Moving in-or not?

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A/N hey guys sorry for not updating yesterday with Mother's Day and sapnaps shock stream. I was obviously a little busy.

⚠️Trigger warning ⚠️

POV George
"What!" I say angrily. "There is no way in hell that I am going to move in with you!"

He smirks, "Then you have two options. You can either be marked by me and forced to become  my mate or I can leave you here for some other alpha to find and mate because we both know you can't run." He says.

My eyes widen when I hear my options. I have to move in with an alpha, let him mark me, or get marked by a different alpha?!

Those were three awful choices, but it was very obvious which one was the best out of the three.

"Fine." I grumble. "Which one?" He asks, smirking. "You know which one I chose asshole." I grumble.

He rolls his eyes and says, "We need to get you some makeup to draw a mark symbol on your neck so the other alphas can't tell that you are not mated."

"Absolutely not. I am not walking out there pretending I'm marked. I haven't been marked for two years in a row! It would ruin my reputation!" I say. 

"You don't have a choice. It's either we fake a mark or I give you a real one." He responds. "Fine!" I yell. "But I'm not happy about it!"

He smiles and tells me to stay here while he gets berries to make pigment to fake a mark.

My mind races. Am I really going to have to move in with this prick?

You know he probably doesn't want to mark you because he doesn't want you. No one does.

"I know" I say.

No I don't think you know. He doesn't want you.

I tear up at those words. Of course no one wants me. I'm useless, worthless.

I slowly lower my self to the ground, thinking about my next move. It is very apparent that this guy is very protective over me.

No he doesn't want you.

"FUCK OFF!" I yell.

The voice goes silent. This maybe the only chance I will have for a long time to get away from him.

He probably won't leave me alone. I know exactly where to go. I walk over to the cave, the place that caused this whole mess.

No you were the one who caused it you weakling.

The voice is wrong, right? My claustrophobia isn't my fault. I shimmy into the back of the cave once again and try to stay absolutely silent.

After a while I hear him coming back, yelling my name. Then, the yelling becomes more frantic and louder, closer.

My breathing speeds up and I start to tremble.

POV Dream
"George!" I yell happily. "I'm back!" I stroll over to the clearing where I left George in.

I am so exited to be able to bring George home. He won't be my mate at first but that will change. I vow to gain his trust and have him ask to be mated.

After getting no response for a few seconds I yell again, "George?" No response.

I start to panic, what if another alpha found him and doesn't know about his panic attacks or troubled past?

What if they cause him to panic? I start running, expecting the worse. As I make it to the clearing, George is nowhere to be seen.

I'm panicking, thinking about all the possible things that could have happened to him.

Then it hits me- he probably ran away or is hiding. He is petrified of me. He obviously can't run, so I assume he is hiding.

I make a list on my mind of all the possible hiding places.

Tree? No, there is no way he was able to climb a tree.

Pond? No, after what happened there is no way he would hide in water.

That left one more possibility. The cave. He must be in the cave.

Only one issue. I am too big to fit in the cave.

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