The aftermath

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A/N hey bitches I promised you a 3 am sleep deprived special so here you are. It's not really a special it is just the next chapter but what ever.

⚠️Trigger warning ⚠️ 
Panic attack
Flashbacks to verbal abuse/body shaming

POV George
I was exhausted after my panic attack, so after getting as far away from the alpha as I could, I slipped into a restless sleep, filled with nightmares and fear.

I open my eyes but all i could see was black. I heard the voices in my mind, telling me awful awful things. You are fat. "No I'm not.....right?" Ahh. Finally opening your eyes to reality I see. The reality where you are a fat, useless, disgusting child. You should just kill yourself. It's not like anybody would care. "No, Karl and Bad would care, right?" You do realize that they have probably already been mated. You will never see you again, too busy with more important things than pitying a dramatic 20 year old. "They don't pity me, we are friends." Ah yes. Friends. Sure. You know they just pity you. Look at you. Fat, depressed, ugly. Are you sure that they don't just pity you? My lower lip starts to tremble, tears threatening to spill from my eyes. I blink the tears out of my eyes, but then I see my dad in front of me. No, behind me. Wait, to the left? There are multiple of him, surrounding me, chanting things I now know to be true. Fat ugly plain unwanted disgusting useless pitiful. The voices chant, getting louder until the sounds are deafening in my ears. I collapse to the ground head in my lap, hands covering my ears to try to block out the voices. But that is hard to do when the voices are inside me. Unable to hold them back any longer, tears spill from my eyes, rolling down my face and landing in my lap, soaking my pants. I stay there for what seems like forever, huddled in a ball, sobbing, clutching my ears. Next thing I know I am awake. I yawn sleepily, blinking my eyes to try to clear the haze of sleep that flies my vision. Suddenly it all comes back to me. The drowning, the alpha that saved me, being found. I look around and see that the alpha has rested my head on his bundled up hoodie, and he is sleeping, leaning against a nearby tree. I take the opportunity to observe him closer. My eyes widen in disbelief as I recognize his features. He is the head alpha, the same one that was staring at me this morning. He pities you like everyone else. I back up slowly, then, all thoughts of subterfuge and being sneaky fly out the window as I take of into a run, shifting into my wolf form. I hear rustling coming from behind me, and I look over my should to see him looking at me with confusion clearly written on his face. Then, he must if realized what's happening and starts running after me, shifting into his wolf form as well. I pick up the pace, but end up just tripping and falling on a rock. He is catching up on my I realize. I try to scoot away as fast as possible but my efforts are futile. He easily catches up to me, not even breaking a sweat. I whimper, shaking again. I try to shift away from him, accidentally putting weight on my injured paw and yelping loudly. He notices me try to get away again and shifts back to human form, as I do to. I try and crawl away but he pins my arms down before I can. "Why are you scared of me." He says softly. "You remind me of someone. Someone who isn-wasn't nice to me." I say quietly. His brow furrows in concern. "Can you tell me who?" He says. I gulp, not sure how I supposed to answer this. I don't want to tell him that my dad abuses me, but I can't think of a lie on the spot. "Some kid who bullies me in school." I lie through my teeth. He looks at me skeptically, but decides to drop it. I inwardly let out a sigh of relief. I will try and postpone telling anybody that I get abused. That will just confirm their suspicions that I am weak. "I also don't want to be mated, so that's a contributing factor." I say. He looks at me curiously. "Why don't you want to be mated?" He says. I blush in embarrassment, looking away. "Well I just want to have my own life, yah know? Be in control of my own decisions, my own timeline. I also don't want to have pups, at least not right now." I respond. "I am going to be honest with you, I went into this thing wanting you as my mate, but I won't claim you if you don't want me to on one condition." He says seriously. I look up, curious. "What condition?" I respond. "You have to move in with me." "What!!?"

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