Felicity Smoak

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(Italics- on comms)

You and felicity have been dating for the past two years and you're both hiding something from each other, you are hiding that you are the lost sister of Kara Danvers/Zor-El and she's hiding that she works with the Green Arrow. You aren't a superhero or anything but you train to make sure you're in control of your powers and you help team arrow when they need it but they still don't know who you are apart from Sara Lance as she caught you red handed without a mask and she has kept that secret for you just as she has for felicity. Felicity is on comms for a mission trying to help Oliver and the team, you heard that they are struggling and flew there to help, you land and see that dhark is about to kill Laurel, you super speed and barge him into the wall then you help Laurel up.
L- y/n what are you doing here
U- saving you Laurel
L- how—
U- your eyes and voice it's not hard
F- Laurel why did you say y/n's name why is she there is she hurt
U- why is felicity in your comms
L- how did you—
U- superhearing
F- someone answer me is she safe?!
S- she's fine felicity she just saved Laurel
F- how?
S- you both have a lot of explaining to do
Oliver shoots an arrow at you and you catch it
U- it will take a lot more than that to kill me oliver
O- I'm not Oliver
U- your heart skipped a beat that means you lied... tell felicity that when she comes home we need to talk
You fly away
O- did you know about this
S- yes
O- and tell me why does she have the same powers as Kara and why you havent told us about her
S- not my place to tell
They all head back to felicity and as soon as they come back she gets up
F- Sara did you know about this?
S- yes im the only one who does
F- I've gotta go home me and y/n have a lot to discuss
U- no need to rush I can fly you home now love
O- how did you get in here
U- it's quite easy with the amount of powers I have, like right now I can squish you like a bug before you can even say my name
O- are you threatening me?
U- no just simply explaining, felicity ready to go?
F- yes we have a lot to discuss
You hold felicity and fly to your shared apartment and lock the door
F- that was amazing!! I can't believe you've hid this from me it would of been so cool to fly around with you.
U- I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier but I thought you would think I was crazy cause I didn't think you know about this life and aliens
F- I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about Oliver and the team
U- I guess we both have things to be sorry about
F- I guess so
U- you don't go into the field do you?
F- I go undercover sometimes but I don't fight unless they attack me
U- I don't like the sound of that babe I don't want you to get hurt
F- I know but sometimes it's needed
U- I understand that darling but I don't want you getting hurt
F- I know I know
U- well now that I know call me when your about to go undercover so I can make sure you don't get hurt cause I don't know what will happen if I loose you like I've lost everyone else I love
F- like your family and planet?
U- how? I never told you—
F- I may know your sister
U- what?? You know Kara?
F- yes you were originally from earth 38 when you escaped you must of jumped earths and landed here
U- so you know where my sister is?
F- yes
U- s-she's alive
F- so is your cousin
U- Kal is alive too??
F- yeah
U- oh my rao
F- we can go central city tomorrow and Barry and the team at star labs can help us take a trip to see her
U- y-you mean I can see her again?
Your eyes start tearing up
F- yeah babe you can see your sister again
U- my family is alive, oh rao
You're crying and smiling as widely as possible
U- I have family left
F- yeah...You ok?
U- yeah it's just so overwhelming
F- I can only imagine
U- I wish I told you sooner now
F- me too so you don't have to go through the pain that you are going through, I can never even understand the pain of loosing your whole planet including your family
U- I also lost my girlfriend, she tried to get into my pod but my parents hit the launch button before she got in I saw her and my parents explode while I tried to reprogram my pod to get to her but I couldn't and I saw her and my whole planet explode
F- y/n... I'm so sorry
You start crying more
U- it's ok, I don't know why I'm crying so much I don't cry
Felicity hugs you
F- it's ok it's ok, let it out, I'm here, I'm not going anywhere
Felicity holds you tight and you both fall asleep on the sofa. The next day you fly to central city and you go see your family on earth 38 with felicity and it was an emotional couple days and you couldn't be happier seeing your family after all this time

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