: Meteoroids Falling, Burning, Disappearing, and Then...

"The gear that everyone's song gave me... It gives me the power to win. It gave Chris-Chan and Tsubasa-San the power to stand up again. Songs aren't the only the power to fight," Hibiki stated, hovering high in the air with Chris and Tsubasa with her, "They're life." "A high-level phonic gain... A new power-up item..." Finè mused, analyzing their gears, "Then this is revenge for two years ago?" "That doesn't matter!" Chris declared, speaking telepathically. "Telepathy as well? Are you going to kill me, now that you have your unlimited Gears?" Finè questioned, raising Solomon's Cane and activating it, summoning only a few Noise. "You really need to learn some new tricks!" Chris mocked. "All the Noise across the world, was it your fault?" Tsubasa questioned.

"The Noise are automated weapons, created so that humanity, with mutual understanding lost, will kill one another," Finè explained. "So humans would kill each other?" Hibiki repeated. "The door to the treasury of Babylonia is stuck open. I used what was a once-in-a-decade escape through that door, and made it a regular event. They are simply a source of power for me," Finè mused. It didn't matter if they knew at this point, this was the final outcome in this battle, the final moment. "I still have no idea what you're talking about!" Chris shouted, obviously angered. "Hey! I only just now locked onto the Gears' waveforms! What did I miss?" Zero-One finally said, having only now tuned into the telepathy range to hear anything. His question went unanswered however as the Noise fired at them. The Symphogears dodged out of the way with ease whereas Zero-One slashed at them, cleaving the Noise in two. Finè used the opportunity however to point the cane towards the sky, generating a bright green light. "ANSWER MY CALL!"

A large beam fired off, raining Noise down across the city in large batches, even large class Noise and aerial ones, crashing the city without hesitation. The entire city was covered, cutting out the warrior's work for them. "They're everywhere!" Chris said before gripping her fist, "Okay, I'll take 'em all out!" The girl then flew off, leaving Hibiki and Tsubasa to turn towards each other. "Tsubasa-San... I just wanted to say," Hibiki stated, remembering what her senpai told her. "It doesn't matter," Tsubasa stopped her, smiling softly. THis left Hibiki confused. "You answered the call we left and came back on your own. You can be proud of that strength of yours." "Tsubasa-san?" "Let's fight together, Tachibana." "Hai!" Zero-One smiled under his helmet as he watched from ground level before looking back at the city. "There's only one group of people who can defeat you! Us!" Zero-One declared, his eyes and the core in his chest beginning to shine, "Shine System! Kidou!" Eight light blue crystals appeared around him, spiraling before circling around his back. Taking a step forward, he dashed off, leaving a trail of blue, yellow, and light blue in his wake.

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