Sara lance

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You are in love with Sara Lance since before you both even became a Legend but you never told her and it kills you everytime she get into a new relationship and now she is in a new relationship with Ava Sharpe and they are very open that they are in a relationship so after a lot of thinking you have decided that you are going to leave the legends and go to Earth 38 to see your best friend Kara and the super friends and start your new life in National city. You aren't going to tell anyone that youre leaving you're just going to take the jump ship and send it back to the waverider.
U- bye Gideon
G- goodbye miss y/n it's been a pleasure working with you
U- you too Gideon
You head to the jump ship and you hear Sara behind you
S- y/n where are you going
U- I'm leaving
S- w-what? Why? When are you coming back?
U- never
S- why are you leaving
U- I can't be here anymore Sara
Z- hey guys what's going on? Y/n why have you packed your bags
U- I'm leaving and never coming back
Z- what why?
Ray and the rest of the team arrive where you are
R- you're leaving what?
N- when did you decide this?
U- zari you know why I'm leaving
Z- yeh so you finally decided huh?
U- yep
S- wait Zari knew?!
U- I trusted her
S- I'm your best friend and your captain I should've known prior
A- what's going on here
U- I'm leaving
A- why? You're a great asset and friend to the legends
U- look I've put Sara and everyone first my whole life so for once I'm putting myself first and I'm going to be selfish and go back
S- where?
U- somewhere you will never find me
Z- I'm happy for you y/n this is going to do you good
U- I know I hope it does
Z- keep in touch with me?
U- always
You kiss her cheek and hug her
U- bye
S- wait so I don't even get a goodbye
U- Ive said goodbye to the people who needed one mick, Nora and zari
S- I don't deserve a goodbye?? I'm your best friend! You're leaving with no goodbye and no reason we tell each other everything!
U- I'm leaving because of you!
S- w-what??
U- I've already said too much, love you guys
You get into the jump ship
S- no no you're not leaving I forbid you to leave
U- you can't do that Captain
S- captain? You've never called me that? And why not Gideon—
U- I've already told Gideon to ignore your attempts to make me stay she knows it's good for me
Sara now has tears in her eyes
S- we've started this together I want to end it together
U- well you have someone else to complete your endgame you'll be fine you won't see me again so it'll all work out for the best
S- I won't see you again?! We've been through thick and thin and all of a sudden you don't want to see me ever again
U- of course I do it's just going to be easier and better for me if I didn't once I'm gone zari will explain everything to you alone then to the rest without that one detail
Z- yep of course
U- now please leave the ship so I can get back to 2022 and then somewhere else
S- y/n you are all I have left
U- that's not true you have someone else now that has made you happier than I ever could
S- what?
You push her out of the jump ship and fly to the present. With Sara and the legends
S- what the hell is this all about Zari?!
Z- lets go into your room and talk alone this needs to be done in private
S- fine but I want answers
Z- and you will
They go to Sara's room and close the door
S- why did my best friend leave? Why is it because of me? What did I do? Where is she going? Is she safe? Why wouldn't she talk about her thought about leaving the team when she first thought about it? Why did the only person who isn't my family who loved me for me and thought thick and thin just leave without any explanation? Why didn't she call me by my name or one of the annoying nicknames she's given me?
Z- Sara I can answer most of those questions you just need to sit down
Sara sits down
S- well?
Z- she left because of you, it's because of you because she's in love with you she always has been and probably always will be when you got together with Ava that was her breaking point she just wants you to be happy so she's put you first always but this time it broke her not telling you sooner, she didn't tell you because she was scared of your reaction and she knew you'll be the only person who can make her stay, she couldn't give you an explanation because she didn't want to ruin your relationship with Ava which your very openly PDA about, she called you captain and Sara because if she called you what she usually does she couldn't make that distance for the strength to leave.
S- she's in love with me?
Z- ever since the league but you started dating Nyssa, having a lot of hookups and the thing with snart, and now Ava she never had the right time to ever tell you cause every time she was going to you were either in a relationship or hooking up with some skank that you don't care about. Also your happy with Ava now and she doesn't want to ruin that for you as it's the first partner you've been open about more than ever
Sara sat in silence for a long time just in shock and happiness
S- me and Ava broke up a month ago, it was mutual and we still talk a lot cause we care about each other and obviously work, zari you need to tell me where she's going
Z- I can't tell you that and wait you and Ava broke up
S- yes cause she likes someone else and she saw that my heart has always been with y/n cause I'm in love with her
Z- you are?
S- yes I have been since even before the league now tell me where she's gone I know to the present but where cause she said I'll never find her?
Z- I promised not to say
S- zari—
Z- ok ok she's—
G- sorry for the interruption captain but the jump ship has just arrived back with miss y/n on board she said she's forgotten something and not to tell anyone but your recent revelation make me do otherwise
S- she's here?
Z- go get your girl
S- where is she Gideon?
G- her old room captain
Sara leaves her room and goes to your room running, she opens the door and sees you, even though it's been a few hours it felt like years has gone by for her
S- y/n/n
You turn around shocked you see her smiling and staring at you
U- Gideon I thought I said not to notify anyone
G- apologies miss y/n
S- you came back
U- just to get a few things I thought I packed but it seems I didn't and it's important to me so I had to come back
You picked up a photo frame of you and Sara after the league, it's you both eating ice cream at midnight it's a tradition you have both done for years and have continued to do it
U- hopefully zari hasn't told you anything so I'm just going to make a silent exit please don't ask me questions on why I've left
You grab your bag and head to go past Sara out the door but as soon as you took a step towards the door Sara pins you to the wall
S- please don't leave
U- Sara I have to please let go
S- zari told me everything
U- shit you wasn't supposed to see me after she told you
You struggle to get out of her grip but you can't cause you don't want to hurt her
U- please Sara let me leave I can't face your rejection it'll mean I've actually lost you and I don't think my heart can handle that
S- shut up
Sara kisses you, you immediately kiss back, you push yourself off the wall, Sara slowly releasing her grip, you putting your hands on her waist and her hands on your face, you both need air and pull away but lean your foreheads together
U- I-um—
S- me and Ava broke up she knew I've always been in love with you way before I died and way before the league. I've always wanted you, you've never wanted me to change for force me to, your the only person who I can ever think about retiring with and settling down and having a normal life with
U- I don't even know what to say
S- just say yes to be my girlfriend and kiss me
U- that I can do

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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