The end

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A/N this is indeed the end of the book but I will be starting a tommyinnit angst book soon. Thanks for reading and sticking around through all the inconsistencies and angst

I will label the trigger where it is in the story instead of at the beginning like I normally do to avoid spoilers. Enjoy

POV 3rd person

Dream sapnap and Karl were all on the way to the hospital were George should be arriving about now. Dreams mind was racing and his thoughts were clouded. Was this my fault? Should I have checked on him sooner? Will he live? Focusing back on the world around him he realized that he had arrived at the hospital. He threw the doors of his car open and practically sprinted into the hospital. "I'm here for George Davidson?" He says breathlessly. "Room 404" the receptionist said. He ran in the direction she pointed until he made it to room 404. He practically breaks the door down and sees his Georgie sitting upright with a panicked look on his face. Dream races towards him but George flinches and cowers. Dream threw a quick glance over his shoulder and saw Karl with a look of sad understanding on his face. "He hasn't gotten better has he." Karl says sadly. George shakes his head silently whilst letting dream hug him. Karl sighs. Then a nurse comes into the room and says, "We have stabilized George's vitals so he should be all good to go. Just make sure to watch him closely and carefully these next few weeks." Dream lit up at this and, within an hour they were all walking to the car joking together. It was almost to good to be true.

Thats because it is

Dream practically breaks down George's door just to see him looking sickly, lying in his hospital bed with tubes and wires going in and out of him. His breaths were labored and infrequent. Dream rushed to his side and made eye contact with George. His eyes looked so dead. And so did George. Dream grabs George's hand tightly and let's his tears fall freely across his face. "Dream?" A raspy voice said. "Hi George. You are at the hospital." "I know." Dream goes to speak but George cuts him off before he had the chance. "I need to say something. I am dying. I am not an idiot. And I want to say goodbye." He choked out. This only causes Dream to sob even harder. "Don't say that George! You will survive this! You are strung I know you are." Dream begged. His words for more for his own sanity than George's at this point. "No stop that!" George says angrily. "Pretending won't make it easier. Before I go I just want to tell you that I love you dream. I have loved you for a while. You brought out a better side of me, showed me things that I had never had the chance to see before. I am sorry that I have to leave you sooner than you expected. But if anyone got close to fixing me it was you." Dream couldn't see anymore, there were too many tears coming out of his eyes. "I love you to George."


And with that, George flatlined. Nurses and doctors filled the room, things were beeping, people were yelling, but Dream didn't care. He was lost, wandering in the dark of his mind, unable to find what he was looking for. What he had for a breif moment before it was snatched out of his hands for forever. He felt himself letting out strangled cries, he felt sapnap trying to console him, he could here Karl sobbing next to him. But nothing mattered. Nothing except for George. But George was gone.

The broken boy.

Fixed at last.

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