Kara Danvers

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You and Kara have been best friends since you bumped into each other on the way out of the elevator at CATCO 3 years ago. Then a year ago Kara nervously asked you out and you have been dating her ever since. You still don't know that Kara is supergirl and no one knows why she hasn't told you yet.
You are in Karas apartment when she texted you that we needed to talk.
U- hey babe why did you text me we need to talk?
K- there's something that I need to tell you that I've been wanting to tell you for a while but please don't hate me when I tell you this
U- Kara what is it you're scaring me
K- I'm supergirl
You just stand there shocked not knowing what to say. You feel betrayed, lied to, love and hate the same person, you just feel that the one good and simple thing you had in your life (Kara) has made it so complicated and complete lack of security and trust
K- y/n babe please say something
U- I'm going home... don't contact me for a while
K- babe please don't do this
U- I need time you had 3 years to tell me! 3 years! But you decided to make me love and hate the same person. I get that you want to protect me but I've never felt more betrayed and lied to before in my life. It makes me think that you don't trust me, that you don't love me enough for you to tell me—
K- that's not true I love you I trust you please don't go
She's in tears and so are you
U- I need time to process this goodbye Kara
You left Karas loft and she dropped down in tears, you get back to your apartment and you do the same
Karas POV
She calls Alex crying
A- h— Kara what's wrong
K- I told y/n that I'm supergirl and I think she broke up with me
A- I'm coming over right now
K- don't—
Alex hangs up the phone
Alex leaves the DEO and gets to Karas loft and knocks on the door
K- go away Alex you're not coming in
A- Kara please you're my sister you need someone
K- who I need is y/n y/l/n but she hates me damn me for having a human heart
A- you don't mean that Kara, she hasn't broke up with you she said she needs time to process as far as I'm concerned you're not split up. We both know supergirl and y/n didn't get along and we know she has severe trust issues and commitment issues and she let those walls and insecurities down for you, I'm not saying how she reacted is justifiable for the situation but I can see where she is coming from so please let me in you need someone
K- I need y/n so unless you're y/n leave me alone
A- kar—
Alex reluctantly left the door of Karas loft
Alex's POV
As she leaves the loft she calls you
U- Alex?
A- you better fix my sister she is completely broken in her apartment and not coming out
U- leave me alone Alex
You hang up
Your POV
Once you hang up Alex you thew your phone on the sofa and cried into Karas hoodie she left at your place last time she was there
Skip 2 week
You have tried to forgive Kara and you have but you're too scared to tell her cause you're worried she hates you here it's far the opposite. Kara has been a mess, supergirl has been missing for 2 weeks she hasn't gone into CATCO, she just stays in her apartment sulking and crying over you. You on the otherhand kept it on the inside and carried on daily life until one lunch time Alex storms over to your desk angry and worried
A- go see Kara now
U- nice to see you too Alex
A- y/n while you are fine and happy Kara has practically lost the will to live as you are not by her side and in her life anymore. I need my sister so much but everyone knows you both need each other to function properly and to live your lives at the fullest
U- I'm not happy Alex
A- what?
U- I'm so fucking miserable it's too painful to handle, I'm just good at hiding it
A- y/n please I know that she hurt you a lot but you need each other so I don't care if you forgive her or not you—
U- I forgave her like a week ago
A- then why didn't you come to talk to her
U- what an I supposed to say she hates me cause I left
A- she far from hates you, right now she loves and needs you more than anything so please get my sister back
U- alright let's go I need her i know it's only been 2 weeks but I need her I don't think until we have stopped talking to each other I realised how much I need her
A- lets go
You and Alex gets to Karas loft
A- Kara
K- leave Alex you're not getting me out and I'm not letting anyone in
U- not even me
K- y-y/n?
U- it's me love
Kara quickly rushes to the door grabs you takes you inside and locks the door behind you leaving Alex outside
A- well this convocation is over
She leaves and goes back to work
K- I'm so sorry for not telling you it has killed me not having you in my life, I know I should of told you I really wish I told you sooner, I need you more than I never thought so please forgive me
U- Kara—
K- please?
U- Ka—
K- please?
She is on the verge of tears, to stop her worrying you walk up to her and kiss her passionately
K- wha—
U- I forgive you love
K- you d-do?
U- it took some time but I do
She hugs you tightly
K- did you break up with me
U- no never even though it hurt you lying to me for years I could never break up with you you're the love of my life I'd be stupid to give that up I just needed time to process the information
K- so we are still dating?
U- only if you want to
K- of course I do I can't be with anyone else
U- I love you
K- l love you too
You kiss her softly
U- as an kind of peace offering I bought potstickers, pizza and doughnuts and hoping for a movie night?
K- sounds perfect, I've not slept well without you
U- me neither
K- winn and Alex said you looked fine and happy which made me break down more
U- darling I was more of a mess without you than you were without me I am just good at hiding it
K- a little too good
U- taking that as a compliment now let's put on the wizard of oz and eat
K- you're my favourite
U- same for you
You and Kara watch the wizard of oz and other musicals and fell asleep in eachothers arms, it was the most peaceful sleep you both have had for a while

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