Ok is he gonna fucking move in or not

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A/N hey guys, two chapters right next to each other, wow. I would have made it one chapter, but I wanted to do the funny thing with the titles. Lol

⚠️Trigger Warning ⚠️

POV Dream
I hear a small voice say, "I'm coming out." I smile in victory, knowing know that he has no choice but to move in with me.

I see him slowly crawling out of the cave. I can see that his shirt is wrinkled and tear stained, and his hair is a disaster, but to me he is perfect.

I grab him by the arm and he flinches, stepping away. I sigh and slowly reach for his a, grabbing it gently.

He allows me to lead him over to the rock where I set all my stuff down in a panic.

I have raspberry juice, blackberry juice, and blueberry juice. That is all I need to make a fake puncture wound.

(A/N I have no fucking idea how sfx makeup works, but let's just pretend for a sec.)

He sits down on the rock, and looks at the ground. Whether that is to avoid making eye contact with me or to give me a better access to his neck I don't know, but I have a hunch it is the first one.

I start putting on the colors, blending it together, trying to make it look as real as possible.

After around 15 minutes, it looks pretty good and in certain that George's neck is killing him.

He stands up and walks over to the pond, staring at his reflection in the murky water.

I see his eyes tear up at the sight of the fake mark on his neck, and I walk over to him to comfort him.

I rest my hand on his shoulder but he flinches, so I remove my hand and sigh, running my hands through my hair.

I am starting to think that his head wound and trauma wasn't from some kids bullying him and school.

After wiping away his tears I say, "Are you ready to leave yet?" He slowly nods, not trusting himself to speak.

I offer him my hand, not wanting to startle him again, and he hesitantly takes it.

We are walking back to the entrance of the forest when I stop in my tracks.

I realize that we weren't supposed to shift into human form. I stop him and he looks up at me confused.

I say quietly, "We weren't supposed to shift into human form during The Run."

His eyes widen and we both quickly shift back into wolf form before exiting the woods, George's head hanging low, mine raised proudly.

I hear gasps from the crowd as we walk out, as they all recognize George's wolf. I puff out my chest, looking around.

Both me and George shift back into human form at the same time, and a news reporter rushes over to me and loudly says, "So how did you manage to do it?"

"Excuse me?"

"How did you manage to claim the elusive George? He has been unclaimed for two years in a row now."

"I'm aware. I just went a different direction than everyone else because I figured that if the people looking on the main path hadn't found him yet then he probably wasn't there." I respond, tired of this conversation.

I glance over at my George, and see him obviously holding back tears, shaking.

The obnoxious reporter lady turns her attention to George and says, "so how does it feel to finally be marked?"

I see George's lower lip start to quiver, and I step in before this gets out of hand. "We are both exhausted by the events of today, this conversation is over." I say firmly, towering over the reporter.

Her eyes widen and she squeaks, "yes sir, ok I will leave you alone now."

I hear George let out a breath that I didn't know he was holding, and I lead him over to my car to drive back to my house.

As soon as he gets in the car he bursts into tears, curling up into a ball.

"Woah, okay, it's okay, we are just going home." I say worried. He turns his back to me and continues to silently sob, flinching when I lay a hand on his shoulder.

What is wrong with him? Who did this to him?

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