The Run part 2

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A/N sorry about no update yesterday, I was really busy and with me being exposed and all, writing a chapter wasn't really high on my priority list. Anyways, here you go. The actual run. Enjoy.
⚠️trigger warnings⚠️
Flashbacks to abuse
Panic attack

POV George
I continue walking down the street towards the bleachers. That's were all the beta's and alphas who aren't participating in The Run will sit and watch. There also will be drones with cameras on them flying around the forest, broadcasting what happens on the massive screen positioned in front of the bleachers.

I look at the bleachers in disgust. Just one more reminder that omegas are just seen as entertainment. While I'm running in the forest trying to not get caught by a wolf who thinks they are better than me, all the betas will be watching for entertainment.

I mutter some not-so-nice things about this whole situation. I look up at the sky, trying to judge the time based on the position of the sun.

After a bit of looking, I decipher that it must be about 10 minutes until dawn. Until it begins. I limp over to the small building were all the other omegas stay until the run starts and sit down, wincing at the pain in my ankle.

I keep my head down, not wanting to attract any more attention than i already am. Time seems to pass about as fast as a dying slug can run a mile. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing but whatever.

Finally I hear the fanfare of trumpets and drums, signaling the beginning of the run. My heart starts to pounding my chest, beating to the erratic rhythm of my own fear.

I shakily stand, watching as the other omegas get ushered into a line facing the edge of the woods. My legs feel like jelly, and the pounding of my heart blocks out the noise of the cheering crowd behind me.

"5..4..3..2..1!" I hear a voice yell. I take off into the woods, shifting into my wolf form. Normally I would pretend to lag behind in order to sneak off to my secret hiding spot, but today I don't need to pretend.

Because of my ankle, I am substantially slower than the other wolves, and in no time at all am left behind. I starting half limping half trotting towards my hiding place, sniffing around for any animals I could hunt nearby.

It is vital to get food before the alphas are released, because once they are after you, you have no time to do anything but run away, which is even harder to do on an empty stomach.

As I make my way east, my nose picks up the scent of a deer nearby. I veer that direction, my mouth watering at the thought of food. Then I stop in my tracks.

FLASHBACK- "With how fat you are, nobody's going to want you anyway, so why bother training?" My dad says. I blink rapidly, trying to discourage the tears in my eyes from falling. I turn around, feeling sick. "You don't need food. You are fat enough already. If you eat any more you won't be able to walk."The voice says. For once in my life I agree with it.

Trying not to think about my empty stomach I continue towards my destination. All of a sudden I hear a large ringing sound. "Shit" I mutter. That means that the alphas have been released. " I know I have a little bit of time at least.

They won't expect someone to go this far East" I say to myself as I trot. My ankle was starting to ache, and my head hurts. I have to ignore it though. I always have to be paying attention to my surroundings, but even more so now because the alphas are on the hunt, still energized and ready to run.

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