Okay i restocked my tears and i can cry now

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A/N hey guys, sorry for the delay on the update, I felt like shit from my vaccine, but I'm back in business! To make up for it I am giving you an extra angsty chapter. ANGST

⚠️Trigger warning ⚠️
Flashbacks to abuse
Panic attack

POV George
I woke up feeling like shit. (Can relate) my arm is aching due to the "activities" last night.

I check my phone and it says that its...... 8:30!?! I start freaking out.

GEORGE!" I hear my dad roar my name in fury. I am already trembling and sweating as I get out of bed, rub the sleep from my eyes and walk downstairs. "Yeah?" I say tentatively. "What time is it?" He sneers. I quickly glance over at the microwave clock. "7:45?" I say. He yells at me, "WHY WERE YOU SLEEPING PAST 7:00!" "Well I-" I try to respond but I am cut off by him punching me dead in the face. Tears stream down my face and I'm sure that my nose is broken. But he keeps going. Punching me in the gut, kicking me in the shin. This continued for around 15 minutes until I passed out due to pain. I always woke up before 7:00 after that.


I start panicking, what if he beats me for waking up late? I woke up at 8:30! That's way to late.

I start to cry, shaking and hyperventilating. I am having a panic attack. I can hear my heartbeat in my chest and my palms are sweaty.

POV Dream
I am finishing up the pancakes I made for my Georgie when I hear what sounds like sobs coming from him room.

I quickly turn off the stove and rush upstairs, entering his room at the speed of light. He sees me practically break his door down and he starts crying more, trying to get away from me.

I don't know what triggered his panic but I need to calm him down.

I slowly walk towards him and he starts shaking more aggressively and tries once more to get as far away from me as possible.

I lean down to his level and hug him and he flinches and screams, struggling, trying to get away from me.

I say in as soothing of a tone as possible, "it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you. Whatever happened it's okay. Your fine."

He cowers and covers his head with his hands, preparing to get hit.

I visibly sadden at that. He definitely got abused. I practice breathing exercises with him for a while until he calms down enough do that I can talk to him.

He looks down, obviously embarrassed at his episode. "No need to be embarrassed, it's okay." I say soothingly. "Are you not going to punish me for waking up late?" He says confused.

Then his eyes widen when he realizes hat he said and he tried to shrink away from me again. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I won't do it again I promise." He rambles on, tears starting to fall again, and his breathing is picking up.

"Why would I punish you for waking up late?" I say confused. He peeks out from between his fingers and says, "Last time I woke up after 7:00 am I got- never mind." He finishes hurriedly, eyes widening at what he almost let slip.

I furrow my eyebrows and look at him sternly. "Finish what you were going to say."

He gulps and nods slowly. "Last time I woke up after 7:00 I got-" he takes a deep breath. "I got beat really bad." He finishes in a really small voice.

I wrap my arms around him in a tight yet comfortable hug. He flinches at first but soon melts into the hug, sobbing into my sleeve. "

"Can you tell me who beat you?" I say softly. He sniffles into my sleeve and mumbled something incomprehensible.

I move his face away from my sleeve and say, "Can you repeat that?" "My dad." He says, then immediately buries his face back in my sleeve.

I can feel the anger bubble up in me again. His dad did this to him?! The person that was supposed to love him, teach him how to ride a bike, help him get a job, he did this to him?

I sit there on the floor just hugging him for around half an hour until I remember breakfast. Ik order to avoid startling him I tell him that I am going to get up and go to the kitchen before actually moving. He nods and sniffles again.

I offer him my hand and he takes it. We walk down the stairs together and I remember the pancakes I was cooking.

They are cold and hard. I think I am going to have to make a new batch.

He sees the pancakes and tenses up. "Do you not like pancakes?" I say looking at him.

He starts trembling upon hearing my words. I quickly go to reassure him.

"If you don't that's completely fine you don't have to eat them I can make something else." "I'm not hungry." He says.
I look at him with worry written across my face. "You didn't eat dinner yesterday. How are you not hungry?" I say.

He shrinks behind me, not wanting to have this conversation. "I'm usually not hungry after panic attacks." He says shakily.

I have a feeling that he is not being truthful with me, but I will ask him about that later. For now I will let it go. I sigh and accept it, going to make some more pancakes for myself. What an interesting morning.

A/N guys I have no idea what to write for the next part. I am fresh out of ideas. Can you please help me?
983 words

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