ix - gally

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"i'm in a field of dandelions"

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          WHEN LYN AWOKE the next morning, the thoughts of her encounter with minho had almost been pushed aside by those of the horror she'd seen during the night. she'd watched him die.

she didn't know the meaning of the dream, whether she came up with it herself, whether the creators implanted it inside her brain, and it got her choked up.

what if it's a sign? what if he's not alright?

she pushed the thoughts aside as best she could (she'd gotten quite good at that in two days) and pulled herself up to a seated position on the edge of newt's bed.

not looking or smelling very appealing, the clothes she'd been in for the past 48 hours hung loosely on her body, and she wasn't keen on wearing them a third day. she thought she could go digging through the backpack alby had given her for some fresh garments but decided against it when she peered through the small window and saw it was barely dawn. she wasn't sure whether newt was still deep in slumber and didn't want to disturb him considering the kindness he'd shown her the night before.

as if on cue, she heard a gentle knock on the door.

"come in!" she called out as loudly as she could, her morning voice hoarse and scratchy against her throat with every word.

the door creaked open slightly and in waltzed minho. he was most certainly more of a morning person than she was, with flair in his step and with his dark hair perfectly gelled, while her grogginess was shining through her matted locks and barely open eyes.

he smiled at her, though he was missing his usual prevailing charm. "morning shebean."

lyn motioned for him to come closer and sit on the bed. he acted as though he didn't see her invitation, but did take a stride towards her before standing stationary again. his arms were folded and she noticed they were compressing a blue heap of cotton to his chest.

it drove her crazy the way she wanted him so close to her, yet at the same wanted to be a million miles away from the situation they were in. the hopeless, pointless, useless, helpless situation they were in.

"i noticed you haven't changed your clothes since you got here and i didn't know if you brought any up here with you, so i brought you these," he handed her the pile of blue attire and stood back again, before continuing, "there's no shorts or anything because they'd be very big on you. i think these'll be a bit big too, but it's okay. you can always borrow some of newt's things. and by the way, i don't want anything to be awkward between us. newt told me about last night; about how upset you were. i tried to come and check on you but he told me it was best i didn't. honestly i don't think he'd approve of me being here right now, but oh well."

"minho-" lyn began before being interrupted once again.

"no. what happened yesterday shouldn't have happened." he took a deep breath in. "it never can and it never will, lyn, and you need to understand that."

lyn felt as if a dagger had been forced straight through her heart and twisted in the wound. every hope she'd had for her and minho shattered like glass into a million tiny pieces, each one stabbing and scraping against the inside of her chest. it was like acid had been poured all over her insides and slowly, bit by bit, she was losing all control she had of herself.

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