Season 1 - Episode 9

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Season 1 - Episode 9: Our Protector's Song


The sound of helicopter blades came from outside, fading as the soft clanking of metal was heard. A slightly younger Tsubasa sat at the side of her bike, working with tools on her bike. She hummed a soft tune as a small smile was graced on her face. Slowly, Kanade leaned over her shoulder, humming the same tune. Tsubasa jumped slightly, looking to her side to see her friend. "Kanade?" Tsubasa spoke, surprised. " You're looking well," Kanade commented, looking at her crouched companion. "I'm off today, so I was gonna take a trip on my bike," Tsubasa explained, which didn't change Kanade's attitude. "You just got them to give you a license. But you know, that's the first time I heard you sing outside of missions," Kanade said, embarrassing Tsubasa. Kanade then flicked Tsubasa on the forehead, snapping her attention back. "I hope you let me hear you hum again," Kanade said, turning away before starting to leave. "Kanade!" Tsubasa quickly said, "People aren't supposed to hear you humming!" Kanade stopped briefly at the entrance, looking back with a smile. "I know that. Bye, then," Kanade said before finally leaving. Tsubasa smiled as the memory slowly faded.

Back in reality, Tsubasa slowly came out of a machine, having been checked to see how she's healed so far. She slowly sat up, keeping the blanket held up to cover her body. She glanced at her hand as the doctors spoke, "Okay, we're done with the check. The damage has completely healed." A smile then graced Tsubasa's lips as she closed her hand, lifting her head up. "I'm back, Kanade," She muttered, speaking to herself.

(Play Synchrogazer Tv-Size by Nana Mizuki)

Synths rolled across the screen as music began to play. As the beat hit, Synths rose up, displaying various characters. First was Tsubasa, Kanade, and Takuya, the next was Miku, Ryouko, and Takiyama, and then Seth, Chris, and Hibiki. It then quickly showed Ryouko raising the volume before revealing Hibiki atop a rock formation at night. As Hibiki sang, wings sprouted from her back and she took flight into the air.

Listen To My Song...

In the night sky, a shooting star flew across the sky, it gave a bright silhouette of Hibiki with wings before another silhouette appeared alongside Hibiki's, this one being Zero-One. It showed Hibiki's face with orange electricity sparking in her eye before revealing the title.

Senki Zesshou Symphogear X Kamen Rider Zero-One

Meteoroid-Falling, Burning, and Disappearing, then...

Boku no koe wa kioete imasu ka? Please tell me...

(Are you hearing my voice? Please tell me...)

It showed Miku in the middle of the field, gazing up at the stars before she reached her hand out, grasping at nothing.

Kotae no nai kyokō no sora mezashi fly far away

(Devoid of answers, I am for the fictional sky and fly far away)

It showed Tsubasa picking up a mic with a picture of her and Kanade. She held it close, closing her eyes for a moment before leaving the room to perform.

Kotoba ja tarinai kara boku no subete uketomete

Because words aren't enough, accept everything about me)

Seigyo dekinai... shitakunai yo

(I can't control myself... and I don't want to)

Hajimete shiru kankaku

(It's the first time I've felt this way)

It then briefly showed the inside of Section Two, revealing Sakuya and Aoi before showing Ryouko, Shinji, Genjuurou, Inei, and Kasai. It then showed Chris as she covered her body and ears, falling into a pit of dismay before she reached out into the light, crying. It then showed Hibiki and Takiyama walking in separate paths to Seth and Miku. Miku then called out to Hibiki, reaching out to her before the four of them were in the Flower with Seth behind the counter. It then showed Hibiki donned in her Symphogear with Takiyama as Zero-One - Rising Hopper behind her. It then flashed between various scenes. The first of which was Durendal, then Finé, Chris as a child before a fire, the silver armor of Nehushtan, the gleaming silver visor of Slipstream, Takuya and Shizuru in the main room of the A.I.M.S base, and then Chris armored in the Nehushtan.

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