Season 1 - Episode 12

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Season 1 - Episode 12: Symphogear and Kamen Rider


Two beams of fire spiraled against one another, the first coming from the dual power of Vulcan and Chris and the other came from the Particle Cannon Kadingir. But even there, it didn't seem like enough as cracks formed through the barrel of their weapon, rising up before it went through the Shotriser and even through their armor, a spurt of blood escaped both of their mouths. A crack formed in the moon as in the far distance, their bodies cascaded through the sky, tangled with one another as they had used up all that they had. 'They left... Without even saying goodbye...' Miku thought as she watched on in horror at the scene, trying to hold back her tears. Even Genjurrou had trouble staring at the screen. Takuya was a valiant partner, being a stern and hard working soldier in AIMS and Chris... There were so many responsibilities he was left with when her parents passed that now... Now he only hoped she had found the dream that he wanted her to find for herself. "Yukine..." Tsubasa's voice was soft as she saw the last remaining specks of their energy vanish as they hit the ground. Hibiki's voice then echoed through the night air.

Episode 12: Symphogear and Kamen Rider

Finè was pissed. Her plan didn't work as she wanted to, at least initially. The first shot was derailed, but at least two pests were out of the way. "No... We were finally becoming friends..." Hibiki silently weeped as she fell to her knees, "This isn't fair... This can't be happening..." "Takuya-San..." Zero-One muttered, still staring off in the distance. Everyone else was silent, unsure of how they should feel in a moment like this. Hibiki's hands gripped at the dirt under her, her body slightly shaking as she fought her tears, "I wanted to talk with her more... If we can't talk, we can't fight... And we can't become even better friends!" Her heart pounded. "Chris-Chan... You said you had dreams... But you never got to tell me what they were..."

"They killed themselves to stop the Moon strike... What a waste," Finè scoffed. Flashes of red streaked by and quickly, Finè sprung back, dodging a large swing as the ground shook, cracks emitting from the point of impact. Right where she was standing seconds ago, Zero-One hovered over the location, his hand tightened around the Authorize Buster as its head was stuck inches deep in the rocks. Her intention was the anger and power that was drawn upon from Hibiki's unnatural fusion of human and relic, but for a so-called hero of justice to act out in anger, that was surely surprising. Behind Zero-One, Hibiki's body and armor had begun to darken as she began to stand up, her teeth sharp, fits of growls escaping her clenched mouth. "The Gungnir fragments, fused in her, have gone out of control. Soon, her consciousness will be overwhelmed by a power she cannot control," Finè explained.

This came as a recollection as Tsubasa remembered what Finè had said as Ryoko before. "You... You were experimenting on Biki, weren't you?" Zero-One's voice came out before Tsubasa could let the words escape. "Not just her," Finè giggled, "Aren't you curious? To watch her be taken over by Gungnir? To cease being human?" The others looked at Hibiki, shocked at the revelation. Hibiki launched herself at Zero-One and Finè, intending to leap over the former, but the Rider released his hold on the Authorize Buster and jumped into the air himself, twisting so his kick met Hibiki's clawed fist. The resulting impact sent her back as Zero-One landed, staring at her. He shared a similar feeling, the anger towards Finè, the desire to hit her until she couldn't fight back, but... he didn't want Hibiki to become like that, not in a state like this. "Hibiki! Snap out of it!" He shouted at her, slowly standing ready incase she charged again. "She isn't human anymore. She's pure destruction in a human package," Finè taunted.

Hibiki crushed the ground under her when she launched again, this time heading right for Zero-One. The president grabbed the weapon that laid behind him and swung it hard. It didn't feel right to attack her, but in this state, she should take the hit reasonably well. He only hoped it hit hard enough to knock something in place. The girl went flying back once more, this time with her fight skidding across the ground. Hibiki growled before jumping once more, Zero-One gritting his teeth behind his helmet as he came at her, vanishing with multiple predictions appearing around Hibiki. "What's happening to Hibiki? She's not normal!" Miku cried as they continued to watch the fight in the underground bunker. "It's all over... We're finished," Yumi said, her voice shaky and scared as she downcasted her vision, "The school's destroyed, and Hibiki's gone nuts." "That's not it! Hibiki's trying to protect us-" Miku tried to reason, but her friend's scared nature overwhelmed her faith. "That's what protecting us looks like?!" SLAP!

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