To far gone

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⚠️trigger warning ⚠️
self harm
Self hate

POV George
I was sitting on the floor of the bathroom, fresh cuts littered up and down my arms, face stained with tears. I had just pushed away the only person that had ever shown affection towards me. You are so stupid. I know. You deserved everything that happened to you. I let the voice take over and overwhelm me. You should just end it all. The voice is right. No one would even miss me, I had already pushed away everyone in my life, I ruin everything. I slowly stand up and walk over to the medicine cabinet and spot a container of ibuprofen. I hesitantly grab it and open it. Collapsing on the ground again I stare at the bottle. Do I really want to do this? Leave without a trace? I don't want them to think that it was their fault. I slowly grab my phone from my pocket and tap on Karl's contact. Dialing. "Hello?" "Help me. Please it hurts." "What do you mean George?" "I ruin everything. No one cares." "Nick!" I hear Karl yell. "Nick please we have to leave now!" I pour the pills into my hand, my head is pounding, my body is shaking. "Goodbye Karl. Just know that you never could have helped me. I am to far gone." Then I shove the pills into my mouth and swallow, before smiling and closing my eyes for the last time.

POV Dream
I sit on the couch in shock. I still am trying to prices what just happened. I look at my watch and I see that nick should be here any minute now. As soon as the thought occurs to me I hear someone bust through the door. I turn around to greet nick but instead I see a short brunette that has clear panic in his eyes. "Hello? Can I hel-" before I can finish asking him what the hell he is doing in my house he runs upstairs to George's bedroom and practically breaks the door down. I race upstairs, right behind the mystery man. I am just entering George's room when I hear a strangled sob coming from the bathroom. I enter and see my worst nightmare. George lying motionless on the ground, an empty bottle of painkillers in his right hand and a small smile on his face. I collapse beside him and sob. I frantically check his pulse and it is there but so weak. I weakly pull my phone out of my pocket and dial 911. "911 what's your emergency?" "Hi my mate just c-committed suicide. Please send help he still has a really weak pulse." I say between sobs. I then hang up the phone and look down at my George. The broken boy.

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