Cat Grant

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You are Cat Grants long term secret girlfriend of 3 years you are also Kara's eldest cousin. You and kara aren't close but you tell each other about everything...apart from this. You have told cat that Kara is her cousin but she forgets from time to time. She knows of your powers and that you are kryptonian but you haven't told her cause then it will out your brother and cousin

It's early in the morning and you wake up to cat moving
U- morning Cat
C- morning love
U- what time are you going into work today
C- I'm the boss so whenever
U- my cousin will give you cold coffee if you don't get there on time like you usually do
C- who's your cousin
U- Kara it as you like to call her Kiera
C- she's your cousin? She said she had no family left
U- only me and Clark
C- you're related to Clark Kent?!
U- he's my brother my last name is Kent
C- oh yes of course it is I didn't put the dots together
U- you're one of the most observant person on this planet and you didn't put the dots together
C- I know I'm surprised to... so if Clark's your brother he's superman right
U- W-what?!
C- darling I know your (superhero name) I named you like I did with supergirl or Kiera
U- I'm sorry that I didn't tell you you must hate me now
C- no no I don't hate you I know it's cause you were protecting their identities
U- please don't give away there identities it will put you in danger, Kara and Kal in danger and also me then Everyone that we love so please don't
C- I won't their secret is safe with me
U- thanks cat and thanks for not being mad at me
C- it's ok there was a reason why you didn't tell me, to be honest it wasn't hard to figure you were (superhero name) everytime you looked at me was the same way you did
U- I thought I was subtle
C- you were I just realised cause I was in love with you
U- well I'm glad you did and was
C- obviously im still in love with I was thinking
U- now that's never good
C- funny but im serious, anyway I was thinking that we don't have to hide our relationship anymore
U- really? Are you sure I don't want to force you into anything
C- please I'm Cat Grant I am the queen of all media and I shouldn't hide something that is one of the most important things about my life
U- I'm glad that I don't have to hide that I'm in love with you anymore
C- me too
U- now come on we need to go to work
You and cat got ready and went to CATCO
K- y/n hey!
U- hey Kara
K- why were you coming into work in miss grants elevator
U- she said I could use it
K- since when
U- 3 years ago
K- really she never lets anyone in her elevator she chose this building cause it had a private elevator
U- of course she did and I can't blame her some people here need to learn how to shower
K- since when were you so similar to Miss Grant
U- who knows
K- who are you dating
U- what?
K- for years you have said you are dating someone but you never told me who is it
U- you'll find out soon
K- wait what?!
U- when you find out don't freak out by who it is
K- why would I freak out
W- did miss grant just call someone babe?
J- who is it or did she say it by mistake
U-  COMING DARLING! that's my cue before she kills me for being late
K- wait what?!
U- sorry cat needs me
You walk into her office and everyone stares at you
U- kitty you know you shouted babe right
C- I know do you remember our convocation this morning
U- yes but I was mostly gazing at you
C- like usual then
U- don't act like you don't do that
C- I do I just don't admit it
U- I love you
C- I love you too
You kiss her then Kara walks in
K- you're dating my cousin?!
C- yes why do you have a problem with that Kiera
K- no it's just im surprised that's all
U- so you're not mad
K- shocked cause I thought she had a thing for clark but I'm not mad, you're happy and that's all I want for you
U- love you cuz
K- love you too
C- now Kiera get back to work so you can make your date
U+K- date?
C- you and miss Luthor, you have dates all the time?
K- no we go out a lot together but we aren't dating
C- oh well... now how long until my article is done
K- I'll finish it by lunch
C- hurry along then
Kara goes to her desk
U- she's too stupid to realise they are in love with each other
C- I could say the same for you, I guess it runs in the family
U- now with that comment I'm leaving
C-  seriously
U- bye love
C- y/n wait
U- yes gorgeous
C- are we still on for lunch
U- always
You peck her lips
U- I have to get back to work bye love you
C- bye darling love you too
You go back to work

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