Reasons why

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Hey guys sorry for like legit disappearing my dad and his fiancé are getting married so we had to prepare for the wedding. But funny story when we went to get flowers for the wedding I got another succulent. Here it is, his name is Steven. (Leave me alone succulents make my mental health better. At least that is what I tell myself)

Anyways we can move onto the real chapter

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Anyways we can move onto the real chapter.

⚠️Trigger warning ⚠️
Mentions eating disorder
Suicidal thoughts kinda

POV George
I wake up on dream's couch feeling like shit. I am nauseous and disoriented.

I look around, blinking my eyes whilst trying to clear my head.

Then reality hits me like a truck as I remember everything that happened.

He found out about my self harm! I start panicking, what will I do now?

Then I remember that I also collapsed, probably from lack of food. That fact obviously doesn't help with my panic.

I quickly stand up, then immediately fall over from extreme nausea.

Apparently Dream heard the thud coming from the living room and rushed over to me, a look of concern on his face.

I refuse to meet his eyes, instead staring at the ugly pattern on the carpet.

I start zoning out as he talks, and before I know it he is tapping my shoulder and handing me a small plate with some apple on it.

I flinch at the tap on my shoulder, and then I see the apples. I turn my head away, getting even more nauseous at the sight of food.

If I eat it I will have to throw up and I just don't want to do that right now. I don't have the energy.

POV Dream
I tap George's shoulder and try and hand him the plate of apples but he flinches at my hand on his shoulder and turns away at the sight of the apples.

"Please? Just a few bites." I say pleadingly. He continues to stare at the ground, avoiding eye contact with me.

"You need to eat. You are really skinny and you collapsed from lack of food. You could die." I say, trying to get him to face me.

He finally does and we make eye contact. I can see how broken his eyes are, filled with pain and anguish in unmeasurable amounts.

"That's the point." He says bitterly.

Tears stream openly from my eyes upon hearing that. "Why?" I say, heartbroken.

Why would he want to kill himself? Why would he starve himself, harm himself.

"I dunno." He says, looking away again. "You know I really like you." I say in a burst of feeling.

He turns his head sharply and looks at me with calculating eyes. "What?" He says. "I really like you, and I want to help you get better and live a better life. I can tell that you have a rough past but I want to help you grow and recover. I want to help" I say to him, sniffling.

He stands up on shaking legs and faces me, fury clouding his eyes.

"You don't want to help me, you just want to pity me. Well guess want, I DON'T WANT YOUR PITY! You can keep it to yourself and stop lying to me about 'liking me' and wanting to 'help' me. It's all a lie! You just want to take me in your hands, haphazardly put me back together and collect your reward for fixing the broken boy! So leave me the FUCK ALONE!" He yells at me, voice breaking before storming off to his room.

I am left standing there shocked. Is that really what he thinks I'm trying to do here? Pity him? Use him?

I don't know what to do from here. I don't think that I can talk to him but I need to get him to eat. Then I have an idea. I whip out my phone and text Nick.

Hey man, just wanted to check up on you and see if you mating the one you wanted.

Oh hey clay yah thanks for checking in, I actually did mate him! He is really sweet and giggly, I love him already. He also was talking about his friends and I think he is friends with George, the one you mated? Maybe they could meet up and hang out some time.



Perfect! That is actually what I was texting you about. I need to talk to your mate.



Ok! I'll get him on the line one sec. Wanna call?



Yah that would be great. It is really important. So as soon as possible would be nice.



Ok. Talk to you in a sec.



*ring* *ring* *ri-
"Hey nick!" I say, exited to talk to my friend for the first time in a couple of days, even though the occasion isn't that pleasant. "Hey man!" He responds. "So what did you need?" "Do you think your mate could come over to my house" I say hesitantly. He growls, his protective wolf showing through. "Why does my mate have to be at your house?" He says defensively. "You can come to!" I say hurriedly, trying to reassure him. "It's just that I- well" I stutter, unable to put what had just happened into words. "I really need you here man." I say finally, my voice cracking. His voice grows softer upon hearing me and he says, "Sure dude, I'll be there in ten okay?" "Okay." I say weakly.

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