Lena luthor

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You are an employee at L-CORP and Lena despises you, you don't crumble when she shouts, you take things as a joke, you aren't a push over and it frustrates lena. Kara and everyone in her friendship group thinks that she's in love with you but she always denies it. You know you like your boss but you will never admit it so you do what you do best bury your feelings and pretend that you don't have them. It's what you did when your parents, twin brother, sister in law and niece died, as well as your grandparents. Your humour is a defence mechanism it always has been and always will be. You are on the way to Lena's office to hand in your paperwork from the project your working on, your about to knock on her door but you overhear her convocation
S- just admit it lena
L- I hate her Sam, I hate that she makes everything into a joke, I hate that she doesn't realise I'm her boss and she can't stand up to me and not push over, I'm the employer she's the employee I hate her so don't ever tell me otherwise
S- that's how she copes
You hear what Lena said and you have tears in your eyes you wipe them away
S- we both know—
You knock on the door
L- come in
You open the door and walk in with a straight face
S- hey y/n
She sees that somethings wrong (she's your bestfriend)
S- are you alright
U- I'm fine Sam I always am
L- why are you here miss y/l/n
U- just paperwork and updates from my project I thought you would want to see them and the progress
L- what no sarcy one liner?
U- ...
L- no joke or disobedience at all?
U- no miss Luthor, I have to get back to work
You walk out
L- what's up with her
S- dammit y/n
L- Sam what's up
S- somethings upset her and she's closing off, it took me so long for her to put those down
L- sam what are you talking about
S- do you know why she is like she is? She's like that cause her parents died, her grandparents died, her brother and sister in law died and her niece who absolutely adored her she was like a mini y/n. She has lost everything and not even one person asked if she was ok cause she put up a front so she doesn't have to be burdened by people pity and shitty apologies, only I made sure she was ok, to make sure she was eating, sleeping, all the bare necessities for her to live cause she is so broken inside. She blames herself for everyone dying on her... and she never catches feelings or gets attached to someone cause she thinks they will leave. Why do you think through the whole reign thing she wasn't at work, she knew it was me, she knew how ruby would be affected if she knew, she thought she lost me. So we better find out what hurt her so much cause it will kill her.
L- how am I supposed to know? I hate her and she hates me why should I care
Sam realises
S- you don't hate her and she doesn't hate you, in fact I know that you are both in love with each other
L- W-what that's ridiculous
S- we both know your lying Lena, she heard you saying you hate her and everything she does before she knocked. Against her better judgement she fell for you and I don't need y/n to agree cause I know she won't. You love her just as much as she loves you but when she heard that you hate everything about her she snapped
Lena realises what she has done and how stupid she was
L- oh god why am I so stupid
S- Lena...
L- no Sam it's my fault
S- are you going to do anything about it
L- please leave Sam I have to work
S- just so that you know everything that you told me you hated her for it's some of the many reasons why you love her
Sam walks out

(Time skip)
It's been 2 Months since you've 'changed' you haven't shown up at game nights, or to go to the alien bar, to go for lunch or anything with the group they are all starting to worry about you. You don't talk unless you have to, you have bags under your eyes and tou have got more muscles and obvious strength cause you go to the gym to let out your stress and feelings. Lena knows it's her fault but she won't admit it. Right now you are at the gym and the rest are having game night.
K- so Sam where's y/n tonight
S- probably at the gym as usual
A- she goes to the gym more than I do
W- we miss her do you know when she's gonna join us again
S- probably not for a while
A- why's that
L- cause of something I did
J- what did you do
L- I said something that was the complete opposite then Sam explained something about why she's like she was and she most likely heard what I said and she hasn't been back to her sarcy self since then
K- what did you say
L- nothing that you need to know Kara it's personal
W- she's like a sister to me especially as we have a similar past with a family member
L- all yours are dead?
W- well yes but not like how y/n's died... her aunt and uncle turned phyco and joined my father and they are both in jail cause they killed multiple people and their son and niece
K- what gym is she at Sam
S- l don't know virgin active I think
Kara flies off and a few seconds later she comes back with you over her shoulder
U- Kara what the fuck!
K- we missed you and we needed you to get here somehow
U- I was busy
K- busy isn't sticking your tongue down a girls mouth outside the gym
U- she was hot and gay why wouldn't I?!
K- Lena's both of those why don't you do it with her
U- 1 she's my boss and 2 she hates me
L- y/n I don't h—
U- I'm gonna go I got to think of how to explain why supergirl took me against my will
You walk out the door
S- Lena go after her!
L- why she seems pretty occupied with that gym girl
S- Lena she heard what you said, you need to tell her that was bullshit and you actually love her before she gets into another abusive relationship
All- another?!
S- they are behind bars but that's not the point go get her before it's too late
Lena leaves to find you and sees you are just leaving the apartment complex where Kara is and she catches up with you
L- y/n?
U- yes miss Luthor?
L- please call me Lena like you used to before you changed
U- what can I do for you miss Luthor
L- I know that you heard me talking about you in my office 2 months ago
U- it's fine just nice to know that you hate me and everything about me it's nothing to apologise for a lot of people hate me
L- it was something cause it was completely a lie
U- what?
L- I put up a wall saying that I hate you when it's the complete opposite
U- Lena what are you saying you're not making sense
Lena pulls you in for a kiss
L- I don't hate your sarcy and flirty comments, I love them as well as you not being a push over and everything else I said I don't hate you doing those things it's what I love and admire about you. I hate that you have changed it's not the y/n everyone loves and it's not the y/n I fell in love with
U- I-I- don't know what to say
L- well it's clear that it was a mistake telling you so I'm just gonna g—
You crash your lips together then you pull always both gasping for air
U- who said I didn't feel the same
You smiled, the first smile in 2 months
L- I've missed that smile
U- me too
You kiss her again
L- please go back to the way you were, I hate seeing you like this I love the way you were
U- you love me huh?
L- actually I change my mind
You both laugh
L- I'm kidding I love you just the way you are just don't kiss another girl
U- love you too
She pulls you in for a kiss then you hear Sam say finally and you both pull away
U- oh shush Sam
S- what I've been nagging you both for years to admit your feelings it just took you overhearing Lena saying that she hates you to do it
U- I'm gonna go now before you start saying more stuff about me and Lena bye girls
You start leaving
L- wait for me
U- come on love
You put your hand out for her to take and she takes it
L- want to come to my place darling
U- I would be an arse if I said no
L- then let's go
K- you're welcome!
Kara shouted from a distance and you and Lena go to her modern apartment for the night

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