Chapter 1: The Beginning

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"Don't go, Sunwoo." Detective L/n put her hand gently on his arm. He took in a sharp breath, a thousand thoughts bouncing between the walls of his mind.

"Come on, I have to do something, don't I?" His bright eyes pleaded, his sleeve slowly falling out of his colleagues grasp.

"What if that 'something' leads to her death? What are you going to do then?"

At a last effort to appeal to Detective Kim's rational side, it was the only thing Y/n had left to do. It was that, or rat him out to the Chief of the station and risk getting penalised for obstructing a perfectly good job.

Detective Kim curled his hand around the doorknob, a last-minute 'psyching' himself up was all he needed before he opened the door.

The wind blew with force against them as they walked out onto the rooftop. Detective Kim put his hand out to the side, as if warning his colleague to not step any further.

He cleared his throat, in case the young woman didn't hear him. Her blue dress ruffled in the wind, exposing the many black bruises on her calves and knees.

"The weather's nice, isn't it?"

The young woman didn't respond. To him, it felt like he wasn't talking to anyone.

"Do you believe in Santa Claus?"

The question was so bizarre that it caused the woman to falter, her head twisting to face the man.

Her eyebrows were furrowed, it was a small gesture, but it was enough to keep Detective Kim motivated.

"I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was eight. I heard a sound at night, so I crept downstairs and I could see my dad putting presents under the tree. That's when I realised Santa couldn't be real." He chuckled nervously. "Well, either that or my dad is Santa Claus, but I didn't even think of that until now...maybe I should call and ask." He laughed.

The woman still looked behind her, intrigued yet confused by the ramblings of the brown-haired detective.

There was a brief silence.

"Do you have a dad?"

The woman looked away for the first time.

"I-I only asked that to find common ground, that's all. Don't you wanna talk to me, maybe even a little?"

"No." She replied, her voice a little raspy, having not spoken for a while.

He sighed, rubbing his neck gently.

"Detective, we should call for a specialist. I don't think we should prolong this any further."

He jogged back to his colleague, almost begging her with his gaze. "Please, give me 5 minutes alone with her. If nothing works, I'll come back."

Y/n huffed. "Can I trust you not to say some dumb shit that'll drive her even more to the brink of death?"

He scoffed. "I hope so."

She sighed. "5 minutes. If nothing happens, come back. If she...if she looks ready to jump, call for me, but do something if you can. Fire services should be here soon."

"Okay. See you in 5 minutes." He saluted playfully. He definitely couldn't match his mood to the situation, but he was skilled enough that Detective L/n felt just about comfortable to leave him alone with her.

Y/n retreated behind the metal door to the rooftop, shivering from the biting cold. It was less windy in the hallway but it was still cold enough to give her chills.


"Look..." he sighed, shuffling a few paces forward whilst the woman wasn't looking. "I'm not going to be all fluffy and warm with you, because I don't think you want that."

The woman grew curious.

"I've also thought about this before. This...whole thing. Yeah. Believe it or not, a lot of people do. It's...definitely not normal, but it happens more often than you think."

The woman looked down at her shoes, her eyes grazing the edge of the roof.

"You, too?" She replied.

Sunwoo nodded. "Yeah. I don't think people are truly human unless they've had bad thoughts about this stuff."

She nodded.

"But it's not right, and you shouldn't do it." He took another step forward, almost being able to touch her dress with an outstretched arm. "Don't you have anything to live for?"

The woman thought for a moment. "My daughter, maybe."

Sunwoo's eyes lit up. "You have a daughter?"

The woman grimaced. "I do, but she's not mine anymore."

"What do you mean?" He took another step.

The woman shed a tear, a surplus amount of emotion suddenly brewing in her body. "I gave her up a few years ago."

Her tears turned into small sobs, and she swiped her tears away with her fingers. Sunwoo grew anxious just watching only one hand attached to the railing behind her.

"I see her sometimes, she doesn't recognise me, and she calls another woman her 'mommy', they look so happy together..."

Sunwoo's fingers brushed against the fabric of the woman's dress. She hadn't yet noticed how close he was.

"She looked at me one time, but I was just another stranger to her. She didn't even see I was her own mother" She sobbed bitterly.

At that point, the woman turned her head. Within split seconds she gasped, her hand slipping off the railing.

"No!" Sunwoo screamed, stretching his arm out to the woman.

His fingers clutched the blue material of her dress, and their eyes locked. They stared at each other for what felt like minutes, as she got further and further away from him. Although his body flung across the railing, he couldn't even touch her anymore.

Sunwoo looked away, squeezing his eyes shut.

He gasped, clutching a hand onto his chest. He could hear the distant screams and shrieks of pedestrians down below.

'Why...' he panted.


A/n: ayyyy. I'm so excited to keep this going. I might update really slowly but I'll try to update like once a day or once every few days. I literally don't know where this is going but this is my first chapter. 😳✌ do you likeeeee? Heh. K bye that was it.

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