Lena Luthor

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You have been Lena's sugar baby for a year now, you were a struggling law student but with Lena's payments you didn't have to worry about the bills for the school or your apartment. It was nothing sexual, but you fell for her, the only reason she decided to get a sugar baby is to get a woman she likes jealous, Kara Danvers, you didn't mind at first until the more dates you went on you fell more and more in love with her. Lena is being more distant recently but she is still paying you. She texted you this morning that she is coming round to talk. Since that text you've been stressing all day. It's now the evening and you've been waiting for Lena to arrive, you want to tell her how you feel but you're going to wait until she says her piece cause that's what you've been worried about all day. It's now 9:37 pm and you here a knock on a door, you open it and you see lena
U- hey come in
L- hey
Lena walks in
U- so what do you want to talk to me about
L- I want to stop our arrangement, Kara finally admitted her feelings towards me, here's your last check that should cover the rest of your education and your apartment for a year
Your heart shatters hearing that you will never see the woman you're in love with
U- t-thank you
L- I'd still like to be friends, the more time we spent together I have grown quite fond spending time with you
U- sorry miss Luthor I'd rather not keep in contact with you if that's ok, if your ending this arrangement I'd like to stop the thing entirely
L- miss Luthor? You never call me that, you haven't called me that since the day we met? I thought we were friends after all this time I thought...
U- I'd rather cut contact 100% ma'am I believe it'll be easier for the both of us that way
L- no no I don't want to loose you!
U- well you should of thought of that before you made me fall in love with you!
L- w-what?
U- get out
L- no no y/n please let's talk about this
U- get out miss Luthor I can't—I can't do this leave get out and never contact me again
L- no! You're in love with me?
U- it's hard not to but get out before I break down I can't deal with this, go to your dream woman miss Luthor you've been waiting years to be with her so don't be near the girl who was stupid enough to fall for the woman who paid her to fake be with her so here's your purse, clothes you let me borrow, here's the bracelet you gave me for our fake one year anniversary, here's all the little gifts
You hand her the box
U- I can't have anything to remind me of you, cause of my stupid heart. Here's my favourite hoodie you like to wear cause it can't be my favourite hoodie anymore cause all it'll remind me of you now take this and get out
L- y/n/n no please let's talk about this
U- sorry miss Luthor I can't take this and leave and forget everything about me and this year we shared it'll be better for both of us, you can date Kara and I'll move on win win so... p-please leave miss Luthor
Lena tries to take you hand but you flinch away and move backwards, that breaks her heart cause over the year she has developed feelings for you but when Kara finally admitted her feelings she repressed the feelings towards you cause she just thought you never feel the same and the only reason she done this is for Kara to be jealous but now the feelings remaining for Kara have disappeared when you told her your feelings.
L- y/n please let me expla—
U- there's nothing to explain you don't love me you love Kara so go be with Kara so take your things and go and kiss who you want to she's your dream girl you have been wanting for a while
Lena takes the stuff you gave her and walk to leave the apartment
U- bye miss Luthor
Lena leaves the apartment with the box. You sit on the sofa crying your eyes out, then a few minutes later you here a knock on your door, you wipe your tears still crying, you open the door and you see Lena crying in the rain
L- you said that I have to go and kiss who I want to kiss and that's what I'm going to do
U- then why are you—
Lena grabs your waist and pulls you in for a kiss, your so shocked you almost forgot to kiss back but you did and it's all you've been wanting for a year
U- I thought you were into Kara
L- i was for a long time but then I met you and everything changed, when I put the stuff in my car I called her and explained everything she was a little upset but she understood and we are still bestfriends and she said follow your heart as I never done it before so that's what I'm doing
She kisses you again
L- I love you I have had feelings for you for about a year I've been in love with you for 6 months and I want to be in love with you for the rest of our life, so please don't hate me please don't send me to my car please let me stay I love you...please
U- I have loved you for ages Lee
L- I've missed you calling me that I hate you calling me that, I don't want you calling me that until it has mrs in front of it
U- and I can't wait for that day lena
L- me neither
You kiss her softly
U- now come in properly, if you would like to stay the night that is?
L- I'd love to let me get the box and I'll be right back
She gets the box and goes back to your apartment, you cuddle and talk all night. Two years later you are getting married and Kara was Lena's maid of honour.

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