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⚠️trigger warning ⚠️
Intrusive thoughts
Start of an Eating disorder
POV 3rd person
"Interesting excuse George." George's dad sneered. George's eyes widened and his body started to tremble. Automatically, George started backing up towards the safety of his room. "Stay still" his dad ordered. George froze, shaking with fear. "You know, you train in order to make it through The Run, but you really don't need to." His dad says. George's scared eyes shift to confusion. His dad continues, "With how fat you are, nobody is going to want you anyway, so why bother training? Look at you, plain brown hair, boring brown eyes, short, fat. Why would anyone want you?"
George felt tears threatening to spill from his plain brown eyes. His dad started advancing towards George in big, threatening strides, a psychopathic smile plastered on his face, his eyes cold. George once again tried to inch away, but fell because of his sprained ankle. Then his eyes widened upon seeing the empty beer bottle in his hand. The last thing George saw before the black took over was his dad smiling coldly, covered in George's blood.

Time skip to the next morning-

George woke up on his bedroom floor, head pounding, ankle throbbing. He gingerly reached up to feel around on his head where the bottle make contact, he winced, bringing his hand back down to his face, seeing it covered in dry blood. Gritting his teeth, he stood up and hobbled over to his bathroom and hopped in the shower. As he let the lukewarm water run down his body, he though back to what his dad said. What he said about George's looks, his body. His dads words started swirling around in his head, bringing tears to his eyes. Your fat. The voices spoke. No I'm not, I'm skinny. Fatty. I'm not a fatty. Ugly, plain hair, boring eyes, short, ugly, ugly, ugly. George sink to the ground, head in his hands, holding back sobs. The voices are right. He thought. Snapping back to reality, he realized that he had been in the shower way to long. He was going to be late for school. "Shit" he said, rushing to get ready for school. After throwing on a black shirt, a grey hoodie with a hood to cover his head injury, and some worn out jeans, he rushed out the door, grabbing an apple on his way out. Suddenly he stopped in the doorway, looking down at the red apple in his hand. Fatty. He slowly put back the apple. He sprinted to his bus stop, barely making it in time. He walked down the bus isle, feeling many pairs of eyes on him. George kept his eyes trained at the ground, eventually sitting down at the back of the bus. Leaning his head against the frosty window, he allowed himself to drift off, to wrapped in his own thoughts to care.

Time skip to the end of the bus ride

George jolted awake, frantically looking around wondering where he was, before he realized that he was on the school bus. Standing up tiredly, George walked off the bus and into his high school. (Let's just pretend that 20 year old are still in high school) He was walking in the hallways when he saw his friends, Karl and Darryl. He smiled tiredly at them, waving slightly. "Hey guys, what's up?" George said, yawning. Darryl looked at him with concern written on his face. "Why are you so tired?" He asked. George tensed up automatically, directing his gaze to the floor. "I just didn't get enough sleep last night." George said. Darryl noticed how George tensed up at the question, and he got the sneaking suspicion that something wasn't right with George. "Ok" Darryl said. "Just try to get more sleep tomorrow." "I will" George responded. Then the bell rung, and the friends went their separate ways to their classes.

Time skip to after school ends because I don't want to write about a boring school day

The day seemed to last a century. It didn't help that George's head was throbbing the entire time. As he sat in the back row of the bus, he realized something. He inwardly groaned. What was he going to do about his ankle when it was time for The Run? It would seriously limit his capabilities. For the duration of the bus ride, George tried to find a solution to his ankle issue, but came up empty handed. Then, he was home. He walked up to his room quietly, thankfully his dad wasn't there. He finished he homework, then crashed on his bed, falling asleep instantly.

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