Kara Danvers

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You and Kara are in a secret relationship for a few reasons, she's supergirl and she doesn't want to put you in more danger than you already are in, over the years it was just easier and more natural to hide it, Alex doesn't want us together as you're best friends with Maggie who's like a sister to you and Alex doesn't like her since everything but she seems to be ok with you so it confuses you that she hates you for something you're not involved in. you proposed to Kara in kryptonian fashion with a human twist and for her it was perfect as she knows how long it must of took you to learn kryptonian and then propose it was impossible for her to say no, you even asked her mom (Eliza) for permission that kara doesn't know about but Eliza couldn't be happier for you both, that was five months ago now. everything is prepared for the wedding all you and kara had to do now is tell everyone.
A- Kara why is y/n here you know I don't like her
K- I don't care if you don't and I can invite whomever i like snd she isn't even involved with Maggie so can you please just stop hating her, Maggie is like a sister to y/n cause they came from the same background and the same thing happened to them so they stuck together to make sure each other is safe so please stop hating her when she's done nothing wrong
A- fine I'll try
K- thank you
Kara walks over to you and whispers in your ear
K- hey y/n/n
U- hey love
K- so are we gonna tell them
U- yeh if you want
K- we don't have to if you don't want to
U- I don't mind but it will be nice not to hide anymore I mean we are getting married and we do want them there right?
K- yeh, I'm still surprised they haven't seen my ring yet I mean it isn't small
L- hey what are you two whispering at
N- yeh I swear over the last couple or so years you both have been more secretive
U- i think it's you guys
A- no I think they're right
U- I'm gonna go get my beer I left on the counter
You start to walk away to get your beer but then Kara holds the one of your back pockets and pulls you back and you wrap your arms around her neck. You giggle at her action
U- yes love
K- can you heat those hidden potstickers for me please
U- yeh course, and next time please don't almost break my favourite jeans you've done that a lot in the past
K- you weren't complaining at the time
U- I know but that's cause we were— never mind no one needs to hear that convocation, now if you would be so kind and let go I will get the potstickers for you
K- fine but a kiss first
You peck her lips and she lets go
U- happy?
K- very much so but not if you don't get me my potstickers
U- I swear you love potstickers and food more than me
K- maybeee....
She smiles and giggles
K- it's close but you pull out on top
U- good
You kiss Kara and go to get your beer and kara one, you give Kara her beer and look at your friends and they look at you both in shock
U+K- what?
A- are you two a couple?
K- yes
You see that Alex is kind of angry
N- since when?
U- two almost three—
A- months?
K- years
A- years?!
U- and—
Eliza comes through the door and sees you
E- hey girls!
K+A- hey mom
U- hey Mrs Danvers
E- y/n how many times do I have to tell you call me Eliza
U- i know just a habit
E- now Kara let me see it?
All- see what?
E- the ring?! I've been waiting months to see it
A- what ring?
E- they haven't told you?
K- y/n's told you?
E- yeh she asked for my blessing... you didn't know that did you?
U- no she didn't
K- aww y/n that's so sweet
You blush in embarrassment and Kara kisses your cheek
E- so let me see?
Kara puts her hand out and sees her ring
E- y/n it's beautiful it's perfect for Kara
U- I spent a couple months making it and I chose sapphires cause blue is her colour and it is indestructible so she can wear it during her missions
A- you're engaged!
K- yes for five months now
L- wow congrats Kara I saw the ring but I didn't ask
Lena hugs Kara then you
L- you both are perfect for each other
W- so I was right Kara?
K- what?
W- a few years ago when I had a crush on you, you tried to tell me that you were the girl who saved the plane and said oh my god you're a lesbian Kara this is why you're not into me this so so great! And stuff like that
K- I guess you were right Winn
W- well congrats
A- Kara why her?
K- Alex not this again
A- I don't care that your gay so am I but out of every girl why her
K- cause I love her Alex this is why we didn't tell anyone that we were together cause of you hating y/n for no good reason cause she knows Maggie get over yourself!
A- shes just gonna hurt you Kara
K- if anyone in this relationship has ever hurt one or the other it's me I made a mistake 6 months in and hurt her so badly it killed me knowing that I hurt her so bad but I'm so lucky she took me back
A- I-I can't support this I gotta go
E- Alexandra!
A- no mom! Y/n should be the last person Kara should date!
U- I'm not Maggie ok? Alex I get that she broke your heart and it broke you but I didn't do that to you, I'm friends with Maggie cause she has pushed me to become better she stopped me from killing myself so many times cause of how my parents treated me, I did the same for her ok? So even tho she did something shitty to you and what me and Maggie have done to each other we stayed close friends cause without each other we would be dead! I'm not like Maggie Alex me and Kara have talked about what we both want and have compromised about things we disagreed about cause we want to make this work. Can you stop treating me like I'm your ex fiancé cause I'm not. You're breaking your sisters heart that you can't accept that she's finally happy.
A- I can't
K- you need to leave Alex
A- happily
Alex leaves and Kara starts crying and you immediately comfort her
L- umm I think we are going to go, I'll talk to you tomorrow Kara I'm sorry about Alex
The rest apologise for Alex and leave and Kara breaks down and you immediately hug and comfort her
U- shh shh it's ok
You kiss her forehead
E- I'm sorry honey about Alex she had no right to act like she did tonight
K- will she get over it and accept that I'm happy
U- she would be a complete idiot if she didn't come around. Kara she's your sister she will come around just like when she hated you when you were kids ok? It will get better I promise
You kiss her forehead and Kara stops crying slowly
K- are you sure
E- she is and if on your wedding day she doesn't show up I will personally along with jonn force her to come to the wedding cause she should be there
K- I need her
U- I know I know she'll come around love
K- how do you know that
U- I don't Kara but she loves you despite everything she doesn't like about us so she will come around if she has a decent heart like me, you and your mom all know
E- it's getting late, I'm going to the hotel call me Kara if you need anything and y/n make sure she's ok
U- I will mrs Danvers I hate seeing her upset so I'll do anything to help her feel better
E- thank you y/n I'll see you tomorrow
U- bye mrs Danvers
K- bye Eliza thank you for the pie it's the best in the galaxy
E- your welcome
Eliza leaves
U- ok I know that to cheer you up, let's get fluffy pjs on, order potstickers and pizza, watch the wizard of Oz and cuddle on the couch
K- you'll do that? I know you hate musicals
U- but you love them and i love you and you're upset so I'm going to do anything to cheer you up
You kiss her softly
U- now let's get those pjs on and I'll order while you put on the movie
K- ok
She puts a small smile and gets the pjs, you order the food and you both cuddle on the sofa and watch the Wizard of Oz

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