Training, Training, Training

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⚠️Trigger warnings⚠️
POV George
I slowly open my eyes, immediately regretting it as the sun from my window glares directly at me. I start to roll over on my side to go back to sleep, but stop myself. I remember that I have to train today. With a groan, I sit up and stand, stretching my sore shoulders. Still half sleeping, I change into a loose fitting t shirt and sweatpants, brush my teeth and hair, open my door and tiptoe down the stairs, praying that my dad is passed out. I sigh with relief. Luckily, my dad, if you can even call him that, is passed out on the couch with broken and empty beer bottles surrounding him. Being as quiet as possible, I slip out the front door and am greeted with the feeble rays of warmth from the sun. I shiver slightly, but I didn't expect it to be warm. It was 6:30 am on a Sunday in March, it's not going to be warm. It doesn't matter though. The cold won't last long. I jog towards the forest until I can no longer see houses or buildings, then I shift into wolf form. My wolf is a thin, lean, black wolf with brown eyes. I am grateful beyond measure that my wolf is a dark color. I am sure that if my wolf was white, I would have been mated during the first Run I participated in. I start trotting into the forest, speeding up, until I am full on sprinting. My nose twitches, I have picked up a scent. I turn my head to the left and see a whole herd of deer about 50 yards away. Laying low to the ground, I lick my lips in anticipation as I crawl towards the deer. I analyze them for a minute, deciding which one to go for. I eventually decide on the small one at the back of the herd. On the move once again, I slip behind the deer in question, slowly sneaking towards it until I am a mere foot away from it. It seems to sense that something or someone was watching it, but after a minute of looking around, it puts its head down again and continues to nibble at the cold, wet grass. This was my chance. I spring up from behind, closing my powerful jaws around its thin neck, killing it instantly. The rest of the herd, understandably startled, gallop away in fear and surprise. I don't mind them though. I got my own deer to worry about. Normally I wouldn't eat deer raw, but my wolf has no such opinions. Besides, it's not like I have anyway of cooking it. I dig into the deer. It was pretty good. After a while, I stand up again and take off running. I need to train for The Run, I only have five days left. Hopefully I can make it out unmated again this year, but with every year that goes by, I begin to doubt it. Making it out of the forest unscathed in a Run is almost unheard of, but doing it two years in a row? The odds are practically nonexistent that I make it out again, especially because I have attracted a lot of attention, therefore making me a bigger target. On top of that, completing The Run proves that you are fit and healthy, which means that you would make strong and healthy pups. I shake my head in disgust. Alphas see us omegas only as pup bearers and slaves to their every wish. I don't want to have pups. But if I get claimed I might not have a choice. As soon as you get mated, you go through something called a "heat" once a month. It is during an omegas heat that they can conceive pups. Going through a heat without conceiving is said to be torture. All your logic and reason flies straight out the window, and all you want is your mate. I snap out of my trance, looking around. Judging by the sun, it is almost 8:00 am. "Dammit" I mutter. I lost track of time, I was supposed to be home at 7:30. "All I can do is hope my dad is still asleep" I say to myself. I am running back to my house as fast as possible when I trip over a tree root and fall to the ground, twisting my left paw. " God Dammit!" I say. I gingerly stand up, testing my injured paw. I hesitantly put a little weight on it. Bad decision. As soon as I put weight on it, it got ten times worse. Muttering curse words I limp back to my house. Shifting back into human form, I open the door as quietly as possible, I glance at the clock. 8:30. "Shit" I mutter. I limp back up to my room, hoping my dad won't notice me. But I guess I used all my luck up earlier this morning because just as I'm about to open the door to my bedroom, I hear a voice yell "You are late!" I wince slightly at how slurred his words are. He must be really drunk. I slowly turn around, trying not to out any weight on my injured foot. "Sorry dad. I slipped and sprained my foot." I say. Secretly crossing my fingers and praying that he would accept that as an answer.

916 words

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