Iris west/ caitlin snow

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You are dating iris west and have been for the last year however since her best friend Barry Allen woke up from a coma she's been ignoring you and comparing you to Barry. It's now midnight and iris finally comes to the "movie night" you planned but it started at 6 it's hours too late. You packed up all the candles and set up you did to make the date special and you just watched the movies angry and upset. You hear the doorbell at midnight and you open it and see your girlfriend.
I- sorry I'm a tad late babe I was with Barry he took me to the movies and he wanted dinner twice I don't know what's with him
U- what are you doing here iris?
I- date night?
U- it's midnight iris you were supposed to be here 6 hours ago you missed it again
I- I'm sorry since Barry went into that coma—
U- I get that you missed you best friend iris i do believe me I miss mine everyday but I don't neglect and forget my girlfriend and the dates we plan
I- I'm sorry but I'm here now
U- I'm stupid
I- what?
U- I'm stupid to believe that you could ever love me
I- I do love you y/n
U- no you don't cause I'll never be enough for you, cause I'm not him iris I'll never will be today was just the tip of the iceburg it proves everything, I'm so stupid to fall in love you when I knew your heart belonged to him and the future I pictured with you will never happen cause you don't love me. Now here's the box of all your things and all the gifts you gave me now please leave and never contact me again
Iris is now crying
I- I love you please
U- goodbye iris
You basically push her out the door and she keeps knocking on your door
I- babe please i love you I want to marry you I want a future with you please open up I'm sorry
You ignore her and pack a bag in your room and about 20 minutes later you open the door and you see Barry with iris
U- what are you doing here Allen?
B- look y/n you have no right to break up with her she's the most amazing and beautiful person and just cause she missed one date night you break up with her is ridiculous
U- multiple date nights, multiple leaving half way cause you want her, multiple times I don't hear from her for days I could go on for ages so no I'm not getting back with her and never will also while we are at it Barry confess your feelings to her cause we all know you love her the same way I loved her.
B- what?
U- don't try to deny it
I- loved?
U- yes loved im moving on for the better and cause of these past few months you've made it easier to do so
I- where are you going
U- to the person who has loved me for me since we met, don't contact me again, I'll collect my stuff eventually
You lock your door and leave to Caitlin's. She comforted you and over the next few months you moved in together as friends, she helped sell your place and over the few months after that you started dating and you couldn't be happier you feel like you've found the love of your life.
Skip 3 years
Your fiancé Caitlin and team flash are struggling to capture zoom, you have powers no one knows about apart from caitlin. Iris and the rest of the team haven't heard from you since your break up with iris, it's like you went off the face of the earth they couldn't find you. Iris is still in love with you and tries to ask caitlin every day to find you which she always says she can't find you. Team Flash is in ruins, they have no clue how to beat zoom they are loosing any Hope there is to beat him.
B- we need to find a way we have tried everything, I called Kara but she's dealing with her boyfriends race taking over national city and her earth so she's a no go and everyone else won't be able to beat him and will most likely will end up dead
Ci- we know Barry but I don't know if there is any
C- I might know someone who can help but I don't think she will want to
B- can you ask her at least she's our only Hope
Caitlin takes out her phone and calls you
C- hey babe
U- hey my love what's wrong you ok?
C- yeah just a bit tired, you ok?
U- just finished work so I'm tired also, so what's this nice surprise call about?
C- once I tell you you may think otherwise
U- what is it?
C- we need your help, you're our last option I know you said you will never want to return because of them but please we all will loose central city and our lives if you don't
U- you're my fiancé I'll do anything for you I know I still am hurt by what happened but I'm so much more happy with you so I'll come, I'll be there in a second love you
C- love you too
Caitlin ends the phone call
C- she's coming over soon
I- since when were you dating someone
Ci- and for how long, you said I love you to them you have to be dating a while to be that committed
C- I'm Engaged to the most amazing and beautiful woman I have ever met
you fly into Star labs
U- well thank you my love it was a great intro for me
All- y/n??!
C- hey babe
Caitlin walks over and kisses you
U- hey so what's the problem cause the sooner we get this done the sooner we can go home, plan the wedding and have some us time
You kiss her again
I- y/n?
U- West
Iris goes to hugs you and you move out the way
U- don't touch me
I- you're Caitlin's fiancé
U- yeah and?
I- Caitlin I've asked you every day for years to find her and she was living with you and you are dating?!
U- don't shout at her I asked her too and I'm not your girlfriend you don't need to know where I am you lost the right to know when you shattered my heart over those months, now let's see, his top speed is this correct yes?
B- y-yes
U- well I can go faster so next time he shows up give me that injection thing I know you have and I'll cuff him and drain his powers
Ci- why didn't you bring her in weeks ago
C- cause I thought we was on top of it and I was protecting my fiancé cause of the shit them two pulled and broke her heart.
Beeps from the computer go off
C- zooms spotted
U- ok be a few minutes
You fly and chase zoom for a while and your behind him to make him think that you're not fast enough until your a few blocks from star labs where you speed up cuff him and drain his powers
Z- who are you
U- you don't need to know but never try to hit on my future wife again or you'll won't see the next day in your cell
You get him back to star labs
U- your welcome, Caitlin here is going to take a few weeks off and spend it with me don't contact her she won't answer unless the whole world no actually the whole multiverse is in danger ok? Good
You pick Caitlin up
I- wait!
U- what
I- can I talk to you
U- fine two minutes
C- are you sure?
U- I'll be ok but just be ready for me to just pick you up and fly home
C- will do
You kiss her softly and walk into the hallway with iris, Caitlin watches from the camera
U- what do you want?
I- you
U- what?
I- I want you back in still so in love with you I can't live without you please you said you will love me forever
U- no I won't get back with you cause I'm marrying the best person and my soulmate who I should of realised sooner cause I wasted my time with you, my love for you back then was for only a set number of days so you're not invited to the wedding I don't want to speak to you and if you bad mouth, hit, abuse or hurt my soon to be wife in any way I'll will do a lot worse than kill you
You leave her standing in the hallway, you take Caitlin home and you have the best few weeks together

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