Kara Danvers

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Your girlfriend Kara had just told you that she is supergirl her biggest secret but you haven't told her that you are a Salvatore and a tribrid (vampire, witch and werewolf), you want to tell her but even though you know she's an alien she might think you're mentally ill and put you away so you haven't told her. Today Kara is taking you to the DEO to show you around. You walk into the DEO and you are greeted by Alex at the monitors
A- hey y/n I'm glad Kara finally told you
U- me too
A- are you ever gonna tell her whatever you're hiding
U- I will eventually but you all might think I'm crazy
A- we won't
U- believe me with my last name danger and death come with it
A- what?
U- it doesn't concern you when I moved I left all the danger and death behind me
Kara walks up to you
K- hey babe
U- hello love
You kiss her
K- as you've met everyone cause of game nights there's someone else who's been isolated here that I would like you to meet
U- ok who?
You turn around
K- this is mo—
You vamp speed Monel into a wall
U- why did I say that last time I saw you huh?
M- who are you? Get off of me!
U- I told you I'll kill you
M- I don't know who the fuck you are!
He tries to push you off but you're stronger than him
K- Y/N! Get off of him!
U- you killed your sister malakai, almost—
M- I'm not malakai!
U- then how do you look the exact same
Ka- he's right you know, he's not malakai
You loosen your grip on Monel and turn around
U- Great more fucking doppelgängers
K- y/n how did you do that who's he why does he look like Monel
U- stay back love I don't want him to kill you too
Ka- awww you sounded like klaus... how is he by the way oh wait he's dead just like Hayley, Elijah, your brother—
U- NEVER! Talk about my brother again! He died to save mystic falls me, Damon and the rest of us!
Ka- still a touchy subject I see
He laughs
Ka- who should I kill
U- no one kai no one here deserves to die
Ka- that's what you said before and I killed my whole family except the blonde twins and my dear sister, then you said that another time then I killed jossette on her wedding day and put a spell on Bon bon and elena—
U- KAI! Stop this! This isn't right and you know it
Ka- says the one who's murdered hundreds of people over the centuries
U- that was different
Ka- how?
U- i done that before you were even born and my humanity was off
K- your what?! Y/n what's happening!
U- I'll explain later after I kill him
K- we don't kill!
U- you don't Kara I do I've been on this planet for centuries before you were even born
kai uses his magic and throws you across the DEO. You get up and show your hybrid face
Ka- there's the monster!
U- insendia!
You put Kai on fire but he stops it from burning him
Ka- is that all you have got! Where's that woman who found joy in torture... remember what you did to katherine
U- that was different and I didn't do anything to Katherine I loved her more than anything, Katerina was someone I will always love, she was my first everything until I realised she used and manipulated my brothers and she died in my arms the first person who accepted me and loved me after my mother abandoned me and my dad abusing me, you're calling me the sociopath you're the sociopath here not me
Ka- I am! But so are you you can deny it all you want
U- Kai just stand down we both know I'm stronger
Ka- are you?
U- I'm the original tribrid mate of course I am
Ka- I thought you were only a heretic
U- sorry to disappoint I'm not a heretic like you... me and my niece are the only tribrids
Ka- I had a little run in with her earlier in the year
U- what did you do Kai
Ka- made her choose between my niece Joanie—
U- josie... jossette named after your sister... who you killed on her wedding day I might add
Ka- right I made her choose between her and her sister or her boyfriend
U- can we just get to the part where I kill you and I can have a peaceful life
Ka- you can't run away from your problems that's why I'm here
You cast a spell to put him in excruciating pain which gave you just enough time to snap his neck
U- Alex can you get me the medahuman cuffs they might work and I'll be back with some vervain... Kara could you fly me to my place
K- sure
She does and you both come back with vervain
A- what is that
U- it's like his kryptonite
K- what's yours
U- vervain and wolfspain but that won't kill me
K- why both
U- cause I'm three type of mystical creatures and 2/3 is wolf and vampire and those things I mentioned it toxic to me but can't kill me that can only harm me the only thing that can kill me is destroyed apart from one stake but to make sure I died it has to be laced in vervain and wolfspain
K- so what are you
U- I'm a 200 year old tribrid also known as the freak of nature and a cosmic mistake cause it should of never happened, I have 2 brothers Damon and Stefan Salvatore stefan died saving my home and everyone he loved, he died on his wedding day too.
K- why didn't you tell me
U- does cosmic mistake ring a bell I didn't need another person I love think that I'm a mistake and something that shouldn't never been born.
Kara hugs you
K- you're not a mistake, you're perfect please stop saying that you're a mistake you're not
U- I love you
K- I love you too
A- are we just going to ignore the fact that she's 200 years old
U- I have friends over 1000 years old so yeh being 200 isn't that big of a deal and jonn is older than me
A- you have a point, just so that you know we don't kill around here unless we have to
U- I know I can control my hunger even though you're looking like a blood storage unit that I can rip you apart and go on a killing spree
K- you wouldn't do that right
U- not with my humanity on I won't, I steal blood bags from the hospital so I don't have to feed on humans, which reminds me I need to eat before I feed on anyone here so bye
You vamp speed off and you come back a minute later with a blood bag
U- that's better
A- so what can you do
U- I have super healing, super strength which gets stronger the older you are, I can turn into a wolf, I'm an alpha of the pack in national city, I have super speed but only can use it for periods of time, super hearing, I can compel people to do what I want them to do unless they are on vervain, and cause I'm a tribrid I can compel vampires where normal vamps can't do that, I can do spells like I did before, I'm immortal obviously and I think that's about it
W- wow that's a lot and I still can't believe vampires are real
U- so is the devil he was a handful to defeat but he didn't harm me cause Katherine is the queen to hell, sirens are real and she's a real bitch both of them are, hunters are real and can be a pain in the ass but else as brother is one so he doesn't have the urge to kill me or our friends anymore, travellers are real they're gypsies with weird magic, doppelgängers which gets very confusing when you were dating one of them and your brother was dating the other one and there's a lot more
K- how old was Katherine
U- around 500 years old, last time she was human was when her dad made her get rid of her daughter in Bulgaria then found the originals and killer herself so she didn't become a blood bank and sacrifice for klaus... it's very confusing
A- that's a lot to take in
U- so can I go home now or do you want to attempt to lock me up
J- you can go y/n I know you're telling us the truth but we will keep an eye on you in case of your humanity switches off or one of your evil friends come to visit again
U- ok
K- I'll come with you it's been a long day
U- lets go home then my love
Kara flies to your shared apartment and you both fall asleep watching wizard of Oz

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