Lol sorry + chapter

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A/N hey guys sorry for the last chapter lol I can't😂. Real chapter now. We are starting back when they just arrived at the mall. Hehehhehehheh also my mom took away my phone so sorry for the lack of updates.

⚠️Trigger warning ⚠️
Eating disorder
Mentions self harm

POV Dream
"I planned to go to the mall to get you some things for your room. How does that sound?" I say to George. "That's sounds good." "Okay"

After arriving at the mall we wandered around for a while until I found a cool looking store. I told him to follow me into the store then walked in, walking over to the room decor isles.

I glance over at George and see him holding up a little Minecraft potion bottle lamp with a look of absolute glee on his face. I smile, it's nice to see him happy. "Do you like Minecraft?" I ask him. He blushes and nods.

I smile again and go to pick out a bunch of Minecraft related things for him. "What are some more of your interests?" I ask him, curious to know more about him. "I love soccer and Minecraft and I love coding, I actually was going to major in coding but..... you know." He trails off, looking down at his shoes.

My smile fades. I gently lay a hand on his shoulder and lean down so I am at eye level with him. I see tears about to spill from his eyes. "You can and will major in coding. Living with me doesn't change that. I want to to follow your passions and chase your dreams. Okay?"

He looks up surprised. "Really?" "Yes." I see his smile widen and he wipes his tears, and grabs a Minecraft cow plushie. "Can I get this? Please please please please please?" He begs, giving me puppy eyes.

I wheeze and nod, grabbing some more Minecraft plushie and figurines. After checking out George practically skips to the next store, a wide smile on his face, eyes alight with joy. He drags me into a hoodie shop and runs over to one with a smiley face on it.

I sift through the rack and pull out a large. He looks at me in confusion. "I wear a medium in hoodies." He says. "I know. But I think that you would look cute in an oversized hoodie." He blushes and looks down, rubbing the soft fabric between his thumb and pointer finger.

He picks out a few more hoodies before we leave. This continues for around three hours until he finally got all the things he wanted and he was exhausted.

As we were driving back home I look at him in the review mirror and see him fast asleep, buried in his new oversized hoodie. I smile, at peace.


When we arrive at home I wake up george. I feel bad doing it but I can't just leave him in the car. "George honey? We are home." "What?" George says groggily. "Oh ok." He walks inside and collapses on the couch, falling asleep again.

I look at the time and realize that I should probably start making dinner as George didn't eat breakfast or lunch today. I shake him a little and say, "how does chicken for dinner sound?" He looks uncomfortable and keeps fidgeting with the strings of his hoodie as he answers. "Yah um that sou-sounds goo-good." He stutters.

He seems to be really uncomfortable with the idea of food. "Hey George, do you not like the food in cooking? Because you aren't eating and you seem really uncomfortable whenever I mention food. If you dont like my cooking please tell me but you need to eat it's not healthy."

I see him beginning to tear up as he looks at the ground. I need to know of something is going on with George so I grab his wrist in order to make him look at me. "Ow!" He says, eyes widening in pain.

I look at him in surprise and confusion. I didn't even grab him that hard. Then my eyes widen and I say, "Can I see your wrists please?" He starts trembling, shaking his head and mumbling incoherent words.

Something along the lines of "No please no help me I'm sorry." I gently reach out and take his wrist, lifting up the sleeve to reveal lots of small, red scars and inflamed irritated recent cuts.

I look up at George who is looking down in shame, tears in his eyes. "Why?" I says softly. He doesn't answer, he is too busy crying. He tries to run up to his room but he collapses half way there. I run over to him and check his pulse. It is steady but weak. Why did he collapse. I roll up both his sleeves and see more cuts, but I also notice how skinny he is.

He is practically a bag of bones. Has he not been eating? Is that why he collapsed? I have so many questions in my head right now but until he wakes up all I can do is lay him down on the couch and prepare some tea and maybe an apple.
881 words

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