xviii - elation evanesces

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"all of the time"

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WHEN LYN AWOKE, minho had already set off with thomas into the maze, using a device they'd found the previous day (as newt informed her when he unlocked the slammer and let her out).

she felt drowsy and tired after the night before, and wondered how minho could cope having to run around all day in the sweltering heat if he felt even half as tired as she did.

lyn spent most of the morning moping around, not really doing much other than helping frypan in the kitchen. gally made a surprise visit a little after breakfast, and was horrified to find that half his drink stash had gone mysteriously missing — lyn tried desperately to stifle her laugh as unsuspecting gally blamed frypan for the crime.

during lunch, she communicated with minho using their freaky telepathic system, which neither of them still really understood (how or why).

are you okay?

lyn, this is the seventeenth time you've asked me this in the last hour — and it's five past.

sorry, i just worry. so are you okay?

yes, i'm fine.

stay safe.

after the meal of cheese and crackers, one of her favourites, lyn went off to find chuck. however, as she was walking by the homestead, she saw a commotion — the new girl was sat on the roof, throwing rocks, sticks, and whatever else she could find at the boys below. frypan appeared behind her, laughing, and said, "is every other girl like this, lyn? did we just get really lucky with you?"

"slim it, greenie, please!" newt was trying to shout, all the while being pelted with empty cans and attempting to shield himself with a plank of wood.

then gally noticed her, and (attempting to protect his face with just his hands) he called, "lyn! would you climb up and try and talk some sense into her? i don't think she likes us very much."

so she clambered up onto the roof to face the girl, and she had to admit that is was impressive the new girl had managed it with everything she'd carried up to throw back down as defence.

once she clocked that lyn was up there with her, she picked up a menacing-looking machete and pointed it straight at her, warning her not to come any closer.

"woah, don't worry. i'm not here to hurt you. i just want to help, and i'll try and explain as much as i can to you if you want." lyn started, trying to calm the girl down before she decided to brutally murder her in a sweeney todd fashion.

"where am i? what is this place? why can't i remember anything?" she wanted substantial answers — lyn could tell that much.

"don't worry, it's normal. we've all been through it. and your name will come back to you—"

"teresa. my name's teresa."

"i—i'm lyn," she said, edging closer, careful neither to fall of the roof or be stabbed to death by teresa. "do you know thomas? you said his name in your sleep when you got here." she lowered the huge knife when lyn said this.

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